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Friday, April 27, 2012

The Donald Isn’t Making Any Friends In Scotland

This week – Donald Trump appeared before the Scottish Parliament to rail against plans to build wind turbines off the coast that could interfere with the view from Trump’s new billion- dollar golf resort. Trump warned the wind turbines will lead to Scotland “going broke” – though he offered no evidence to how embracing alternative energy would lead to such financial ruin. But considering that Trump himself has filed for bankruptcy four different times in the past – I guess he’s sort of an expert in “going broke.”


  1. It will lead to them going broke because wind power doesn't work and is very expensive to build and maintain, and eventually will be very expensive to dismantle.

  2. There is a new wind tunnel technology that looks promising.It appears to take much less space and can generate electricity in areas with less wind because it actually concentrates the existing wind into a smaller area.For instance,a mere 50 acres of wind tunnels would generate the equivalent of 200 acres of wind turbines.


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