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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State Of The Union Address

GOD: Thy shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.

OBAMA: Fairness dictates that you should demand more of your neighbor’s earnings.

Which one will you honor?


  1. Uh, this is a no brainer, I'll honor God

  2. Did he really say that last night. OMG.

  3. This is so true......Obama is all for giving away everything those of us who have worked hard for over the years! He has gotta go!

  4. Who's coveting? We just want them to pay their fair share.

  5. @ 6:78 Then a flat tax will achieve that right?

  6. A flat tax is what is needed.

  7. A flat tax will ensure everyone pays their fair share. How about closing those tax accecd

  8. Oh please you boys talk like your rich and have power. Nobody is coming after your humble property and meager savings.

  9. There is not a single person on here that is considered the 1%. I would imagine that almost everyone would be middle to high middle class.
    Why is it okay to raise taxes on middle class but it is wrong to ask the top 1% to pay their fair share. They pay a lower percent of taxes than we do. Its not right. Do you think they care if gas goes up 15 cents? No. They still have millions in the bank!

  10. A flat tax wold kill the middle class.

  11. Oh please you boys talk like your rich and have power. Nobody is coming after your humble property and meager savings.

    January 25, 2012 8:16 PM

    Newsflash: some around here are rich and have some power. Obviously not you or the circles you travel in but nevertheless there are some on the shore.

  12. So how much of his income/investments has he given to the American people????
    Stupid is at Stupid speaks!!

  13. So many of you who claim Obama is the evil socialist are the same one's sucking the budget dry by drawing medicade/medicare, looking to draw SS in the coming years, and continually supporting a defense budget that was squandered in Iraq and continues to often pay for weapons the military says they don't even want. Then you have the nerve to scream about the relatively microscopic amount of dollars dished out for food stamps to the working poor and unemployed. LOL

  14. 7:28 Obama is a socialist. He promotes a socialist agenda. Bush also pushed a socialist agenda. Sucking the budget dry by drawing medicare and SS? Really? When we were forced to pay into it our whole lives? ridiculous statement on it's face.

    The war in Iraq was a mistake. The annointed one had two years with a democrat controlled senate and congress to get out of the middle east - but he refused. Can't you see that these decisions aren't made by Obama but by the wealthy elite? You are a danger to our society. You are the type of person who keeps the people divided on ideological lines while the government runs away with the money earned by Americans on behalf of the wealthy elite. We are literally like plants that yield fruit. That fruit is money. The money is being harvested by the wealthy elite who are the farmers. The government is the farm implement.

  15. Flat tax is interesting, but it will be a tough thing to achieve. You will have to find a way to beat down the lobbists from the CPA's and tax attorneys. In addition, don't forget the Federal workforce employed by the IRS, etc. Also, there is still a problem with the economic class structure...try telling the lower half that it is fair for them to pay 15% (which greatly impacts their quality of life), and for the top half to pay the same 15% (which would cause them to grin from ear to ear).

  16. I want to ask the people here who say they want the rich to pay their fair share . . . what exactly is their fair share? How much do you want them to Pay? They already carry most of the tax burden now. The US government has no authority to decide who gets what and how much. This is America, stop trying to demonize success.
    And please people get off the kick about the rich only paying 15%. Educate yourself on the difference between capital gains rates and income tax rates. Maybe then you will stop being led around by the media like sheep to slaughter.

  17. Considering you cant honor an imaginary being, Obama wins by default

  18. 9:14
    I think everyone is well aware of the tax code structure, our point is that it needs to be changed. Income is income, just tax that, and forget all the loophole double talk. That is what has all the "normal working class" pissed off. We are part of the 49-52% paying for the others who will not work, plus we have to pay a higher tax rate on our "total income" that the ultra rich. Screwed from both ends.

  19. Anon 9:14 - No income is not income . . . capital gains rates are lower to encourage investment and risk. Without the investment and potential for gain there would not be economic expansion and increased opportunity down the line. If you taxed capital gains the same as other income then there would be no incentive to take risks. Also remember the money used for these investments have already been taxed as income before a dime is used for investing. There is no loophole here, capital gains is taxed the same for everyone.

  20. JW,
    I was taxed on my return money last year too, but I will pay tax on it again this year. I am still waiting for all capital gains growth that I am subsidizing, to trickle down. We had a higher capital gains rate for years, and lowering it has not lead to reinvestment, only made the gap wider. Sure it is legal, but it is doing nothing to grow the economy.

  21. as smart as they may be the economic reality of hyper consumptive capitalism profits are gleaned from not only taxing working people but also keeping them perpetually in a state of want spending and debt whilst those that profit most from their inherited privilege or possible personal success do little beyond charity to reinforce the foundations of an economic reality that has proffered them
    farmers,fisherman,loggers anyone that takes knows nothing is free and you have to put back if you want to see future rewards
    but today Greed is a family value too if your in the right family

  22. Newsflash: some around here are rich and have some power. Obviously not you or the circles you travel in but nevertheless there are some on the shore.

    Oh sure
    You can't be too rich or powerful if you haunt this party line gossipy blog
    If you had either you would not be bothered


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