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Friday, April 27, 2012

Government: Soldier Not Allowed to Defend Self

A government lawyer has told an appeals court that a police officer pointing a gun at a suspect would have no right to self-defense if attacked.

The shocker came in arguments before the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, the CAAF, during a hearing for 1st Lt. Michael Behenna, who was convicted of murder after shooting a known terrorist in Iraq who attempted to grab his weapon during an interrogation.

Vicki Behenna, an assistant district attorney and Michael’s mother, said it was evident during the hearing this week the judges were very knowledgeable about the case.



  1. gain control of your weapon, center mass, then head shot. Holster weapon, go on with life. No problem.

  2. why not go for head shot first? might have vest on. and save ammo

  3. "The government lawyer hesitated for several seconds and then said, “Yes, your honor. When a police officer does something unlawful like that, they lose the right to self-defense.”"

    But, with a known terrorist during an interrogation by a 1st Lt. in a war zone?

    what 6:02 said.

  4. what 6:02 said.

    April 28, 2012 9:42 AM

    There is no 6:02


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