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Sunday, March 25, 2012

US Could Bring Hate Charge in Fla. Teen Shooting

The U.S. Justice Department could bring a hate crime charge against the shooter in the killing of black Florida teenager Trayvon Martin if there is sufficient evidence the slaying was motivated by racial bias and not simply a fight that spiraled out of control, legal experts and former prosecutors say.

So far, only one such clue has surfaced publicly against 28-year-old George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who fatally shot the 17-year-old Martin on Feb. 26 in the central Florida town of Sanford. On one of his 911 calls to police that night, Zimmerman muttered something under his breath that some listeners say sounds like a racial slur. Zimmerman's father is white, and his mother is Hispanic.

"It sounds pretty obvious to me," said Donald Tibbs, a Drexel University law professor who has closely studied race, civil rights and criminal procedure. "If that was a racial epithet that preceded the attack on Trayvon Martin, we definitely have a hate crime."



  1. I am so sick of seeing and hearing the phrase 'hate crime'. You can't legislate away an emotion, no matter how anti-pc you make it.

    There used to be a time when if you didn't act right your parents would thump you upside your head. And your neighbors would too. Then they would tell your parents and you would get it again. Same for when in school.

    These kids grew up and decided that was too harsh and said we will abolish this barbaric practice. And they did.

    Their little darlings run up and down the block, in schools, stores, restaurants, wherever, doing whatever they feel, with no consequences.

    Heck, they can now even get their PARENTS arrested if and when they are corrected.

    So now, instead of a little corporal punishment, hurt feelings and some embarrassment they get killed.

    Nice replacement to the woodshed don't ya think?

  2. One white guy does something against a black kid and the whole country screams.we have hardly heard about the kid in Kansas city soaked in gas and lit by three black kids.or the hundreds if white people killed by black thugs robbing and drugging.these valck panther and blacks in general that scream racist has been played out for twenty years now.the stats speaj for themselves.....and as for your keep a black man down attitude. Your president American or not is black.look what he has done with our country.

  3. It is such a tragedy that this young boy was killed and my prayers go out to the family.Hopefully they way the media is inflaming this does'nt lead to more people getting hurt or killed.

  4. Self defense is a hate crime?

  5. He is accountable for his actions his mistake....Neighborhood watch is that, watch.They are suppose to report to authorities.Not take the law in their own hands.What neighborhood watch group lets the volunteer carry a gun?
    This guy was a one man self appointed BULLY on a mission.
    As far as claiming self defense it will have to be proven there was a threat to his life. Claiming doesnt count or qualify as such.I can claim I'm Santa.

  6. 3:49 Amen to your statement. Problem is most parents do not give a crap and expects the government to raise their children. And, at the rate this Country is going, it will be just like Hitler raised the children in the 1940's. Obama wants all the children as property of the State.

  7. There's not a lot of doubt that we have only a one race minority these days. So much for the "great unifier". Everyone avoids the fact that Zimmerman is a Latino that was attacked and bloodied by a 17 yr old that looked like Obama's son (if he had one). Latinos should remember just how quickly they have been tossed under the bus when they vote next.

  8. The dude is hispanic, not white. He hasn't been arrested because all the evidence shows that there was a struggle and it was self defense.


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