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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Michigan Woman Who Won $1 Million In Lottery Stays On Food Stamps

It's not unheard of for recent Michigan lottery winners to consider themselves so hard up that they subsist on food stamps. Following last year's revelation that a Michigan man who won $2 million in the state lottery remained on welfare, now there are reports that a woman who snagged $1 million in winnings is doing the same.

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  1. It's states fault. Their stupid enough to keep sending the food stamps.

  2. She's selfish and that is merely what it boils down to...she received assistance when she needed it and she should have paid it forward to someone else who was in need when she received her sudden wealth...who's to say that someone else in a poor financial way didn't get turned down because someone like her was receiving assistance when she clearly didn't need it...she should have paid it forward!!! How would the state of known of her wealth right away? It could have taken them years to find out she had that much money on their own...I bet she didn't pay taxes other than the ones the lottery took out on that money either..its so easy to lie on your taxes, for a lack of audits being done...she should be ashamed instead of boasting about the fact she was still receiving the assistance on the local channels in Michigan..I know I would of been more than ashamed of myself!

  3. typical liberal entitlement that they keep denying.

  4. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. If the system allows for this kind of abuse, stupid is as stupid does!


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