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Sunday, November 27, 2011

How Much Crazier Can Black Friday Get?

Pepper-sprayed customers, smash-and-grab looters and bloody scenes in the shopping aisles. How did Black Friday devolve into this?



  1. I'm sorry but the whole black Friday thing is just craziness to me and totally unnecessary.

  2. I have never been out on Black Friday and I never will.
    I can wait till later.

  3. Friday - Sunday hmmmm read it here first hmmm
    Nope I didn't

  4. How many of these incidents are happening at Walmarts?
    'Black Friday' has become a scheduled stampede.
    I refuse to participate.

  5. And a Merry Christmas to everyone! Somewhere the whole reason for celebrating Christmas has been forgotten.

  6. Somewhere the whole reason for celebrating Christmas has been forgotten.

    November 27, 2011 2:41 PM

    It has ALWAYS been about retail. They just included Jesus to throw people off. Jesus wasn't even born in December.

    Biblical and historical scholars are equally divided over this question as well. Christmas, however, is founded on the premise that Jesus was born on December 25, and a person who is truly striving to follow the Bible will see that the celebration of Christmas is based upon falsehood.

    It is probable, because of the circumstances shown in Luke 1, that Mary conceived during the last two weeks of Elizabeth's sixth month. Thus, John was born in the spring of 4 BC, probably between March 18 and 31. By projecting forward another six months to Jesus' birth, the most probable time for His birth occurred between September 16 and 29. It is an interesting sidelight that Tishri 1, the Feast of Trumpets, is one of the two middle days of this time period.

  7. Well said 649

    November 27, 2011 11:11 PM

    Thank you sir. I appreciate it.

  8. Can't fix sick and stupid....

  9. Can't fix sick and stupid....

    November 28, 2011 8:29 AM

    But don't give up. They will be able to help you one day.


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