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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Update: Sussex Board Denies Jusst Sooup Request

GEORGETOWN — Supporters of the Rev. Dale Dunning say the fight is not yet over, and they will continue to look for a way to open a soup kitchen at the Jusst Sooup Ranch along Coolspring Road.

The effort was dealt a setback Nov. 7 when, by a 5-0 vote, the Sussex County Board of Adjustment denied a special-use exception to allow Jusst Sooup Ministries to serve food at its new kitchen, built for a Friday, Nov. 18 episode of television’s "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.”


  1. I am so sick of hearing about this woman and her fake ministry. She needs to follow the Biblical advice of "Bloom Where You are Planted" and be happy with what she was given! No one's fault but her own, the TV show and the builder that they built on a piece of land that wasn't zoned for what they wanted.

  2. This is a truly unfortunate situation,but the law is the law.Why this build was allowed to happen really does warrant an explanation by authorities.So many people were involved and a vast amount of resources used.Everyone who contributed in any way to this project deserves an explanation other than "not available for comment."Understood that those who write the laws can't just break them at a whim and set a precident of giving in to just anybody.The BOA simply needs to think up some logical reason why they did not stop this fiasco before it began.

  3. 9:09 AM

    why do you think it is fake? it's my understanding she has been doing this for a long time before the tv show came along.

  4. 11:15, when the permits were pulled they were for a commercial type of kitchen to be built and the food served elsewhere. The day before the "reveal" the builder requested a special exception to the zoning to allow the food to be consumed on the property, something that is usually done (if not always) before constuction begins.

    And 11:25 I too believe the ministry is fake. This is a job for the Dunning woman. Same as if someone opens an animal shelter and operates it from donations including paying for their own living expenses. No real Christian ministry would continue on pitting once friendly neighbor against neighbor all the while quoting the Bible and hiding behind the mantra of doing God's work.
    Yes, she should "bloom where she is planted" and be thankful for what she was given and following the laws of the land the way the Bible teaches.

  5. 12:02 PM

    Ok, I will defer to you and the other commenter since I don't know the woman or what she does over there.

    But at face value it seems she is doing a good thing.

  6. I guess she is doing a good thing but trying to deceive the neighbors and the local zoning officials and then hiding behind the Bible is quite hypocritical.
    Whatever the reality of the situation, the perception is what matters. The perception being, she tried to pull a fast one and from a public relations standpoint this is not good for someone who relies on donations.

  7. the builder was the radio the other morning trying to do damage control. The excuse he came up with-- something about an ice cream cooler-- was the most hairbrained thing ever. Mostly his ramblings made no sense. He ultimately ended by pretty much placing the blame on the lady.


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