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Thursday, November 10, 2011

The New Dirty Dozen

Joe Albero and Salisbury News, (the original Salisbury News) is back!

Put on your seat belts Folks because what I'm about to share is going to bring you right back to the beginning of time with Salisbury News.

That's right, the only difference this time is that there are a few new names to the group of people, so here we go.

For the past two weeks a group of people have been meeting at the Chamber of Commerce holding an invitation only meeting to pull together the old Tilghman Administration to CRUSH Debbie, Terry and Tim.

Yes, Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Catnhcart, Shanie Shields, Phil Tilghman, John Cannon, T.J. Maloney, Kris and Kevin Adams, Palmer Gillis, Louise Smith, Laura Mitchell, Jonathan Taylor and of course Jim Ireton have been gathering in support of SAPOA. There's no master mind behind the petition Laura Mitchell has been pushing. It's the same disgruntled group of a-holes, (not all of them) who created the financial destruction of Salisbury with the old mall tif, Sassafras Meadows, the Waste Water Treatment Plant (on time and under budget, we're not THIS close, we're THIS close) and millions in developer reimbursements.

I want you to remember ALL of those names above because you know what Folks, these are some pretty damn sneaky characters who have to hide in darkness and not be seen out and about while the sun is up. Do YOU really want to go backwards, OR did you people actually vote for CHANGE?

So here's the deal. Jim Ireton has finally shown his true colors. While I have been saying for more than a year now that Jim Ireton IS tied with Barrie Tilghman, YOU people have been mislead. Ireton was nothing short of another Louise Smith and Jonathan Taylor, people willing to do ANYTHING for the cause. Think about it, seriously. Think of ALL the things Ireton stood for and look where he is today, hanging out with SAPOA behind closed doors, in the dark.

Look, that petition drive to bring the legislative change to referendum is just one step. Once I get done with them and the citizens truly learn the truth, (as we've been telling you) then they have to get those same people who signed the petition to VOTE and guess what, it will never fly, God Forbid they ever get that far. 

Tomorrow you will more than likely see the Daily Times actually pull their typical BS by throwing their support towards this petition drive, SAPOA. Remember all of those comments during the Tilghman Adminstration, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? Well, you need to show these people once and for all, we're done with their BS. 

You are not hearing from ANYONE that there's been any meetings, except Salisbury News. I held this article all day so the Daily Times couldn't pull their article for tomorrow. Jim Ireton, you have served your one and only term as Mayor. EVERY single person I have ever gone after since I started this Blog almost 7 years ago is GONE, FIRED, TERMINATED, VOTED OUT. There's no help on the way, unless you meant for SAPOA. Enjoy the rest of your term because you will be voted out. THE TRIBE HAS SPOKEN!

New Posts to fall below. 


  1. I knew it. Ireton is tied to Barrie Tilghman and sapoa. What a snake.

  2. In 2007 Mike Dunn said "We are this close." We've got a developer ready to build a project...trust me. Here it is on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO3hce5tjxs
    He loved handouts at the expense of the taxpayers.

  3. I heard John Robinson is in with this group too.

  4. Go get em Joe. If they come to my door I'm letting my dogs out. Yeah, some of us don't forget.

  5. You had to mention Barrie Tilghman. I just threw up in my mouth. Every time I think of that name I instantly recall that photo you put up of her when she wasn't wearing a bra in public. YUK

  6. I see Donnie Williams in that photo, but did not see his name in your list. Was that an omission, or is that just because this was an generic photo?

  7. Its an old photo. I cannot confirm or deny he was there.

  8. Put this at the top tomorrow. This is outrageous!

  9. I hope everyone is as sick and tired of those people who get elected to office for personal and political gain only. And I am not just speaking of local government. Wake up people if someone is in office and up for re-election they need to go! We have to break up any and all'pat my back' groups past and future. In order to do this and get the average citizen in office is to vote them in for ONE term only. If they can not get the job done by the end of the term then it is time to let someone, anyone else a try You or your neighbor can not do any worse than what we have now. Vote for the man/woman and not the money backing them

  10. Little Dumpty sat on the wall,
    Little Dumpty had a great fall,
    All the kings horses,
    and all the kings men,
    Couldn't put dumpty together again.

  11. Jonathan Taylor? By including him in these meetings, means they are in a state of desperation.
    Taylor's chain or reasoning consists of checking in on SBY News and then doing a post in complete opposition of Joe and the reader's of SBY News opinions.
    All this group has done by including Taylor is showing their true colors-they are nothing but a bunch of slipery, shadey characters, capable of anything including lying which Taylor is famous for. I have lost any favorable thoughts I may have had about any of them after reading about this association.
    They will implode as did certain political candidates as a direct result of Taylor and his lies.

