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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Iraqi Woman Beaten to Death in California, Hate Crime Suspected

A woman from Iraq who was found beaten, lying in a pool of blood in her in El Cajon, Calif., home next to a note saying “go back to your country,” has died and police are investigating her death as a possible a hate crime.

Shaima Alawadi’s 17-year-old daughter found her unconscious on the dining room floor of her home Wednesday. She was taken to the hospital and put on life support, but she was taken off life around 3 p.m. Saturday.

“Our understanding is that she was beaten and she was hit with some kind of a tool about 8 times in the head. She was knocked on the floor and was found in a pool of blood,” said Hanif Mohebi, the director of the San Diego chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Alawadi was a 32-year-old mother of five children, ranging in age from eight to 17.

“A week ago they left a letter saying this is our country not yours you terrorist, and so my mom ignored that thinking it was just kids playing a prank,” Alawadi’s daughter, Fatima Al Himidi, told ABC News affiliate KGTV. “But the day they hit her, they left another note again, and it said the same thing.”



  1. I bet it was her kids and then they tried to make it look like a hate crime. Mark my word!

  2. I'm with you 8:48. There is more to this story than meets the eye. It is a set-up.

  3. 8:48, you are SICK!

  4. another white racist!

  5. Sure does sound contrieved. Note conveniently left nearby.
    Odd that the killer left her for dead if this were a planned crime and only brought (or used an object in the home) something to hit her with.

  6. Anonymous said...

    8:48, you are SICK!

    March 25, 2012 10:35 PM

    Know he is not SICK!! You are for breathing all those noxious gases all these years. Get your head out of your but and breathe some fresh air for a change.

  7. Anonymous said...

    another white racist!

    March 26, 2012 5:10 AM

    The only racist is you and your type!!

  8. Great to see the high-quaility, adult, intellectual debate that this place fosters. Yeah Delmarva!

  9. Too many are ready to jump to conclusions with no facts or basis to back up their arguement. Add that to not being willing to listen to an opposing opinion with an open mind or being able to articulate their views in a respectful manner and you wonder why nothing gets accomplished in this country any more. A woman, a mother is dead-her daughter found her... and this is the best discussion you can come up with? Sad, very sad.


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