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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Will Mayor Ireton Lift The Stupid Curfew Today

I don't want to encourage any individual to completely ignore Mayor Ireton's curfew but if I was a guessing man I'd say most will.

So, let's make this a survey question.

Will you abide by the Mayor's curfew and stay home all day today?


  1. im headed to alaska to hunt wolverines with my uncle. nd

  2. I live in the county and there isn't a curfew there. I just won't go into the city limits.

  3. Seriously - get over it. I seriously doubt that the residents of Salisbury don't have enough supplies to make it to dinner time tonight before going out. God forbid people be forced stay home and spend time with their families. And for those of us who don't live in Salisbury - this isn't that big of a deal. If you're that desperate to go out there are plenty of places to go that are not in "city limits."

    If there was no curfew you would complain too because he was taking it lightly. And I've never met this man in my life so don't say I work for him. I was honestly kind of disgusted about the previous post about him - I think you crossed the line.

  4. Fruitland Generic CitizenAugust 28, 2011 at 8:13 AM

    Joe, are you listening to that wind at 8 am? In Fruitland, it's the worst we've had yet. Anyone going out in this is a moron. You're dead wring in this, at least at 8 am Sunday.

  5. Hell NO I'll be out in 15min

  6. His authority means nothing to me. Go get your nails done sissy.

  7. No, I was out a stopped by Dunkin Donuts to get some coffee and look around at 7:30 am.

    There were people driving everywhere + some tree limbs down.

    Another HYPE by the Government Controlled Media (Obama's News Network=O.N.N.)

    What a shame because it reminds me of the Orsen Wells' story about Martians landing and taking over and locals shooting their water towers. Nothing has changed with how people react to the TV or News!

  8. No, I will use common sense, respect the situation and accomplish what I need to accomplish.

  9. no, going boating!

  10. I'll try and put a comparison to the Mayor's curfew in local terms.

    In Colorado, Montana, N. Dakota, and so on - they may have 2 feet of snowfall and still not cancel school. It they cancelled school for every 6-8 inches of snowfall then the poor children would never get through a school year.

    Most local folks should forgive Mayor Ireton as he is what most locals refer to as a come-here.
    Most citizens should use their own cautionary judgement as the brisk winds will likely subside way before Mayor Ireton's curfew expires.

  11. Nobody cares what that fool has to say. He is a joke.

  12. Another comment from the Fruitland area....Seems worst this morning then yesterday. Not as much rain but the wind is really howling. What I thought was stupid were the businesses that stayed open yesterday & made their employees come in only to decide later to close & send them home. Do you all hate your lives so much that you can't stay home for 24 hours?

  13. I got to get to church, Jesus will protect me!

  14. Or you'll be sent to time out!!!!

  15. Already been out!

  16. Joe, I see you were out this morning, you must have stopped by his house to get the recent picture of JIM-BO

  17. I have to get to work at 10:30AM, I'll be out. He had to get his authori-tie two cents in like Cartman.

    Some of us actually have essential jobs where people need to be cared for, was he going to come get me and take me to work?

  18. 8:17, 8:24, 8:29: Since no one else has called you on your ignorance, let me be the first. I'm not calling you an idiot or a moron, the favorite words of those who disagree with someone else, but you truly are ignorant. 8:17, there was no need for that comment at all. The mayor, as the chief government official of Salisbury, has a duty to protect and advise the cizizens of the City. (I am one). While he may have his faults, he should be praised for erring on the side of caution. He took all of the weather information available to him from the "experts" and made his decisions. Thank you, Mayor Ireton!

  19. Here's my question -- Is the WCBOE going to wait until 9:00 tonight to tell us what their intent for school tomorrow is?? Rumors that school is all ready closed tomorrow. If that's the case, they need to let us know so we can make arrangments for our children. I hate that Frederickson waits until the very last minute to make a call.

  20. Well the earliest Hurricaine I remember was Hazel in 54 or 55,made it through all of them since,never needed some idiot Mayor to impose a curfew to know when to go out and when to stay home,if I had to go somewhere his curfew wouldn't hold me up.He has a little power and like alot before him its gone to his head.

  21. I don't think we got that message here on the east side. It's business as usual around here, yesterday and today. Will it now be protocol to call a curfew everytime the wind blows? Same thing happened a few years ago during the blizzard and he said no driving in the city limits, that was a joke too and no one bothered with his rules then either. If I fall in a puddle and EMS doesn't want to risk their lives to save me.... well then don't.

  22. And, 8:57, if harm had come to you, I can hear you now: "Why didn't they (i.e. the mayor) warn me?" I don't thing the mayor is the idiot here.

  23. I'm putting on my lime green banana hammock as we speak, and i'm gonna walk around the backyard and give the neighbors a show !

