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Sunday, January 08, 2012

Miller Wants To Expand Gambling And Raise Gas And Flush Taxes

Senate President Mike Miller told county officials from across that Maryland that he wants to expand casino gambling, increase the gas tax and push some of the costs of state pensions onto the counties.



  1. 'Pass Some of State Pension Cost Down To The Counties'

    Now guess where that money will come from in Wicomico County - General Operations Budget. That is exactly why the County Council decided in their last meeting to not act on the BMS funding.

    Good Decision County Council.

  2. How about the idiots in Annapolis take a pay cut

  3. Anything to fund the crooked politicians.

  4. Anything to fund the crooked politicians.

  5. How bout the idiots in DC AND Annapolis take a pay cut....gee I wonder why that wasn't mentioned instead of SSI and Medicare....hmmpphhhh

  6. Thier gas is free; we pay for it.

    If they raise the gas prices again maybe we should start riots; only thing they understand!

  7. i've followed the liberal mike miller for years. isn't he just special? he never has great ideas for our state. no, he wants to now expand gambling in an already depressed economy. and while we're at it let's just continue to try to milk the citizens who can least afford food and meds and raise taxes. what a great leader.....

  8. This guy in picture even looks like a criminal.

  9. I agree with one of the anon posters...

    I think DC folks need to have their pay slashed a bit...

    its bad when you have policy makers making 200k a year and the soldier they send to fight their battles for them only gets 33k a year...

    That's where the problem is...

  10. he does have that criminal look! reminds me of Biden. All he knows is TAx TAX Tax. We do need a major overhaul no matter what it takes to do it.


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