  12. It's all about the money , stealing from the tax payers has become an OK thing with these idiots. Mike Dunn and his old man have been doing it for years. The rest are just thieves

  13. Being in Worcester county I'm from the outside looking in but it is very plain to see that parts of Salisbury can be compared to a cesspool as a direct result of an overwhelming number of the homes being rentals. You ride by certain areas and it's skid row with flop houses evidenced by the number of mailboxs on once grand homes.
    All those we read about in the crime reports live in these rentals and they are invited and welcomed by this SAPOA bunch of nuts (who own these flop houses)and who then try and deny that they are directly responsible for the crime problem.

  14. anonymous 7:25, oh they'll deny their connection with crime but in another breath they'll DONATE a home to the City for a sub station. Behind the scenes they admit to being a strong part of crime and say they want law enforcement to help them, HA! The president of SAPOA had her own daughter create an anti Albero blog and even encouraged her to do so and I know this first hand. I called her the very day the blog went up and she said her daughter was doing this blog NOT to attack me but to tell the student side of things. She's so full of sh!t, hence her using our name. Her husband tried acting like a tough guy but when I stod toe to toe with the man he just tried putting on a show for the women standing 50 feet away. He, (like Tom McGuire) learned VDERY quickly, I don't care where we're at, Joe Albero doe NOT back down from anyone. I grew up with two brothers 6 foot 4" each, one of them solid and over 300 pounds. I also hung out with their friends growing up, so I had to hold my own. NOBODY scares me and I have proven that throughout my entire life.

    I laughed so hard when the Adams family bought the house next door to Debbie Campbell. Talk about desperate people. They spent all that money just to try to get back at Debbie. Their personal obsession over her reminds me of Jonathan Taylor's man love for me. A sick group of people.

    Then there's Barrie Tilghman. That piece of crap still can't let go and recently went on a radio interviews telling people the Judge was wrong in his decision in her lawsuit against me. She just can't let go. The Idiot has no clue what defeat is and when they're faced with it they just ramble on about how the justice system failed them.

    Taylor has always been in her back pocket as a Blogger and will do and say anything that group asks them to. Hence Taylor being at these meetings. I don't mind another side to things but when you flat out lie and threaten people you've abused your first amendment right.

  15. I wish people could make their own decisions based on the issue and not who's on what side if it.

  16. John Cannon does not surprise me at all. When he was on the County Council all he did was kiss aSS to Bill McCain and Rick Pollitt. He hated the rest of the staff and members. He is not what he appears to be--watch out for him.

  17. Can't wait until they turn the rental comments into a racial or discrimnation against poor people issue. You know that's coming. When there is no way to legitmately defend or prove wrong, they bring up race hoping to deflect away from what everyone knows is the truth!

  18. and the city falls for the donation of a property that ain't worth squat. Like the Bricks property. That old owner of that property sure pulled a fast one on the city.

  19. Oh I just loved the show of obsession when they bought the house next to Debbie.
    Personally I could never see why anyone would ever want to be a residential landlord. No real money to be made in it (or atleast not the kind of return I like to see on my investiments) and too many hassles.

  20. Phil Tilghman - he was bad news for the Wicomico County Council.
    I remember when Wicomico received over 7 million dollars in one clip from the State of Maryland for returned sales tax collection disbursements when things were booming in Wicomico.

    What nerd couldn't run a County with those numbers. Remember - at the peak Wicomico used to have over a 130 million dollar budget - before the bottom fell out. Tilghman was always for higher taxes.

  21. Politics in this day and age have become very bad. We have elected people who are not to be trusted.
    I'm afraid that in the near future people will take the law into their own hands. This is unfortunate because of the legal system. The lawyer that represents the city is not to be trusted either , of course this is typical of lawyers anyway.
    I watch the city meetings and it is obvious that Shanie and that new woman are not educated .
    Ireton is nothing more than a follower , his leadership skills stink.
    One other thing , did that lawyer really go to law school or is he just a legal aid , he's dumb as a brick.

  22. TO call this group "Dirty Dozen" gives them too much credit. The name goes back to teh days of TIlghman and Dunn when they used it as a derrogatory term for a group of citizens who waged an above borad fight against government corruption. The people in this picture and having these meetings are bullies and greedy opportunists who want to take our city over again. Now that I see who is involved I will have my name removed from teh petition.

  23. SAPOA and its lackeys are scared. The people voted to get the SAPOA candidates out of office, plain and simple. And now the dirty stuff starts, beginning with bricks and cinder blocks through windows. What scum!

