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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

How They Rig Election Machines


  1. known this for years... Actually bush jr had this implemented for his elections...

    In fact the guy who designed it for bush was found dead in a landfill after he left office...

    Bush had him implement the network version the guy talked about, where as you have the main computer that hold the votes or the counts, and then you have a secondary computer that will do the malicious stuff so you cant detect it...

    For the nah-sayers, re watch this and actually listen, this guy said it is virtual imposable to detect or know it is there except for the paper trail...

  2. Electronic voting is a bad idea because there is no verification process.

    Because these systems are proprietary code, there is nobody to vet the programming as being safe, secure, and consistent.

    If we have to have electronic voting, it should run on open source election software that can be scrutinized by the public at large. Checksums should compare each and every file to the established standard immediately prior to, and after each election. Paper receipts, verified by voters should also be retained.

  3. I'm voting absentee just like I have in the last 3 elections. Hope that's not hackable, but I expect that it soon will be also. We need to lobby for paper ballots again.


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