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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Delegate Smigiel Asking State Police to Explain Why Citizens Are Denied Concealed Carry In Maryland


  1. Answer: "Because we do not want citizens carrying concealed weapons."

  2. 12:14 thats fine, then allow open carry legaly:)

  3. Thank you Delegate Smigiel For looking ouy for the good people of Maryland.

  4. It should not be up to the state police to decide who can carry a gun.... there should be a separate authority for that.... the state police have way too much power as it is now

  5. It's because all these tax raising/rights stealing democrats fear for their lives. Then once they have control of the guns they can have complete control of you. You dunces.

  6. Thank you Delegate Smigiel for holding for holding their communist feet to the fire.
    I honestly dont understand why these LEO's arent charged with failure to uphold the law, the most important laws, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

  7. Because State police have nothing to do with the constitution and the bill of rights. Sorry, but I don't have time to explain federalism to you eastern nore imbeciles. Smigiel is a moron, and he is part of the government despite whether he trusts it or not. But no worry, that fat slob will drop dead from a heart attack any day now.

  8. since the state police have nothing to do with the constitution or bill of rights sounds like they are in violation of both

  9. Tyler, everyone knows about Federalism. And now what everyone also knows is that you are a moron and so are your imbecile parents who raised such a hate filed child!

  10. Tyler the 2nd amendment is clear. According to Federalism it's only when something isn't specifically mentioned in the Constitution then it's fair game.
    You are DEAD WRONG about Federalism beliefs, so thank God you don't have time to explain them.

  11. What in hell the do Federalists and Federalism have to do with this debate? The party is barely in existance anymore.

  12. "Tyler said...
    Because State police have nothing to do with the constitution and the bill of rights"

    Tyler you can sure say that again!!

    I mean look what just happened in Princess Anne. A guy is sitting in a car, cops pullup and he leaves-no mention of anyone observing an illegal activity. Cops take it upon them selves to initiate a chase-for no reason other than the guy pulls away.
    You are so right Tyler-the state police have NOTHING TO DO WITH those documents. It appeares as though they don't even know they exist.
    On another note-I would love to know how many of their (MSP) criminal guilty cases have been overturned in the higher courts.

  13. the law says you have to justify the carry.(have a reason). Recently a judge ruled that law unconstitutional since the "right to bear" doesn't specify that you need a reason and is sufficient...


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