  24. Joe you would get a lot more support if you would stop trashing those you dislike. When I read a blog dripping with hatred it turns me off to the real subject at hand. You have good justification for your feelings against the dirty dozen but it reads like "I am fighting them because of what they did to me" - instead of "I'm fighting them for the good of Salisbury".

  25. anonymous 8:08, you have every right to your opinion but you are clearly wrong. Let me show you why. Rather than coming here and making a comment stating why you do or don't suport what they are doing, you instead come after me. Now why does this bring back memories.

    Your people will do anything, (including setting up anti bloggers) to discredit anything I say or do. Here's the FUNNY part. Many knew they wouldn't get re-elected, so they dropped out. The Citizens made their votes and for the very first time in MANY years they are finally being represented. However, the new Dirty Dozen who have special agendas realize their powers are disappearing and they're desperate to get it back. SAPOA was freaking out WEEKS before the final election because they knew they had lost with their planted candidates. The Daily Times, (today) orchestrated a custom made story, (including photos) because they too are proving they are downsizing and losing more and more business. Without these special interests and support they will fail.

    The Good Ol' Boys were voted out. They are making a big deal about NOTHING here anyway. The Mayor still has every it of access to the City Attorney as he did in the past. The ONLY difference now is, IF there's a lawsuit in place, the LEGISLATORS will know it well ahead of time, just as fast as the Mayor. The LEGISLATORS won't make mistakes voting in favor of someone suing the City, as an example. They have every right to know in advance. I know, how about we tell you exactly what Barrie Tilghman and Mike Dunn used to say. If you don't like it, MOVE!

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. What exactly does the SAPOA do besides putting their collective heads together and come up with excuses when they feel everyone has ganged up against them?
    The fact remains that a hugh number of the rentals in Salisbury are rented to the scum of the earth and to say otherwise is nothing more than an out and out lie.

  28. Haha. A master manipulator to Rick and now the light has been shown. Snake in the grass.

  29. In today's DT's story Ireton calls the council majority a culture of no, however most see them as the culture of common sense.
    Perfect example is the Bricks. Who in their right mind thinks it's okay and a great idea to house low income people in the middle of the ghetto? Talk about keeping people down! The mentality of anyone in favor of the Bricks needs to be seriously evaluated and questioned.

  30. I thought Jim told his people that he was going to replace the City Attorney and have the FBI look into the treatment plant issues because of the kick backs.

  31. Welcome to the Lower Eastern Shore & their backwards & unethical ways Joe! Perhaps ex-Governor Schaefer was accurate in regards to his analysis of the area???

  32. Seems so that the leopard mayor has shed his spots and unveils his ties to SAPOA.

    After elected he held them as "slumlords of the week." Such childish behavior, however now we see that SAPOA is in support of him?

    Has he really sold his soul to the devil? Appears to be so true now. If Mike Dunn runs as mayor I may as well vote for him as he and Jim are one in the same.

  33. Yeah what ever happened to Ireton and his Slumlords of the Week nominations? I didn't see that as childish at all but more like taking the bull by the horns and addressing the problem instead of ignoring what the real problem is.
    I see he is still lamenting over the Bricks in the DT's. This just after a sexual assault occurred in an abandon building in the same area! It's pitiful that someone would want to house the most vulerable citizens amoung us in such a vile area.

  34. The city of Salisbury deteriorated under the Tilghman administration to become one of the most crime ridden areas in the country. Why would anyone even consider anything she lends her name to after the mess the place has become?

  35. Donnie Williams doesn't have time to attend all these meetings anymore because all his long term employees quit. The man is a total sleeze ball.

  36. Ireton was elected on his promises. You have to wonder what "info" about Ireton that SAPOA must know to have him change his tune.

  37. Nobody takes you seriously except the mindless minions who read this stupid blog. I come here for the entertainment value. In fact, I use your posts as an elementary school teacher here in Salisbury so they can pick out everything that is spelled incorrectly. How does that make you feel, only being able to spell to a 4th grade level? Isn't that what grade you dropped out?

    If I remember correctly, you were all but tonguing Jim Ireton's ballsack when he was running for Mayor. I guess because he wouldn't let you be the pitcher, you turned on him? You really are the dumbest person alive. Hopefully even the alive part won't be true soon.

  38. My prediction is Mitchell's petition drive is going to fail and fail miserably. What's she got 800 signatures and only days left to collect the 1000+ more needed? To the majority of the voters this is a nonissue as most support the majority's vote on the city attorney.
    The petition drive reeks of nothing more them knowing the next election will bring in candidates who will vote unanimously, sticking by their principles and actually having a stance and being fiscally responsible and working towards the betterment of the community for the citizens and not a select group of special interests.