  24. Needs a curfew on the weekends. Too much crime there.

  25. He's a liberal democrat who is fully vested in the big brother/big government/nanny state mindset. I believe it is reminiscent of the Soviet Union. Really? A curfew? Jim can you justify this? I don't think so. Let people think for themselves.

  26. It's no wonder businesses don't want to local in Downtown Salisbury.

    With the mentaility of politicians like Ireton - businesses will never return to Salisbury.

  27. Officially - the STORM IS NOW OVER.

    I've been in and around Salisbury this morning and everything is just fine.

  28. Response to 8:55 Posting

    Wait-just-a-minute. Do you know that Ireton said the curfew is until 7:00 p.m. tonight?

    No person in their right mind would place a curfew when the storm is now over. Where is your sanity. Thank-god we have SBYnews so that the people can see, feel, and touch, the reality of the situation. The Coast is now CLEAR!

  29. You people keep saying what if. What if the mayor didn't do this. What if pd/fd/emt didn't do that.

    Come back to reality. The hurricane skirted this area and we just got wet.

    Most of us have got enough common sense to stay in out of the rain. Maybe the people he hangs around with needs to be told what to do and when they can come out to play.

    We don't need such 'protection'. We have survived just fine without him in the past and will do so in the future.

    R.I.P. to those that died.

    The rest of you, go clean up your yard.

  30. well considering SU has cancelled Monday classes... I'd assume Wicomico is closed too.......

  31. What is wrong with you people? I see no problem with a public official trying to protect the citizens of the community he serves. Wouldn't we rather prepare for the worst? Do you just need something to complain about? We had a hurricane, we had tornadoes, we still have strong winds. If you are out today you are irresponsible and a hinderance to society.

  32. To 9:54

    I just called Wicomico County's hotline to ask when is the dump opening so that I can take all of the tree debris.

    They just informed me that Wicomico is still under curfew and that they have not been informed on the opening of the County landfill.

    I would say that Pollitt needs to get his act in gear also.

  33. If you are out today you are irresponsible and a hinderance to society.

    August 28, 2011 9:56 AM

    Oh God, grow up. Is this the first storm you been in?

  34. I agree with you Joe, in that this curfew is rather comedic. However, I am more ashamed of the locals for there immaturity. I feel as if this curfew has been placed for a very important reason, because if it hadn't been placed, SOMEONE could be knocked over by an unsubstantial tree limb and be ready to Sue Mayor Ireton for not placing a curfew. I do not like or agree with the curfew, but if it wasn't for these sue-happy people we've got lurking about, there would be no curfew. We as a society, and a Nation have become soft, and greedy. Perhaps if it is in your power to do so, by means of this great blog you have, you could do something to harden our citizens up a little so we would no longer be given curfews like the irresponsible children we've become. The Mayor is doing his job as Mayors do, like it or not, he is the constant in this, and it's up to US, to be given the Privelege to be MEN, men who don't use fallen branches as our ticket to sue like any Coward would. Be Men, grow up, and prove that we Don't need a curfew.

    Tell 'em Joe!

  35. anonymous 10:14, anonymous 9:56 is crybaby JT. He's just jealous because the Police Chief told him he had to stay home. It doesn't matter anyway. His scooter doesn't have windshielf wipers. Heck, it doesn't have a roof or a windshield either. He can't get off his fat ass to do anything, so he spent the past 48 hours sending in stupid and childish comments that got rejected. He can't deliver, he can only bitch and complain because of who is in his life and the fact that he can't be me.

    Hey JT, try the HCG Diet. You'll lose 2 pounds a day like I did. Granted, it will take you a whole lot longer to lose it but you won't need that scooter or bs excuses whenever its convenient to use a wheel chair. Oh, that's right, you only use it to get eympathy from people anyway. I've seen you at construction sites and events walking around just fine.

    By the way, do any of you know if he shaved off his goatee yet? His man love crush for me tells me he'll do anything Joe Albero does. My guess is that he has.

  36. I notice that a lot of people commenting here have said stuff like wuss and scared about the mayor and that they will be going out if they want. Well heres my take onthings if something does happen, as the winds here in Fruitland are still strong enough to MOVE MY SOLID METAL TABLE across my deck (that is upsidedown), to those that travel out I hope they don't expect people to come running to their help or that we should feel bad for them.

    This is just one more thing to help weed out the dumbasses and in the world and we would be better off without them.

    Natural selection, and survival of the fittest. Think of the animal that strays from the herd. What happened to it? It became lunch for the lion. Yeah, have fun stray animals

  37. NO! The drive into work was fantastic, none of the usual idiots heading to/from the beach. There was a fatality on the East bound lane of US 50 where it turns into the bypass... a poor bird was smashed and laying dead in the road. I am certain this was a result of Irene and will no doubt be covered by WBOC. The Weather Channel (AKA The Fear Channel) and WBOC last night at midnight were still reporting wind associated with Irene at 80 MPH. Hatteras on the outer banks had a peak wind gust of 74 Kts. Data to support the 80 MPH wind did not exist yet they continued to run with their shocking news/lies.

