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Friday, April 27, 2012

Obama Cracks Down On Marijuana Dispensaries

President Obama is defending his decision to crack down on marijuana dispensaries that are legally operating in states that approved medicinal marijuana. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone – President Obama explained that he “can’t ignore completely a federal law that’s on the books” and, thus, has given the Justice Department authority to crack down large-scale producers of marijuana. The President did say his administration has not prosecuted a single-user of marijuana for medicinal purposes. But what the President doesn’t seem to understand is that sick Americans who depend on marijuana for medicinal purposes can’t have access to the medicine if the Justice Department is raiding suppliers. In just his first three years in office – President Obama has conducted nearly as many marijuana raids as George W. Bush. It’s time for the President to listen to the majority of Americans who now support marijuana legalization – and end Richard Nixon’s failed drug war.


  1. the drug companies, tobacco and alchol companies don't want the public to spend their money on marijuana. They want your money! it's that simple. And they will continue to hold the politicians feet to the fire to make sure it is never legalized. The public be damned!

  2. So he can't ignore a law on the books? Let's start with immigration, political campaigning, budgets, etc. etc. etc....

  3. This is not the change I had in mind.

  4. What about the marijuana pharmacies in DC.

  5. Hahahahaha, I hope all you dopeheads go to jail! Learn to obey the law and deal with it! A**wipes


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