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Friday, April 27, 2012

Meanest Couple Ever Takes Foul Ball From Crying Child

WASHINGTON - Emily Post may not have spelled out the etiquette for catching a foul ball, but most would agree she wouldn't have advised an adult couple steal it from a child.
That's not exactly what happened on Wednesday night at The Ballpark in Arlington, Texas, but it's pretty close.

Rangers' first baseman Mitch Moreland tossed a foul ball into the stadium, where an adult couple and the toddler sitting next to them both reached for it. The adult couple grabbed the ball, then spent the next several minutes smiling and taking pictures with it while the child sitting next to them sobbed.



  1. You have to know this part of the story has been rebuffed and amended by now! The parents have interviewed extensively on the subject and probably made enough in appearance fee's to pay the kids college tuition.
    Catch up.

  2. even the headline is a lie. The kid cried after he didnt get the ball so why would a mean couple take the ball from a crying child. got to love the media.....

  3. 7:19 PM

    what the heck are you talking about? and why should we care?

  4. so we need to make sure the kid gets everything he wants? or he throws a tantrum and cries! think maybe the kid will be a future occupyier and future obama supporter? typical NY bs!

  5. typical NY bs!

    April 28, 2012 6:49 AM

    What is typical about this? And why is it centralized in NY? A kid getting a baseball in his visit to a stadium versus an adult getting same baseball is getting everything he wants? How?

    What's more troubling is the two 'adults' keeping the baseball after seeing how upset the little boy became.

    They were selfish and self-centered. And even flaunting it in front of the little boy and millions of viewers.

    You want to judge the little boy as being what, whiny, spoiled, ...I give up. What was the little boy doing wrong again?

    Oh yeah, being a little boy.

    What did the 'adults' do that was wrong? Nothing? They somehow were more entitled to the baseball than the boy?

    The couple should be ashamed of themselves...and anyone who defends them as well.

    Maybe they work in banks or on wall street, that might explain their greediness.

    How do you explain yours?

  6. The couple had no idea the brat was crying about the ball until much later... Probably the little thing hadn't stopped crying the whole game. To give a sniveling brat that which he holds no more claim over than you simply because he cries the loudest is simply ridiculous. Life is tough, you don't always get the ball unless you catch it yourself... Go catch your own ball people!

  7. Just rude and mean comments on here. Obviously one person didn't even watch the video. So little compassion for a little boy. SMH.

    How you judge others is the same way you will be judged.

    Shame on you heartless people.


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