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Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thursday’s Daily Times includes an article, "Black Friday Security in Jeopardy", that shows not only the paper’s bias, but its willingness to lie in order to promote that bias. For years many people have accused the Daily Times of "he said / she said" journalism, where the Daily Times would wrap falsehood in quotes and simply claim that they are trying to give "both sides" of the story. Thursday’s article crosses that line. Today a Daily Times reporter knowingly printed lies. She knows because she was a witness.

At Monday’s Salisbury City Council work session, the Ireton administration brought forward an emergency measure asking council to consider a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the city and the Salisbury Wal-Mart for Salisbury police to provide extra security during "Black Friday". Police chief Barbara Duncan submitted a letter to council that states, "A copy of this MOU was submitted to Mr. Boda for review in the hopes that Wal-mart will adopt policies similar to those adopted by the Center".

The MOU which was presented to council was a copy of one signed by the managers of the Centre at Salisbury in 2009. Council NEVER received a copy of the agreement that they were asked to approve.

This may seem like so much "inside baseball", EXCEPT … Daily Times reporter Sarah Lake was at that work session. She knew that what was put forward in Ireton’s press release was a LIE. Yet, she willingly chose to put her name on an article which included the same lies.

Lake writes:

"A memorandum of understanding -- modeled after an agreement forged with The Centre at Salisbury mall for similar services -- was signed by Muir Boda, asset protection coordinator for the Salisbury Walmart, and forwarded to the council for consideration."

There are just a few problems. Ireton’s statements are false AND Lake was at the council work session. She knew they were false. Lake and the Daily Times cannot claim that this was a "mistake" either. In addition to her obviously false reporting on this issue, she also took part in a "strategy session" with Ireton, councilwomen Laura Mitchell and Shanie Shields, developer Palmer Gillis, former mayor Barrie Tilghman, and former councilwomen Louise Smith and Lynn Cathcart. Today’s front page article, "Local Rivals Unite Against Council", was an obvious political hit piece by Lake where she colluded with one group of politicians to attack another group – council members Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, and Tim Spies.

To accuse someone of lying may seem extreme. It is. However, the Daily Times didn’t cross a line today.
Lake and her employers jumped over it into the next county. Their actions show a blatant disregard for even the loosest concepts of journalistic integrity.

Daily Times publisher Greg Bassett should retract the story, dismiss Lake, and apologize to all Daily Times readers for allowing such outrageous conduct to slip through onto the pages of our local paper.


  1. Most people know that the times is a low rated news paper. They have very little news at all. Look at the people who work for them. My goodness even Shanie used to be there , and that's the bottom of the barrel.
    I laugh everytime I've read that paper. Don't get it on a regular basis , only when I want to look at the obits.
    I can see it now , Daiy times passed away of a long term illness . They are survived by Ah , Ah , Ah Mmmm I guess the bloggers.

  2. How can we really change this craziness Salisbury government has. It seems for 15 years or more this town has been a disaster. Bassett and his bunch of cronies, bad mayors, idiots running the government is destroying our city.

    We need a huge change in leadership and decline to get the Daily Times paper and have it go out of business

  3. Just when I thought that rag could go no lower, I saw today's.

    Nothing more than a propoganda rag trying to put people in office it can benefit from.

    The writers and editors are hacks.

  4. what concerns me about the DT lies is that those whom do not have web access do not get a hint of the lies and decsit the DT continues to print. It is the older and uniformed population who are decieved into believing the crap it spews. Those on-line howver are better informed and able to weed thru to DT BS..We can only hope and pray they go out of bussinees. This blantant bias they engage in will be the death of them..we know better Joe and are behind you in your effort to expose these RATS for what they are..

  5. Daily times sucks...I have to cuss them out at least once a week...They call me at dinner time trying to sell me a paper...When I tell them "NO" they harrass me...Ive had enough! Daily times get the hell off my phone!

