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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Group Offers $10,000 For US Black Teen's Killer

A black political group offered a $10,000 reward Saturday for the killer of an African-American teenager, amid a nationwide uproar which has prompted a rethink of America's race issues.

The New Black Panther Party displayed a wanted poster on its website with a picture of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin, 17, last month.

"WANTED!!! For the murder of Trayvon Martin... ALIVE, not dead or harmed," the poster read.

Several dozen supporters of the group known by its acronym NBPP -- unrelated to the revolutionary Black Panther Party active in the 1960s-1980s -- meanwhile protested for the third time this week at the police headquarters in Sanford, Florida.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," leader Mikhail Muhammad told the Orlando Sentinel. "We don't hate anyone, we hate injustice."

Activists had called for the mobilization of 5,000 black men to capture Zimmerman. And Muhammad said the NBPP was receiving donations from black entertainers and athletes, with a goal to collect $1 million by next week.



  1. These black panther anamals need to be indicted for solicitation to commit murder.
    But unfortunatly, Holder won't lift a finger.
    Thanks Obummer!

  2. "Sanford police told AFP they were ignoring the NBPP's call to capture Zimmerman, a white Hispanic."

    OK what the hell is a white Hispanic? Now the liberal media is conveniently making this Hispanic guy white because it sells papers. His name might sound white, but he is obviously a hispanic.

  3. I say hey punk panthers come to the Eastern shore one time.

  4. So the NBPP wants to mobilize 5000 black men. That is known as inciting a riot. Where is Obama speaking out on this one? If I called for the mobilization of 10,000 white men, I'd be arrested in a heart beat. The President of the United States needs to put a stop to this now! Or, maybe he wants a race war so he can invoke Marshall Law so there will be no election this year. Think about it.

  5. But the white kid who was burned alive goes unnoticed..

  6. Bunch of damn animals.

  7. It sounds bad but we don't have all the facts yet.
    What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty. Just saying.

  8. You are right 7:40. A race war and martial law are exactly what king hussien and his criminal regime want. They have been stoking the racial fires for a long time now just for that reason.

  9. This so funny , the white lions will win in the near furture ,beware panthers , a bullseye on your forehead.

  10. all about the money , they don't give a crap about that boy , by the way , they have been showing pictures of this 17 year old , but the pictures were taken of him when he was 13. Wonder why?

  11. How can all these people march every day for this guy, don't any of them have jobs???

  12. Pack mentality. Brother Jesse and brother Slick Al rush to give their speeches of bigotry, always promoting racism, but mostly promoting themselves. As soon as they're finish speaking, they go back to the safety of their big homes, their wealth built on the backs of promoting racism to unsuspecting blacks. Big business for two near do well radical racists, always pretending to be a Martin Luther King pacifist. They stoke the fires and the masses respond.

  13. 1) white hispanic - just like obama is a white african american. anything to look like white on black violence.

    2) notice they want to raise 1 million dollars and plan for only 10,000 to go towards the reward?

    3) gotta love the way the liberal media is pushing this. a civil war is brewing.

  14. This morning on CNN, Jessie Jackson was asked to comment on the actions of the NBPP, with the bounty and mobilization of 5000 black men. He heard the question and changed the subject.He does more to hurt black Americans. He will never understand that we all are Americans. Jackson is the biggest racist there ever was.


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