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Monday, September 12, 2011

Today's Survey Question 9-12-11

How did you honor 9-11?


  1. Said a prayer and shed a tear for the innocent victims and our military heros.

  2. I had to work but my prayers are with the families and those affected by MUSLIM (NATION OF ISLAM) fanatics to our Country.

  3. i watched a documentary on the History channel with my 4.5 year old and told what happened 10 years ago. he asked me "why did those bad men do that?" i told that I wasn't sure. there are alot of bad people in the world that do bad things and that we just need to make sure that we don't do bad things.

    I debated on whether or not to watch it with him, but he's a bright kid and i'm glad i decided to use that opportunity as a teaching experience.


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