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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Is Mayor Ireton Completely Clueless? The Storm Is Over Jim!

"I cannot stress the importance of residents remaining in place throughout the night and all day Sunday."

In a recent Press Release, Mayor Ireton announced the above quote, yet Governor O'Malley has pretty much stated, its over.

WHY does the Mayor want every one off the streets and NOT live a normal life? I think the power of becoming Mayor and telling an entire community to stay home for 1 1/2 days must just give him a woody.

Quit acting like a clown and grow the hell up. Maybe Mayor Ireton and Mayor Mehan want to spend the day trying to sober up from one hell of a hurricane party weekend!


  1. He look linda cute there.

  2. ive been out and about driving all day and night just to spite this guy.

  3. Am I the only one who feels kinda let down? We have had worse storms than this and we didn't have a curfew either.

    Seems more of a media event than anything. Maybe it was worse south of us but I haven't seen anything to write home about yet.

    Of course I'm not out riding around so maybe some areas are worse off than what I see.

  4. I like that picture. That's about how I feel about him right now.

  5. WBOC SHOULD BE ASHAMED! They have done nothing but scare old people for the past 3 days. Even now at 10:30 they are still trying to tell people 'the worst is still to come!' If you look at the reporting stations in Virginia Beach you see that the winds barely topped 35mph. Yet even knowing that they still trying to make out like a killer storm is going to hit at midnight.

    We have had 2, count them TWO leaves blow off trees in the yard, OMG THE CARNAGE!! (this is north of Delmar)

    Now certainly people in the coastal areas will have some flooding from all the rain, it's nothing to be running wall-to-wall news coverage over.

    Maybe they use turn off some of the multi-million dollar weather equipment, and look out a window! Or at least get on the internet and look at one of the many weather enthusiast sites and follow the REAL history of this storm.

    They just keep spewing the bogus information from the government (both National and Local) who need to a false crisis to seem important and overstep their authority.

  6. I think the cerfew is good. The worse of the storm will be here between 2 and 5am? Residents need to stay off streets and in a safe place.

  7. anonymous 10:47, aka Ireton's Intern, WHO IN THE HELL IS OUT ON THE STREETS BETWEEN 2 AND 5 AM!!!!!

    Give me a break. Ireton wants every one off the streets throughout the entire day on Sunday. DO YOU READ?

  8. I live in Raleigh and we only got a little rain here but with wind (below 50 mph) we have trees down and flooding here. The storm started last night and just finished a couple of hours ago so it is not over for you up there. Don't be all flattered that someone in NC is reading your blog, I used to live up there and was just checking on the weather. Stay safe.

  9. Is anyone else sick of James Ireton, Jr.’s multiple press releases. WTH! He is nothing but a joke that wants to see his name in the press.

  10. The funny thing is that clown boy Mare is allowing Jeff Simpson to run the show and make decisions for him. The clown is to stupid to realize that Simpson knows just as much as Ireton does.

  11. The Salisbury Fire Department has set up "citywide command" at the fire department and dispatching calls after the 911 center is giving them the call over the air. What a JOKE!! The fire department is wasting thousands of dollars in overtime funds.

  12. After Ireton's "support meeting" with those liberal activists aka "looney toones" from Moveon.org, YES, HE IS A CLAUN !!!
    Thanks Mr. Joe, great picture indeed.

  13. All of you are very ignorant. While you all sit at home posting your complaints my husband and other officers/emt/firefighters are pulling cars out from flooded streets and risking their lives for your families instead of being home with their own. Maybe YOU all need to grow up and respect the fact that someone is caring about your well being. Jim could be enjoying a hurricane party, instead he has spent all day in meetings and following regulations that are enforced by federal and state government. Now he gets to spend all night doing what a mayor does. NY mayor was on the news constantly updating his constituants, why shouldnt Jim be?

  14. There have been dozens of trees down, and many,many powerlines. The concern was justified.

  15. Don't be all flattered that someone in NC is reading your blog, I used to live up there and was just checking on the weather. Stay safe.

    August 27, 2011 10:57 PM

    Still a jerk.

  16. 11:59 PM

    You trying to compare N.Y. with Salisbury?? LMAO

    Thanks for all the work you guys out there are doing but I don't think anyone is risking their life and limb in this town.

    Unless of course a tree happens to fall on them.

    Lady, you need to chill before you put an emt's life at risk because you decide to have a heart attack.


