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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Opinion 'Hunger Games' Shoots Arrows at Big Government, Big Media, Hits Bullseye

The new movie “Hunger Games” seems destined to be a big hit. Yes, “Games” is a challenging story--a dystopian future in which an oppressive government forces young people into gladiator-type battles-to-the-death--but it’s getting good buzz and good reviews. One critic described “Games” as “like ‘American Idol’ with a body count.”

So c’mon folks! Head down to the ‘plex, buy your ticket, plunk down another $10 for soda and popcorn, and watch good-looking actors and actresses exchange longing glances as they kill each other.

Yet everyone should know one thing: “Games” is not just another slasher/horror scream flick--but rather a furious critique of our political system, in which the central government grows rich from the toil of the masses, even as that same political elite finds entertainment in the contrived and manipulated death of its subjects.


  1. wonder if this will feed into the upcoming summer riots in the city streets.

    i continue to pray for our nation. there is to be a day of pray, fasting and repentance for our country on May 17th. believers please mark you calendars. God will hear a repentant heart.

  2. It is very disturbing to know that there is an author who actually came up with this trilogy of books, and the movie. Sad and disgusting. This is truly "man's inhumanity to man."

  3. So, why weren't their riots in the streets when Sephen King wrote the first version of this book, called "The Running Man?"

  4. just got back from the cineplex and let me tell you 2 lg soada and 2 sm saoda with 2 popcorns was $40.00 what plex is the author talking about where youu can still get a soad and popcorn for $10 Bucks

  5. I wonder if the people watching the movie this weekend will recognize that they live in the Capital...

    Probably not!


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