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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Ideas For Saving USPS From Bankruptcy

Before it even has a chance to deliver the next letter to Santa, the US Postal Service could be bankrupt. The USPS might not be able to make a $5.5 billion payment it owes this month. Lawmakers will hear all about it and ideas for staving off default in a Senate committee hearing today called "U.S. Postal Service In Crisis: Proposals To Prevent A Postal Shutdown."

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  1. "The Congress shall have the power to...establish Post Offices and post Roads"

    So, the Congress should have to take accountability. Either give letter carrying to the major already profitable companies and abolish their own system,or

    Make their system to be not a taxpayer burden.

    This would bust the union out of that business, and leave Congress the option of going back into the Post business at a later date without union "help".

    It's really no problem, as long as there is no graft and corruption between unions and Congress. (oops!)

  2. This union has created the need for more public monetary support. Lazy union employees that demand top dollar for something a trained monkey can do are breaking this nation. It is the union "sons of bitches" that need to be taken out. That is one of the things necessary to put this country back on track.

  3. Maggots like 5:56 are the biggest enemy of our American way of life. Those who think like him are the greatest ally of socialists and communists. Our economic system has to work for ALL, not just the rich parasites at the top. If it doesn't, history clearly shows that the system will be violently replaced, usually by something worse like socialism or communism.

  4. just get rid of it
    all they do is haul advertising trash
    no one in their right mind uses the mail for commerce or communication
    they fail on every level
    only the DMV is staffed poorer
    out with the old
    its done
    people cling to out dated ideas and institutions like it threatens their very concept of reality to give it up

  5. The USPS is one of the greatest bargains on Earth. For less than 50 cents, they will deliver a letter anywhere in the continental Unites States. Try to get a local kid to do any little errand for less than $10!

    If the USPS raised the price of a first class stamp to $1, it would still be a great bargain!

  6. Bargain? Check to see how much they're costing the tax payers in the federal budget! The public unions have ruined the country.


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