  39. 11:11, I concur that Cohen is absolutely worth supporting. I like the charter change. It just makes sense that the guy who helps the council writes the laws is accessible to them. What is your beef with the charter change?

    As for this vile group, Joe, don't call them "The Dirty Dozen." The guys in that movie were honorable. These people are not.

    Jim Ireton and Laura Mitchell have joined what is nothing more than a pack of bullies. If there should be any petition drives, it should be to recall those two. Mitchell's petition is just a ploy. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but that's my opinion!

  40. The newspaper article is full of quotes from the has-been elected officials whose ill-deeds against this city rendered them unelectable, representatives of special interest groups who have screamed against regulation for years, and people who benefited from inside deals made behins closed doors. Right, I want to sign something because Barry Tilghman, Mike Dunn and Louise SMith want me too, not. If I had been stupid enought to fall for the lies and sign, after seeing this post and the article in the paper, I would be callin the city clerk to have my name removed.

  41. 11:43 is a teacher?? Nice grammar and sentence construction, ma'am. And is that a threat at the end of "her" comment?

  42. To the majority of city voters that
    support the charter change: probably
    best to just not answer the door when the petitioners come knocking- you know how low this bunch of scum goes.

    To Joe: thanks again for all you do for this city-I support your local views completely.

    To the petitioners: You're taking a
    constitutional right ( the petition), which is a great thing,
    and spitting on the very spirit of it in your sleazy defense of power.

  43. 11:43 is a teacher?? Nice grammar and sentence construction, ma'am. And is that a threat at the end of "her" comment?

    November 10, 2011 12:11 PM

    I think most know who this is. I just consider it mindless babble and I'm sure Joe is laughing his butt off after reading such fantasy.

  44. Jonathan Taylor, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, your comments will never get published under anonymous, coward. If you want to act like a man, (I say act because you have no clue what a man is and probably haven't seen that body part in what, 10 years) you'll use your real name and be accountable for what you say.

  45. Bravo, 12:17!

    Everything that the council did with the charter amendment was in keeping with state law. Period. Those who want to challenge it have the right to do so by law, too. They will fail to collect signatures from those who are either uninformed or misinformed.

  46. Hi Elaine Graczyk...it seems as though you are one of "the mindless minions who read this stupid blog" (as you refer us as)as well.

    If you are in fact an "elementary school teacher here in Salisbury"...you should be fired because you have no right to be a teacher.

    You have displayed to hundreds of people in the area that you possess no character or morals and you are deserving of no respect.

    I am glad you identified yourself because my child will take no part in being mentored by a hot-headed & childish teacher such as yourself.

  47. enough signatures, that is.

  48. anonymous 12:39, let's get something perfectly clear here. "hundreds" of people, per MINUTE. To imply there are only hundreds of people coming here is ridiculous, with all due respect. In fact at this very second there are more than 600 people on the site.

  49. This Elaine G is no more a teacher than she/he is the man in the moon. I'm glad whoever this is commented though. Goes to show everyone how quickly lies flow off of their tongues.

  50. I hope Laura Mitchell realizes that she is no more than the political pawn in Jimmy's little make believe world and she'll be only a one term and out council member.

    She'll do something to get him PO'd then he will be talking badly about her unless she is a complete puppet.

  51. I stand corrected...sorry about that Joe.

    As far as you Miss Graczyk--
    You have displayed to TENS OF THOUSANDS of people in the area that you possess no character or morals and you are deserving of no respect.

  52. I've always thought of the mayor as a pretty decent guy. It's amazing how a mere pinch of power corrupts.I am losing respect for this guy more every time he plays his hand.

  53. Jim Ireton held his old friends up as racists (which they aren't even close) in front of the whole world. Now this.

    Nothing decent about him. Just sick. Just used them to get himself elected, then threw them to the wolves.

  54. Jim Ireton is now Barrie Tighlman's own personal hand puppet and guess where she sticks her hand to make his mouth move? Unfortunately for the rest of us, he likes it.

  55. Somehow someway we must get the local LODGE out of our city's politics.

    It will be difficult, but that is exactly what Joe is speaking about. He just doesn't understand the root of the problem lies in the Lodge.

    Anyone who has sworn a blood oath to a secret group of people can never serve in a public office.

  56. Reference 12:55 To Posting - I am losing respect for this guy every time he plays his hand.

    Humm - I believe he is doing a lot more than just playing his hand from what I've heard in the cabbage patch.

  57. Was SAPOA's boy Boda at the meeting? That would explain the Walmart thing.


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