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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Was Boy in K.C. Fire Attack a Victim of His School's Racist Teaching?

The boy raised his hand, eager to answer the question. "What would you know about it?" exclaimed the teacher dismissively. "You're not our race."

This was not dialogue from a Hollywood movie. According to a woman named Melissa Coon, it was what a teacher at East High School in Kansas City told her 13-year-old son, Allen, when he attempted to answer a question during Black History Month. Coon identifies that teacher as Mrs. Karla Dorsey, who is black; Allen is white.

As has already been reported, Allen was a victim of a vicious racial attack last week in which two older black teens doused him with gasoline and set him alight, saying, "This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy." Not surprisingly, Coon has pulled her son out of East High and, concerned about further racial violence, intends to leave the K.C. area.

While this crime is making headlines, Coon states that it was merely the horrible culmination of continual racial harassment her son had to endure at East High. Moreover, after conducting an investigation that included extensive interviews with parents and students, I've learned that Coon's son is not alone. Other white students also report a pattern of racial harassment at the high school at the hands of their peers -- and, shockingly, their teachers.


  1. I don't remember obammie or sharpton raising hell over this!!

    That's right!! Wrong color!

  2. And where is Obama on this one? Perhaps the two black boys that set the other kid on fire might look like Obama's son. I've been around a mess of years and never seen as much racial hatred as I see now. It's everywhere, in grocery stores, civic and social clubs, in sporting events, in the schools, and even in the courtrooms. Why has so much changed in 3 years.

  3. Where is the reverend???

  4. Oh yeh , it's a commin people ,
    target= black!

  5. To answer 12:14's question-the "reverend" is down in Florida stirring the pot over the poor little innocent thug who was shot by the neighborhood watchman.

  6. What a rotten system!

  7. Go on youtube and look for black on white crime and see all of the horrific stories the media ignores!

  8. 5:51 why would you call the boy in Florida a thug. Because he was black. Looks like YOU are a racist part of the problem. Racism is taught we are not born that way and every family that teaches hate for another is just perpetuating a problem that shouldn't exist. Yes people of every race black white asian and hispanic and middle eastern can be racist but I believe we white folks top that list by a long shot we just hate anyone that doesn't fit our idea of a person. Sounds a little like mini hitlers to me. Why can't people look beyond the physical and realize people are people and except one another. It would be a far better world.

  9. woman named Melissa Coon.....come on now the media can make up better names then that.


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