  6. The Daily Times is a whacked out liberal newspaper that is not worthy of wiping your ass with.

  7. I am confused?? Every meeting Jim Ireton goes to he brags about crime being down. If crime is down so much then why do you need to put police officers in WalMart? What's the big deal?

  8. The DT and the cohorts who were at the "strategy session" that Laura attended want one thing: the slum houses, the drugs... Think about it. A few are profiting mightily form the suffering of our city. They don't want council members like Terry, Debbie and Tim because these three members will not be bought by special interests. Salisbury finally stands a chance of making progress so SAPOA, Tilghman, DUnn, Ireton, and the creepy cast of characters listed in Joe's post last night will do everything they can to discredit three honorable public servants. That's the only way they will win. Stand up. Start writing letters to the editor so that the people who only read the news there will see a different side of the discussion. We can't expect Terry, Debbie and Tim to keep carrying the load for all of us, This is our last best chance to take our city back. The forces of evil that have landed Salisbury in a cesspool, literally and figuratively, are gearing up for the next election.

  9. Ireton is just trying to stir up b.s.

    The Daily Times often prints lies and innuendo.

  10. Can anyone shed light on the Joe Carmean Kye Parsons connection?

  11. Common denominator: the PNC Building downtown.

    All the "players" are there

  12. Okay, I'm dense. 5:44. What does the PNC building downtown have to do with this? If we can share and figure these things out we can stop this madness and take our city vack. With all of the people who read this site, surely people have enough information that this could all become very clear, but he cryptic stuff doesn't like just putting it out there would.

  13. If anybody has information and tips about what connects all of this stuff and your not comfortable with posting a comment, please feel free to e-mail me that information confidentially to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com.

  14. The PNC reference is to the Greater Salisbury Committee, what someone called "the House of Lords."

    Salisbury's ruling elite.

    What you are seeing here is the Tilghman-style CRUSHING (like Mike Dunn threatened to do to the late Bob Caldwell) her political opponents.

    Spies, Campbell and Cohen are highly intelligent, decent people with no great political ambition who just stepped up to the plate. Like one of the other commenters said, you people in Salisbury better stand up for your "little people" representatives. You elected them. This is a slap against you too.


    The Daily Slime has ALREADY put up new stories on its home page and the SECRET SOCIETY Council Killers and the Wally World LIE Fest are way down the list now.

    People, Debbie, Terry and Tim stuck their necks out for YOU! Joe is sticking his out for YOU!

    I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is one time I wish I did live in Salisbury so it would matter if I spoke up. Somehow, 20+ miles away doesn't have the same clout. Unless your one of the money people there of course.

  16. While the fine details may never be known it does appear that Terry and Debbie acted to 'stick it' to a political opponent, as it their right to do I suppose. "To the victor goes the spoils". But the bigger issue here would be the safety and protection of the citizens that shop and a business that serves the citizens. A smaller issue would be the off-duty officers that benefit from this detail. These are the ones that the council should think of first.
    Broader thought may have been wiser in this case. Oh well

  17. 6:44, you are thinking just what the Times wants you to think. Note that the Times said that Cohen defeated Muir in the last election. So did Mitchell and Spies and they supported getting the confirmation of the paperwork, too.

    By your logic, the reverse can be said: Why should Muir Boda and Wal-Mart get special treatment over the Center mall up north?

    I have known Terry Cohen since she was a young woman and she is the LAST person who would ever do anything vindictive to anybody. I happen to know of something very wrong done to her when she was young and she could have with every legal right made that person's life a living hell. But she just carried on with her life with a smile on her face and helped a lot of other people.

    You believe whatever smear you want, but don't aid spreading it or you are just as sick as Ireton and his new pals.

  18. Face it. This Walmart thing was a set up.

    Joe, was Boda at this meeting of Tilghman, Dunn, Sapoa people? Everyone knows Boda was backed by Sapoa.

