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Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Parade In Germany, The World Is laughing!!!

These floats were part of the annual Carnival Parade in Germany watched by an estimated 3 million people in 3 German cities including Dusseldorf....


  1. Spot on, German s are smart people. If hitler was arou d right now, we would all be speaking German.

  2. I have lived overseas.
    There are very few places in this world where American's are admired or respected.
    Generally the rest of the world loathes us.

  3. why don't you go move to germany then?

  4. this is what happens when the masses want the government (b.o.) to take care of them.

    i too have traveled world wide, but i've never seen the mistrust, disrespect and loathing the way i seen it today. we were loved for many, many years. this president and administration has just about destroyed what we had here.

    it's actually embarrasing and disheartening to see what continues to go on here.

    our president is illegitimate and seemingly no one cares. what does that tell you? it tells me volumes. don't you realize the rest of the world knows he's illegitimate? well they do and they can't understand why we as citizens don't rise up and demand answers.

  5. I'm not so sure about that 6:37. I was born overseas and lived all over Europe until 18 years of age. Lines are out the doors of just about any American Consulate for people applying for Visas to the US.

  6. It's pretty well known that we are the laughing stock of the world (and rightfully so I'm sad to say).

  7. Surprise, the Germans are racists! /sarcasm

  8. If your statements are true 6:37 then how come it is considered a symbol of status for a foreigner to say they have been US educated?
    This is true not only on the University level, but also high school. US boarding school residents include many International students.

  9. Erloser means something akin to saviour.
    This is an older float. I believe it was in reponse to the US Travel Tax Obama implemented for those European planning travel to the US. This tax upset the European Union quite a bit.

  10. 7:16 Then what does it say about you that you still live here. Go move to another country where you won't be part of the "self imposed" laughing stock.

  11. We helped rebuild Germany and this is the thanks we get.

  12. I find some of the comments interesting here. I have been traveling for the last 26 years of my life and the last four years have been the only time that being an American has not been met with distrust or jokes about our ignorance. As for being in bed with China .. the trade deficit is just now beginning to revers from long before Obama took office, and coincidentally Bush was the one who started asking China for money. As for my travels - they have been throughout Europe (UK, Ireland , France, Spain, Switzerland etc)


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