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Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Calls Sen. Inhofe A ‘Prostitute’ And A ‘Call Girl’ …Where Is The Media Outrage?

Despite the cries or righteous indignation from the left over what they called “sexist” remarks about Sandra Fluke, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is clearly one person who doesn’t mind doling out a disparaging, sexist comment or two. In a note sent via Twitter, John F. Kennedy’s nephew called Sen. James Inhofe (R-Ok.) a “prostitute” and a “call girl”:

The Senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council and co-host of the nationally syndicated weekly talk radio show Ring of Fire, though it is doubtful members of the left will call for his resignation from radio.



  1. the left always gets a pass because they are mentally ill and challenged.

  2. Context, people. It isn't that hard! Calling a man a call girl obviously is not literal, but of course the distinction is way over your head. Rush meant it the way he said it. There was no allegory to be had. Yes, allegory - look it up.


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