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Sunday, March 25, 2012

MILLER: Obamacare’s Hefty Tax Bill

President Obama promised to make health care more affordable, but instead he’s done the opposite. The White House and congressional Democrats slipped 20 new taxes into the Obamacare legislation to raise $500 billion to help pay for the new entitlement’s $2.6 trillion cost. It’s now up to the Supreme Court to provide relief.

Mr. Obama claims to want to raise taxes only on “millionaires and billionaires,” but his signature health care law hits the middle class hard. Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) analyzed the 2,700-page bill and came up with a comprehensive list of its levies.

“Obama promised no taxes of any kind for those who earn less than $250,000. Obamacare broke that pledge repeatedly,” ATR President Grover Norquist told The Washington Times. “They deliberately hid the taxes and wisely understood that delaying the pain by making the effective date after the election, maybe you could get through the election.”



  1. Cheese, people, I made it a point to read the bill before it was passed (I know, NOT PC) and tried to tell everybody, but the pelosi browbeating of sleepless lawmakers won out in the end... they just wanted it "overwith".
    One of the most shameful happenings in our country ever.

    Repeal is the only answer now.

  2. If it passes why work?

  3. You can always tell when Obama is lying because
    his lips are moving.


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