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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Today's Survey Question 4-25-12

Do you believe God answers prayers?


  1. It all depends on what you are asking for Joe.

  2. i used to until obama was elected

  3. First you actually have to believe there is a God before he will answer anything.

  4. no.

    just listen to the country song, "unanswered prayers".
    in my opinion, any christian that believes he does is being hypocritical usually. they claim they pray and that God will hear their prayers. yet, if they go unanswered its because God had another plan.
    again, in my opinion, He either already has his plans, or He doesnt.

  5. Yes, absolutely!!

  6. Honestly not sure but I still pray just in case.

  7. Kinda makes me want to get on my knees.

  8. Of course he answers prayers , it says so in the bible.

  9. Yes he may not answer all prayers but he has answered a few of mine.I believe!!

  10. everyday he answers my prayers

  11. what God? i just read an update on a blog i've been following for a few months about a little boy who is not quite 2 who took his last breath this morning. He had cancer. people from around the world prayed for him. Where was your God for Brennan and his family? What a sick, twisted, heartless God you have that would put any family through something like that.

    I was raised to believe in God. Sunday school, vacation bible school, and all that horse crap that goes along with it. I developed my own views as a young adult and the older I get the more I believe there is no God.

    Too many people do too many horrible things in the name of God. Just look at Westboro Baptist Church. There's not a fiber in their being that thinks what they do is wrong. IF there was a God, I can't imagine He would condone their behavior. Yet they believe with all their heart & soul that they are doing God's work.

    I think its great that people believe so strongly in something. But i think its quite sad that people are so closed minded to the fact that other people may believe something different. There will never be religious freedom because there will never be religious equality. Everyone always thinks they are right. Someone's gotta be wrong...

    sorry for the rant.

  12. Which God?
    Zeus? Hercules? Venus?
    All myth, like Allah, god, jesus and all idolatry.
    Darwin loves me!
    Worship earth, friends and family.
    Treat people like you would expect to be treated.
    That brings happiness.

  13. No and he doesn't talk to people either. Politicians that say that are lying.

  14. Yes, I believe God does answer all prayers, however, sometimes the answer is NO~~!

  15. Religious wars are just people arguing over who has the best imaginary friend. So my answer is no.

  16. If a person knows the Lord as his/her Savior, yes the Lord does answer their prayers. It may not always be the answer we want but He answers, sometimes with a yes, sometimes with a no, and sometimes with at a later time. I am thankful every day of His watch and care for me through the good times and the bad. His way is always perfect,even when we don't understand. Glory to HIS name!!

  17. Yes! I go back to a statement made to a group one time. If you were asked to say you do not believe in God then you can live as a gun is pointed at your head but if you deny God then I will let you live! I would be the first one to be greeted by my heavenly Father!

  18. dittos to 12:37
    to 11:54, my heart goes out to you. "seek Him with your whole heart and you will find Him". bad things do happen to good people, innocent children and yes even those that believe with their whole heart. this doesn't mean God is mean, evil and heartless. it simply means we live in a "fallen world" and these things simply happen. we don't have all the answers, but this i know, Jesus shed His Blood for the forgiveness of my sins and yours. He rose from the dead and now sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty interceding for believers who have placed their trust in Him. He is eventually going to return for those who believe and are looking for His return. don't be deceived by the "father of lies". this is what satan wants. call on Him while He may be found. there will be a time in your life where you can no longer do this. choose you this day who you will serve.

  19. Amen 12:37 & 12:39.... I don't attend church as I should but I still believe that God will work it out because all things are possible.

  20. Yes I believe GOD answers all prayers, not necessarily in our time but GOD'S time, meaning it might be be slower than we want

  21. No Some people on here are victims of some serious brain washing.

  22. 12:59, do you realize how crazy you sound

  23. Depends on what you think GOD is. I base my prayer on the focused energy the act puts out into the universe. I DON'T believe there is a singular almighty being deciding who he will assist and who he will not.

  24. 12:37-Truth is,humans never ever fully understand why god does what he does.We are'nt supposed to.I never pray for any specific thing.I just ask god that his will be done,because he always knows what is best.I've come to the conclusion that we rarely do.Whatever happens in response to prayer is always the right thing.It may take us a while to figure it out,but god is always right.

  25. Of course He does! I see it every day. Those who cannot see it do not beleive. It's that simple.

  26. the wisdom of God is foolishness to the unbeliever.

  27. 1154
    i agree. if there were a god he would "flood the earth' again to get rid of all the evil and bad that is on this earth and take my children home so they wouldnt have to see and endure it. the bible is just a book about how we should live our lives and i try my best to be a good person but most of us know god is just grown ups imaginary friend

  28. Yes, and in November our biggest prayer will be answered when Obama is FIRED.

  29. Yes, according to His will. The Holy Spirit reveals the truth to those who truly believe and are spiritually reborn. He will reveal Himself one day to the world. But by then, it will be too late for the naysayers.

  30. Sure
    and hold your breath whilst waiting and the rest of us that do for ourselves can have you out of the way

  31. If you define "God" as all knowing & all powerful, and that he has a devine plan... then the very idea that a prayer can alter this plan in ANY way shape or form is impossible, and no amount of "feeling it in your heart" can make this square circle make any sense. Prayer is useless. It makes people who are in fact doing "nothing" about something think that they are doing "something" by praying. I advise you stop this silliness, and actually DO something to fix your situation.

  32. Yes I do, but God does what he feels is best for you. That may not be what you ask for, or want for you. What is happening today is all in the book of Revelations, the end times are coming about. Those who do not believe in God will have such an awaking, life here is like a blink of an eye compared to eternity in heaven or hell. It is your personal choice. I hope you make the right one. Pray God does answer your prayer of forgiveness.

  33. Nope , because if he did i would already be with my father in heaven.... i have prayed so hard.


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