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Friday, April 27, 2012

Hearing Today Focusing on Zimmerman's Sealed Files

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - George Zimmerman's attorney says he'll disclose more than $200,000 raised by a website created for his legal defense.
Friday's hearing was initially scheduled to deal with several media organizations, including The Associated Press, asking the judge to unseal documents from Zimmerman's court file.
Mark O'Mara said on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 Thursday night that he learned about the money on Wednesday and will inform a judge at Friday's hearing.



  1. This incident has made a martyr out of Travon. He has now surpassed Martin Luther King.
    Would you believe that a person with this type of back ground could have an effect like this?
    Thanks to the media and the support of the black panthers. (obama loves them)
    I don't know if this shooting was justified or not , I do know the African Americans and the MSM think it was unjust before they have any facts.

  2. That's why we think they're ignorant.

  3. I heard on CBS news today that because Mr. Zimmerman didn't disclose this information about his donated money. That it has a affect on his credibility.Give me a freakin break. How credible is the MSM by showing a picture of a 12 year old Treyvon.As opposed to a more current one. How deceiving is that?

  4. it was just determined a couple of days ago that Zimmerman has black ancestors.Afro Peruvian to be exact.


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