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Saturday, August 27, 2011

O'Malley Confirms Salisbury News Tornado Announcements In Wicomico County

Soon after Salisbury News announced there were two tornado's that touched down in Wicomico County, Governor O'Malley stated they were in unpopulated areas and only caused damage in the woods.

O'Malley went on to explain that they fully expect the tide in Annapolis and Baltimore to pull out of those areas and NOT cause flooding as expected. We can probably expect the same here in Wicomico County.

Once again, Salisbury News called it and the MSM over exaggerated the "SEVERE Weather". Stick with Salisbury News, Delmarva's News Leader.


  1. Honestly, I couldn't care less who reported it. Tornadoes are nothing to sneeze at. I want to know when there is one, regardless of where it came from as far as the news

  2. Can I still go to the beach tomorrow? Obamas fault

  3. The lord made his stance on weather clear. we reap what we sew like Joe has stated. Joe you were right. Glod Bess All. Aemn

  4. Aaaaand what is that?! Sounds RACIST.

  5. No lib'tard it means we aint supost to be gay. Model citizens like Marco Rubio or Roberto Arango know what im talking about. they lejislate so we can protekt marrige. duh.

  6. http://www.ontopmag.com/article.aspx?id=9328&MediaType=1&Category=26

    Your buddy Arango is about to be ousted as a hypocrite.

    I'm not even going to get into spelling with you Redbird, but people who are bigoted like yourself are clearly on the wrong side of history...

  7. REDBIRD...... Could you Please change your name. Alot of us around here have fond memories of the real Redbird.

  8. But wait, I thought the storm was all hype.

  9. But wait, I thought the storm was all hype.

    August 28, 2011 12:25 AM

    Judging by what I have seen, it is all hype, at least in this area.

  10. Redbird,
    How far did you go in school? I could barely make out what you were trying to write.


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