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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Salisbury News Experienced The Biggest Saturday In Our History

There is absolutely no doubt the Eastern Shore depended on Salisbury News more so than any other local news source on the Shore this weekend. Many have simply given up on the MSM theatrics and have pledge to stay away from them any longer. I can't say as I blame them. I'm pretty pissed off that they can claim their Doppler Radar crap is the best and their mid shore bureau chief corespondent so and so knows what they're talking about, it's a joke any more.

I too grew tired of WBOC covering so much of Delaware yesterday. What gets me the most is this. THINK ABOUT IT. Can you really depend on a company like WBOC who claims to be a news leader getting it wrong most of the time? Perhaps they can live with themselves going to work every day because they do have a pretty decent audience but do you know what would kill me inside. It would kill me that every one visiting my Site was ONLY coming here because there's no real competition, not because I was doing such a great job.

Then think about this as well. You watch a news broadcast over a 30 minute period. By the time you take away commercials your left with a 14 minute news broadcast. THINK, how much of that broadcast is weather? How much of it is sports? How much of it is Captain Willy in the chopper thanking Johnnie Janosic? How much of it is Heart and Soul? How much of it is Travels with Charlie? HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU HAVE LEFT TO SHARE DELMARVA NEWS!!!!!!

You get next to NOTHING from WBOC. They are a NEWS station, NOT a wanna be drama show! So are the advertisers on Delmarva that stupid? Well, again, I guess when you're the only thing left, (not because you're doing it right) people will come to watch. However, the smart ones, (I'd hope to think I'm one of them) grow very tired of the long drawn out drama broadcasts and NO NEWS, other than what Salisbury News already brought you earlier today or the day before.

So why the Weather Channel logo at the top of the page. Well, I thought I'd share that when we published the photos of the hurricane in Salisbury and then Wicomico County, the Weather Channel contacted me within minutes and asked to use our photos. Of course our only request was that they provide a link back to sbynews.com and our numbers went through the roof. At midnight last night there were more than a thousand people on the Site. That's a lot for midnight on a Saturday.

Anyhow, I for one am VERY disappointed in WBOC recently. While I like many of the people working there, the drama needs to end and they need to get back to what they used to do best, tell the news. Doing stories that only involve your own advertisers is manufacturing news. No one has ever been in the position to challenge WBOC and since I have that audience I'm going to do what I have always done best, make them accountable.

Allow me to close with this. I'd like to thank all of you for visiting Salisbury News. We hope you enjoy the different kind of news and information we provide by keeping it real. Most of all, thanks for letting us know we are the go to place for residents of the Eastern Shore for news and information.


  1. Heard and saw nothing about the Pemberton Drive area tornadoes except here.

    Hype means ratings, rating means profit for local media and TWC.

    Not only with MSM but with local government agencies, all others repeat what a few say.

    The only reason for the overkill of caution is protect people who swing from downed electrical wires or go wind surfing in the hurricane.

    Pictures of boarded and taped windows around town were great.

    Sometimes it pays to go OUT and gather news not just be an echo.

  2. Will Wicomico have school tomorrow? What do you think?

  3. it burns me up...listening to the MSM whip everyone in to a frenzy, instill fear in the young and elderly and continually get it wrong. and then it makes me crazy listening to people who buy in to it! we've had WORSE winds in other storms. this was nothing.... i'm so sick of the mentality.

  4. At least WBOC doesn't spend most of their "reporting" talking about how totally amazing they are and how totally crappy every other outlet is.

    Your pretentiousness is astonishing!

  5. In my opinion, WBOC was only doing their job. The were following Deleware so closely because Deleware was hit pretty hard. Tornadoes are no joke, and if you saw some of the live reporting they did, I think you would see how dedicated they were to making sure people understood what was going on. I think what people fail to understand is that Delmarva does not get severe weather like this very often. We can't compare ourselves to places like Colorado that gets 3 and 4 feet of snow, or Florida that has a hurricane every week it seems. We aren't that used to handling severe weather. Rather than downsizing it, making everything seem okay, they tell people to be overprepared rather than under, a good call. I think before you start playing the blame game, you need to look at it from everyone's point of view. While Irene may not have produced Katrina-like damage, it did its toll on Delmarva. You did a great job following the storm Joe, and a huge part of Delmarva thanks you for that. However, the name calling and posts dedicated to critisizing local authorities is unnecessary. Maybe you should focus on the news people on Delmarva need to know, and not grudges.

  6. 9:30 AM

    Sure they do. They call themselves 'the news leader' every chance they get. Having tours of the newsroom. What do you call that.

  7. Good Job Joe! I accessed the site dozens of times throughout the day. Being a Ham radio operator, and with your website, I was more informed and most importantly kept my wife at ease about things. I am a survivalist type but she is not. LOL.

  8. Gosh--you people sound so angry. Can't you just feel blessed it wasn't worse and thank those in charge to take precautions, even if they are in vain? And, by the way, where is it that is so important that you go out today and leave your family & homes?

  9. Ah, hell. Who cares? Anyone who has lived here any amount of time knows what kind of station wboc is, no news there.

    They used to be the ONLY news outlet around here. Then 47 came along and now Joe and his blog.

    They better get off their laurels or they are going to be sucking hind tit.

  10. i got my weather news from channel 11 and channel 13-Baltimore and CNN. WBOC and WDMT are crap

  11. not only that but WBOC suks because they blocked Comcast cable channel 95 WTTG Fox 5 all afternoon for their crappy coverage of Irene. I was watching the Detroit Tigers play until WBOC interrupted. U SUCK WBOC!!!!!!!!!

  12. "At least WBOC doesn't spend most of their "reporting" talking about how totally amazing they are"

    excuse me, WHAT? I get so SICK of hearing WBOC say they are so great. Remember people... their motto is "Delmarva's News Reader"

    They could provide more news if they cut out all the self promotion. I hear everyone that works at WBOC is so unhappy. It's a shame they have forgot what "news" means.


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