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Monday, September 12, 2011

What Do You Mean The Verizon Strike Is Over!


  1. Dag Shorty we never got no Obama money for this stuff we did in the name of ALLAH.

  2. Um I guess the problem here is the person who wrote about the picture cant read...

    Says "Verizon, now open in Delmar" "great deals"...

    I see no words or actions of strike... Plus this guy is like the other guy by Starbucks where they get paid to stand or sit holding a sign for advertising...

  3. When those strikers were faced with the loss of their health-care benefits, suddenly they realized that maybe they should not be so hasty about walking off the job!

    There are a LOT of unemployed folks out there that would gladly take their places ... for a lot less than the union was demanding ...

  4. Limbaugh coined a new word today.
    Bunch of stupid goons


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