  17. Lucky, don't flatter yourself. I too have a relative that is part of that group locally. Last I checked while pulling in OT they were sitting in a building eating and had been for hours. Not a lot of activity with no one on the roads. Also, I don't think anyone would (or should) have an issue with the order actually being given. What simply makes no sense is the need for it to be in effect until 7pm. Worst will be done about sunrise and rain stops about noon. Look at the order. It is illegal to be walking within the city limits. Are we writing $500 fines tomorrow afternoon for people surveying damage to their home? How about those out walking the dog? They are breaking the law! Pull the order back to 1pm or cancel it once the weather improves and I'm ok.

  18. 11:59 PM

    He wanted the job. No whining. Oh, but he isn't. It's you that's whining.

    Follow your own advice. Grow up.

  19. I can not believe the ignorance of people in this county! You would all be crying and whining if these precautions hadn't been taken and the storm was much worse. Grow the heck up and appreciate that safety was a huge concern. We are fortunate that the storm wasn't as bad as originally predicted; so what if we were overly cautious? Get over it and be grateful for the precautions and our luck in the storm. I am disgusted by these comments.

  20. Did I go through a time warp and am six years old again. Jim must be an expert on how hard she will blow.

  21. Mayor keeps the mall closed all day and hundreds of poor retail workers lose a day's wages. Thanks idiot.

  22. Joe the people on the streets would be thugs and looters. Would it really hurt for people to stay home for one day and clean up their own debris, especially since most places are closed. What's to buy, you yourself announced the empty store shelves.

    We have many down tree limbs and the wind is still blowing here at 7:30 AM. Quit your belly aching over petty complaints.

  23. The storm is NOT over. Look outside! Wind is kicking up something terrible. And with so many without power, yeah they should stay inside!

  24. 1159, listen to 116, grow up. I really hate it when people who chose to be fire/police/nurses/etc or marry them -- complain when they do their jobs. Pick another profession or hobby or significant other if you don't like it but don't complain about it. Period!

    They weren't out there saving lives. They were having meetings and good ole boy poker parties.

  25. 11:59 and 4:10 Right on! So many of you are engaging in Monday-morning quarterbacking. The mayor and other area officials acted responsibly. The weather experts, particularly the Weather Channel, had been studying this storm for days. All their models showed basically the same paths that Irene would take. So we came through safely. We should be thanking God that we did and not whining because Mayor Ireton is doing his job. If we had suffered dire consequences from this storm--and it looked to almost all "experts" as if we would--and Ireton had not been visible, you all would be talking plenty of trash about him. Why not take some of the time that you're posting all the disparaging comments and thank the mayor and other officials for erring on the side of caution.

  26. I was about to just shoot my wife to save her a painful death, but then stated reading the Salisbury Blog and realized the storm was over, so she lives!

  27. 8:15 AM

    I'm with you on that. They think they're special because they wear a uniform or something and everyone should bow their head when they walk past.

    I will give kudos to the guys working the power lines in this mess. They actually are doing something.

  28. Some of you on here must be miserable people. If Ireton didn't call a curfew you would complain and say he should have. As far as WBOC goes, I think they did a wonderful job with hours of coverage and live shots from around the peninsula. As others have stated, be thankful it wasn't as bad as it could have been!

  29. Jimbo based all his decisions on the expertise of Far Cheef Simpson which is exactly nothing!

  30. Luckyduck said...

    All of you are very ignorant. While you all sit at home posting your complaints my husband and other officers/emt/firefighters are pulling cars out from flooded streets and risking their lives for your families instead of being home with their own. Maybe YOU all need to grow up and respect the fact that someone is caring about your well being. Jim could be enjoying a hurricane party, instead he has spent all day in meetings and following regulations that are enforced by federal and state government. Now he gets to spend all night doing what a mayor does. NY mayor was on the news constantly updating his constituants, why shouldnt Jim be?

    August 27, 2011 11:59 PM

    You are a joke. The only thing the FD did was run calls for wires down or trees down. How is that risking their lives for us? First of all they don't work for Delmarva Power of County Roads so they shouldn't have been responding to those calls.

  31. Luckyduck 11:59 you know your husband is a HERO because you watched Backdraft! LMAO

    You bunch of wannabe losers.

  32. I can't wait to see the awards ceremony and all the feel good awards given out to everyone for doing what they were paid to do. Jeff Simpson you can't buy respect. Please go back to Virginia or is it they don't want you there either.


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