    The best part of the media scare was that the lemmings that refuse to inform themselves ran for the hills and temporarily increased the overall intelligence level of the Salisbury area. Unfortunately the mayor didn't take a permanent vacation.

    Take Care, GOD Bless, JC out.

  38. Beezer, Jim Ireton was BORN in Salisbury and lived here most of his life.

    What difference does someone born-here or come-here make to calling a curfew?

    Comparing this to the cancellations of other places prepared for big snows is stupid.

    That said, can't say I agree with the curfew, but I can't blame public safety for wanting stupid people to stay home who think it's a thrill to get out in dangerous conditions and then expect the government to save their butts when real emergencies are taking place.

  39. ***Fruitland Generic 08:13 IDIOT***
    Yesterday at quarter after 4 the wind picked up to 61 MPH. This morning, max wind gust has been 54 MPH a little after 7 AM with a sustained wind speed of 37 MPH.

    Use data, not feelings for determining the severity of the wind speed.


  40. Not that I think the people should be on the streets during that weather, becuase they shouldnt just to keep them safe, HOWEVER curfews are illegal in the United States. So he can impose what ever he wanted, as you did not see any city,county, or state police officers stopping people. There is no charge for violating the curfew, heck there is not even a city ordinanance for it. If the mayor had got a ordinance passed it would be struck down by the U.S. Suprement court, just like many, many others have over the years. So Jimmy, it only makes you look bad when you make statements that you can not back up. KNOW THE LAW if you want to try and impose one.

  41. While there are a LOT of anonymous comments defending Mayor Ireton on several Posts, Good Lord Chuck Cook, your nose must be so brown it isn't funny. QUIT defending Ireton in the cover your ass mode because he screwed up so bad.

    Most of us are grown adults and you freaking wet pants liberals just want us to know that you can control our every day lives if you want to.

    You go straight to hell with that control crap. It is our lives and I truly doubt ANY of us need to be told things are dangerous outside.

    Hell, last night there were SEVER Hummers running around Salisbury. It was the National Guard. I mean, GOOD LORD. Overkill Chuckie and jimmy, OVERKILL!

  42. U gotta be kidding 10:19. Where do people come up with this stuff. The fact that he even conjured up this convoluted thought is frightening. He called a curfew so he wouldn't get sued if a tree hit me? So you take away my rights to freedom to cover your behind?! Yea that sounds like Ireton.

  43. A plea to stay off the streets would have been enough. (Christie's "GET THE HELL OFF THE BEACH! was great.)

    Can't wait to see his coming press conference and press release blaming "council leadership" and slamming Terry Cohen for something related to Irene, like council not funding donuts for the emergency meetings.

    His media shows are three-ring circuses.

  44. 10:25 You are a sheep try to think for yourself. If you think 20mile & hr winds are to much then you should stay home.

  45. 8:12 if you are disgusted then don't come back.

  46. 10:19 (William Hotton): You said it beautifully! Likewise, 9:56. 9:16, most of the comments I've read on this blog show that we don't have many good "thinkers" among us, so I don't think it's a good idea to let people "think for themselves." For example, what kind of thinking is it to compare the mayor to the former Soviet Union? Enough said.

  47. Hey 11:21 my name is William, not 10:19. The fact that everyone is getting so worked up over this whole situation is even MORE proof that society is going down the drain. Use your heads. Do the little kiddies wanna go out in the storm?? THEN FRIGGIN DO IT! But don't sit on here and point fingers at ANYBODY whilst hiding behind your anonymous posts because none of it matters. Don't like Ireton? Vote him out! Can't vote him out because it's rigged? DEAL WITH IT, or atleast move to Canada so we'll have one less car to dodge on the road. Jeez you guys are acting like elementry school children. Yea we get it, he's a bozo. But if you have all the answers then I suggest you get up there and do something about it! Please, PLEASE, offer me some peace because I know Ireton will be out and someone better will be in office who actually FRIGGIN knows what their doing. Come on folks, it seems like the public is NEVER happy with who gets elected.

  48. Now that the storm is over, I'm getting out of my chair and going outside to pick up the fallen branches in my 91 year old neighbors yard like any everage good citizen should, and I know Joe Albero is right there with me on that. Let's get over this political argument, think and work tegether, and try to benefit this little piece of Heaven we call home.
    God Bless. Be Happy.

  49. William, if you need any help whatsoever you give me a call at 410-430-5349 and I'll show up with my truck and a chain saw.

  50. What a clown..love the pic though!

  51. 8:17 You have issues that need professional help.


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