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Sunday, November 27, 2011



Thought I would bring something to your attention and that of your viewers.

Wicomico County High School is offering to the community The Nutcracker to be performed 12/3/11 Sat. The tickets this year are being sold at the Bank of Delmarva, they are supposed to be $12.00

On 11/7/11 I bought my ticket and of coursed have a receipt where I charged the price to my credit card. Yesterday I received a statement from my credit card with the price of the ticket and a $10.00 "cash advance fee". When I called my credit card company I was told that Delmarva Bank was charging me $10.00 to purchase the ticket from them. I soon got it straight thanks to the credit card company I use, they are removing it!

I just want people out there to know if they did the same at this bank what they are doing. My receipt only shows the $12 purchase price and the cashier never mentioned a "cash advance fee".

People be aware that there are those out there looking to make a fast buck, for supporting your community. I will not do any service at this bank in the future and will only pay cash and provide no info for them to charge excess to consumers.


  1. Thanks for the infor.

  2. This doesn't surprise me. I thought I was the only one this happened to.

  3. What is going on at Bank of Delmarva?

  4. The cash advance fee is actually charged by your credit card issuer, not the Bank of Delmarva.

  5. Trying to make up for the bad loans they made maybe, 4:52?

  6. cash advance is usually charged by banks if cash withdrawal at a "foreign" bank for cash not for a sale item such as tv's or play tickets.

  7. My credit card company did not charge the fee it came directly from the Delmarva Bank per them and my credit card company! Just so there is no misunderstanding, it was not the school and not the credit card company!

  8. Better check the facts here. All know Banks do not take credit cards.You can only get a cash advance on one from a bank. For that concenience you can be charged by your credit card company a cash advance fee! The bank gets no part of nor places this fee on the transaction. Thats why your slip did not show it. Just the facts.

  9. 1:24 needs to check their facts if you called Delmarva Bank they will tell you they did take credit cards for this was their agreement with the school to sell the tickets. The previous bank the school had previously used never did this- just saying check your facts mine are confirmed by both sources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also have my receipt showing my credit card # and the word Discover and my expiration for my credit card on the receipt from Delmarva Bank, my approval code and validation code--and if that is not enough the employee's initials is R. Meade.


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