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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Prepper Movement - Part 2 - Prepping for the long term

In Part 1 we discussed the many requirements of prepping for short term natural and man-made disasters. While it may have been a lot to absorb for many, it is necessary to prepare and execute a short term plan as necessary for survival of short term disasters. BUT it is also necessary for a short term plan to transform into the foundation of a long term plan if necessary.
As we mentioned in part 1, if food supply lines aren't re-established fairly quickly following a disaster, society will begin to degrade rapidly. Anarchy will spread and overtake the ability of law enforcement to control it. As things get worse, the military will fall short as well. A desperate society is a dangerous society.

As we stated, comprehensive prepping for short term disasters will provide immediate relief from starvation and will provide security in the short term. But should things get worse and the need for short term relief becomes the need for long term relief, the plan for short term survival needs to evolve into a long term plan.

Six months of food won't last forever. If you don't plan for re-supply, 6 months will pass and all your prepping will have been a waste of time.

As you move forward with the preparation of a plan for the survival of a long term disaster, a few things must be remembered. The transition from a short term plan to a long term plan must embrace the knowledge that your most important weapon against starvation, attack by looters, and dying of exposure is YOU! You must be prepared physically and mentally to provide for yourself and your family. No one can do this for you. And the time to prepare yourself for this is now. Vigorous physical activity can make a world of difference in whether or not you survive. Mental preparation is also important. There are literally hundreds of resources available to help you develop a survival mindset, including the website listed above and the government website I listed in part 1.

Another important thing to remember is that fuel supplies for generators run out rapidly, you may be able to barter food or ammunition for fuel but it is more likely that you will not be able to aquire more fuel for you generator after your initial supply is exhausted. For those who use electric pumps for water, this means you will also be without water. Remember the rules of 3. 3 days without water and you and your family become part of the desperate mobs. On the shore we are fortunate to have a relatively high water table most of the time. It would be in your best interest to drive a shallow well and use a pitcher pump to draw water from the ground when the electricity goes out for good.

While researching for this post, I corresponded with several friends from http://www.preppersplace.com./We came up with what we believe are some other important issues to be addressed when prepping yourself for surviving a long term disaster.

First, remember that "no one can do everything, but everyone can do something". It is my new favorite phrase. This means that the need to create a network of like minded people is so important that your life will likely depend on it. Some people will be able to provide security to others who can't. But those who can't provide security may be able to grow vegetables but not livestock. Some may be good at raising livestock but not vegetables. A single person with several weapons may have friends who have no weapons but have the means to grow and prepare food for long term storage and a few extra rooms. Learn valuable skills such as gardening and safe food preservation and storage so that you can be a contributing member of a prepper group. You get the picture.

Second, educating friends and neighbors of the very real need to prepare for emergencies BEFORE they happen is just as important as anything else while preparing for both short and long term emergencies. Although more and more people are waking up everyday, many people are still not awake to the fact that prepping is essential. Be honest. How many of us have just opened our eyes? How would you feel if you survived and most of those you loved didn't because they either weren't aware of the need to prepare or didn't know where to begin? One of my fellow preppers from Arkansas told me that it would be worthless to him and his wife to prepare if they were able to survive and everyone they cared about were gone. Open the eyes of your friends and family.

Third, develop a network of people with whom you can trade things you have for those things you will need. If you grow and can your own vegetables, get to know people who raise chickens so that you can trade in the event the food supply lines are not re-established. In essence you are responsible for creating your own re-supply lines right within your community. Remember, the time to establish these contacts is now - not after a disaster.

Fourth, stock up on things you will need for long term survival.

heirloom seeds (those which aren't genetically altered. Seeds that you can plant that will grow to yield fruit/vegetables that generate seeds that can be planted next season to grow more plants. Genetically altered seeds often do not produce vegetables that yield viable seeds).

Ammunition (for shooting and trading for other goods).

Medication (although most over the counter meds lose potency over time, they can still be more effective than having nothing at all - check with your local physician to find out which can be saved for extended periods of time).

I believe that the most important thing you can do to assure your survival of a long term disaster is to gather together a close group of friends and family members and develop a survival plan together. It may include everyone moving into one house when a specific event triggers the gathering of your group together. It may include everyone contributing food to a common food "bank" for your group. It may include several gatherings a year at a local shooting range. All of these are good ideas as far as I'm concerned. But whatever you do, do something.

We hope these posts have opened your eyes a little to the need to care for yourself your friends and family by developing a survival plan for natural and man-made disasters. We also hope you will be able to use some of the ideas listed here to develop your own survival plan.


  1. So when are you having a meeting?

  2. Yes. Lets get this started before it's too late. How many people want to get together?

  3. Ooh I want to go..

  4. This information is right on time. Can we get more of this? We are trying to put a group together.

  5. I'm with the first two posters. I have a lot to contribute but I can't go it alone. Will somebody step forward and get the ball rolling? Just post a phone number or email address and I am sure there will be an unbleivable amount of participation. We need to start building a network now.

  6. I would like to be a part of a group but I don't want to be labeled a nut case. I know this isn't like being in some kind of militia but some people probably thing they are the same things as preppers. I want to learn about canning vegetables. Is somebody able to teach that?

  7. 7:36 what can you contribute? I can contribute firearm skills and a couple of other skills.

  8. I can make quilts and dry food with a dehydrator.

  9. yeah I think of all the people that wasted money and piece of mind buying and building bomb shelters in the late 50's and 60's
    I can remember exploring the soggy molding remains of them and their contents here as a kid and thinking people must have lost their minds
    simple down home people in their faith and promise of their provider prepared to cower in bunkers rather that raise their voices and fight to stop the insanity of men

  10. Joe thank you a lot for this article. The first one was good too. I would like to have more things like this so I can learn more. I have been awake for about 3 months and I have lots to learn. Thanks again Joe

  11. One of the things that is always over looked is to Spiritually Prep for what's coming down the road. All the physical preps in the world aren't gonna help when you are frozen in fear and your family is looking at you and your heart fails. How about when you have no communication with the outside world. You won't know what is happening. What about when the lights go out and you run out of batteries and any number of things go wrong. What about when it says, "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." in the bible. Please people don't forget your spirits. I am going to do a series on How to strengthen your spirit in the coming days. Please check it out at www.preppersplace.com.

    In a nutshell you can strengthen your spirits by reading what it says in God's Word. Have a relationship with God. He is waiting for you. Cuz He is the only one who can strengthen your spirits and prepare you for whats ahead.

  12. Excellent point Harleyroses. It seems like the spiritual end of this has been forgotten. What is that song? "Get right with the man" by Van Zandt. It is the foundation that everything else is built on. This is not any different. The time is coming where we will all have to make decisions we never thought we would have to make. We will need to know that God says it's ok to do what we have to to protect our families. Self defense is one of those inalienable rights that are endowed upon us by our creator.


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