  19. 6:44, the Mayor's statements were a LIE. The council wasn't provided with the Wal-Mart MOU and no answers. THey wanted to do it, but didn't have the things that Jim Ireton's administration should have prepared for the meeting. Still, the council was willing to do this if Ireton's crew could get their act together. So, this looks more like a set up orchestrated by Ireton and Boda. More of the same...slam Terry, Debbie and Tim if you want Tilghman and Dunn to continue to rule the city. Go to the meetings if you want to know the truth.

  20. Never having heard Cohen or Campbell ever say an unkind word about Boda, after watching the most peaceful election cycle this year that I've seen in years...

    On exactly what evidence does Ireton make the claim that this was politically motivated against Boda?

  21. Jim doesn't need evidence, he's the all mighty Mayor. Jim once told me face to face he would even lie to win a race. That's a fact!

  22. 6:27 I agree that Cohen, Campbell, and Spies are decent, intelligent people - but they do have an agenda. They want Salisbury to be a certain way - no matter what. Now you may or may not agree with their vision. I disagree with the way they tie things up time and time again when they disagree with something. Nothing gets accomplished when you have such gridlock. Ireton is wrong also. Everytime he doesn't get his way he wines like a bitch in heat. And now he's collaborating with his sworn enemies in order to defeat his opponents and forward his agenda? The fact is they all need to go. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Elect people who want to get things done rather than tie everything up in perpetual turmoil.

  23. Jim once told me face to face he would even lie to win a race. That's a fact!

    November 10, 2011 8:47 PM

    Hell they ALL do that and more.

  24. Good Lord, you people make it sound like Salisbury is something it is not. anonymous 8:55, think back to when Dunn was President and Tilghman was shoving everything down the taxpayers throats with ZERO results. Maybe I'm being too harsh. Let's see, an $84,000,000.00 screw up at the WWTP, thousands of dead animals at the Zoo and fines and illegal activity costing the taxpayers $10,000.00 in fines from the MDE. A $14,000,000.00 Fire Palace, developer reimbursements in the MILLIONS, the old mall TIF in ther millions. I could go on and on. How were things working for you then and look where Salisbury finances are today because of that administration.

    Even Ireton stated he has to face that BS every day. The FIX will not happen overnight. However, the citizens voted for specific people to help pull them out of it and the right people are in office.

    Look, I don't agree with them much of the time. However, I'd take Spies, Cohen and Campbell over the former group any day. SAPOA is screaming at the top of their lungs and hiding in the darkness, pulling out the old guns for help.


  25. anonymous 8:58, not Tim, Terry and Debbie. The old administration, yes, no question about it.

  26. EVERYTHING they print are lies.

  27. Someone suggested writing letters to the editor letting them know how we feel. That, I have done, and do you think they will print anything they don't agree with, NO. What else can you suggest?

  28. 9:04 PM

    If you say so Joe. You seem to have personal information about them so I will give you the benefit of the doubt in this case. But I still lump all politicians in the same category.

    They all lie and are self-serving. If what you say turns out to be true, I will be the first to admit it. Until then, time will tell.

  29. the mayor will certainly lie. he sat in my office before the election and said if he was elected that paul wilbur, lori chambers, pam oland would all be gone. he also said he would make the city govt smaller. he hasn't gotten rid of any of those people(pam left on her will} plus he has hired an assistant for himself. sure cant tell the truth. thanks sjd

  30. SJ, he lied to me as well. He also said he would replace certain department heads and replace them with good people. He promised to replace John Pick and Lore Chambers. Those people were his enemies. His actions are a sign of weakness.

    He lied and Debbie and Terry share the blame as well.

  31. 7:48am: I don't get your logic. Jim Ireton was a friend of ours for many years before he was elected Mayor. I can assure you that he betrayed ALL of his old friends the moment that he took office.

  32. 7:48, huh?

    Ireton used both Campbell and Cohen to get elected, just like Louise Smith did.

    So how are the two women to blame and for what?

  33. Makes you wonder what skeletons are in Iretons closet tht he doesn't want to become public knowledge? Just come on out of the closet JImmy!

  34. The Daily Times is just another media outlet that has an agenda that is more important than the truth.Their integrity has been shamefully absent for years.


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