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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Gerald Celente: 'Economic Martial Law Will Be Declared'

In his latest quarterly Trends Journal (Summer 2011), Gerald Celente provides us another "history of the future," in which he discusses global economic, monetary, and political events as they happen and what their consequences will be for months, years and decades to come. As he has said before, it is only a matter of time before a major terror attack is executed in a major Western nation. And once it happens it will send shock waves throughout the world, leading to mass global panic and a further tightening of the noose around the necks of the populace:
What will another major terror strike mean? Should an attack hit one of the major NATO nations, the effects, this time, will go global. Bank holidays will be called, the US and other fragile economies will crumble, gold and silver will soar, and already-troubled currencies will crash. Economic martial law will be declared. Introduced as a temporary measure, once in place it will remain in place (like the curfews and draconian security precautions installed by despots and dictators everywhere). Civil rights will be suspended and, particularly in America, Homeland Security, already intolerably intrusive, will achieve an Orwellian omnipresence.


  1. Celente is a great commentator on the current economic situation. I value his observations.

  2. Looking forward to this great oportunity , the strong will survive.
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    Money is not the root of evil , "the love of money is the root of evil".


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