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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cops: Sandusky Admitted To '98 Shower With Boy

(CBS/AP) Jerry Sandusky, the one-time heir apparent to Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, told a boy's mother in 1998 that he had showered with her son and with other boys but he wouldn't promise to stop, according to a Pennsylvania grand jury report.

Police in State College, Penn., listened in to two conversations Sandusky had with the mother, with her permission, after her then-11-year-old son came home with hair wet from showing with Sandusky. At the end of the second conversation, Sandusky was told he could not see the boy anymore.


  1. Another bizarre twist: Ray Gricar, the Centre County district attorney at the time of the 1998 investigation into Victim 6's allegations, has been missing since 2005 and was declared legally dead in July of this year. We may never know why Gricar did not press charges against Sandusky, despite Sandusky's admissions—per the grand jury report—that he had showered naked with the boy and hugged him. The hard drive from Gricar's computer turned up on the banks of the Susquehanna River six months after his disappearance, according to this story Ganim wrote three years ago, when she was still at the State College, Pa.-based Centre County Daily Times. Whatever was on that hard drive will forever be the subject of speculation now.

  2. and those poor little college students at state pen rioted after the coach was fired for not reporting the abuse to police.

    they think more about football than the kids he sodomized and other things?

    that says a lot about the character of people in that area.

  3. 11:28 It says a lot about the football culture, that football trumps the rape of a child.

  4. If I remember correctly, Ray Gricar's laptop computer was found on the riverbank but it was the hard drive that was missing. It's strange, which ever way it happened.

  5. There is some evidence (not found in main stream media reports) that Sandusky was a front for a pedophile ring which provided services to large Penn State donors - rich alumni of the University.


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