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Friday, April 27, 2012

H.L. Mencken Was Right

“I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant.” - H.L. Mencken

H.L. Mencken was a renowned newspaper columnist for the Baltimore Sun from 1906 until 1948. His biting sarcasm seems to fit perfectly in today’s world. His acerbic satirical writings on government, democracy, politicians and the ignorant masses are as true today as they were then. I believe the reason his words hit home is because he was writing during the last Unraveling and Crisis periods in America. The similarities cannot be denied. There are no journalists of his stature working in the mainstream media today. His acerbic wit is nowhere to be found among the lightweight shills that parrot their corporate masters’ propaganda on a daily basis and unquestioningly report the fabrications spewed by our government. Mencken’s skepticism of all institutions is an unknown quality in the vapid world of present day journalism.

The Roaring Twenties of decadence, financial crisis caused by loose Fed monetary policies, stock market crash, Depression, colossal government redistribution of wealth, and ultimately a World War, all occurred during his prime writing years. I know people want to believe that the world only progresses, but they are wrong. The cycles of history reveal that people do not change, just the circumstances change. How Americans react to the undulations of history depends upon their age and generational position. We are currently in a Crisis period when practical, truth telling realists like Mencken are most useful and necessary.



  1. Mencken had a pre-printed letter he sent to everyone who wrote him complaining about his work. It read as follows: I'm sitting here today in the smallest room in my house (guess what room that is) with your letter of criticism before me. Soon it will be behind me. Sincerely, H.L. Mencken

  2. 12:15, love it.

    i believe ALL journalists should have to take a serious, un-revised course in history (american and world). they are so naive, ignorant and deceived. this is why we don't get great reporting like in the past. it's really a shame because unless our citizens have this education under their belt, they too will be led astray to believe the lies.


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