easy. . .don't want people getting all butthurt about things i say. . .i'd rather say nothing at all. Most days I do. . .and am quite content to say nothing other than chit chat, trivial stuff. In person I don't like the hassle of hurt feelings. . .especially if I see them every day. . .like having to work with them. . .politics. . .religion. . .etc. . . .I think you'll find most people don't go blabbering about that stuff in person much. . .those that do tend to be avoided. Considering this is a local blog it would be like saying that stuff in front of people you know. . .which is best avoided most times if you want to keep things civil. Within my family we debate issues on TV a lot. . .the closer you are to people the less it matters. Most people probably don't want difficulties at work/in their business. . .if I was retired like you or Joe I wouldn't care as much. . .when you have a team of people you need to work with its better to keep things light. I don't feel that anonymity takes away from the content that is posted. Hope that answers the question.
Because it is obvious that the only correct opinion is Joes. Comments that differ with his agenda are still going unposted. Also, depending on where the person works, comments may have an effect on their employment.
Honestly - it's just easier to hit annonymous. I found the sign in process more lengthy than it was worth to leave a comment. I would bet most don't respond out of laziness when you have to sign in.
12:12 is right about being attacked by the anti's. Many of us have somewhat less than pure pasts. Although not perverted and nothing to do with the subject matter on which they comment, some of the past issues are embarrassing, such as divorce, bankruptcy, criminal or traffic charges, etc. This prevents people from standing up and being counted.
Because even though we are entitled to "free speech", this doesn't mean that it is upheld. If a commenter posts their true opinion, and their employer does not agree with it, then retaliation occurs. And even though it is illegal, the commenter is left trying to defend their rights which costs them not only their job but attorney fees and court costs on top of it. Or the commenter just accepts it and gets a new job. Thus, it isn't really "free speech" because it could cost a lot! The option of posting anonymous allows a citizen to feel they have "free speech" and yet are able to keep free of retaliation by their employer.
I really would not want friends or co-workers to know how I feel about certain topics so this way I can express my feelings without stepping on anyone's toes.
People speak honestly when anonymous. Historically the left has gone after people and their jobs and family if someone says something they disagree with.
Are you really asking this question, and the way you target some people, esspecially the ones you don't like??? You most certainly have your right to your view of numerous issues,however, alot of people that visit this site are government employees and don't want to be walking around with bulls-eyes painted on their backs, let alone the general public.
Funny how a select few are actually on here complaining about their comment being rejected. I call that an obsession. If you don't like it here, do tell every one why you keep returning several times a day.
You should also tell every one why your comments seem to always get rejected. It's because you curse, you flat out lie, you use capital letters or you personally attack someone using an anonymous name.
You know what Folks. JT and TM spend their days trying to get racial attack comments published, hoping we'll slip up and then run to our advertisers and tell them we published such information.
I'm not talking about every once in a while. I'm talking all the time.
You better believe I/We censor comments like there's no tomorrow. If you want to go after someone, USE YOUR REAL NAME. Oh, we'll be happy to publish it then, just like we did Mcguire's comment yesterday.
First of all, I'm not retired. While I appreciated you're reasons they don't fully explain our current situation.
I am the first to admit that I have seen the quality of comments improve dramatically However, we still have too many people who think that they can attack people and hide behind anonymity.
I really don't care about serious comments, or chit-chat, being done anonymously. I do worry about cowards who think that they can say all sorts of horrible things and hide behind this site.
Anon 1149 -
That's simply not true. I argue with Albero all the time about certain comments that are rejected by him that I wouldn't (and vice versa). To be fair, Joe has good reasons (that I might not wholly agree with), as do I. I can honestly say that he isn't rejecting comments simply because he disagrees with the writer.
Read our comment policy. If he does, simply email me and I'll put your comment up (provided it does not violate our comment guidelines). The problem is that no one has done that to date because they would rather simply whine that Joe trashes every comment that he doesn't agree with.
Some of us don't want the hassel of the immature people / neighbors / aquaintance that believes their opinion is the only one that counts. They always want to be confrontational.
I will gladly email Joe or GA with my name and other info they might want /need for verification.
I sign in with no name because the last time I left my name people (my haters) went on the attack and its was posted so everyone could see it so I just avoid that situation all together.
GA you know the crazy people that hate Joe and this blog went after the Salvation Army! If they can go after such a nice charity, then why would I or anyone want to subject ourselves to phone calls, possible harassment and all of the things you have to deal with? I just don't have time for it. I like this blog and I like commenting on here to add to the discussions, but not at the price of having some nutjob take aim at me or my family. I don't want to be put in that position because I am afraid I would go to jail. I'm not afraid of these people, rather I'm afraid that my defense of family would run me afoul of the law.
I comment 'anonymously' for the same reason I offer posts anonymously-- because among the readership of SBYNEWS, there is a cabal of extremely immature, mentally-unstable people who live to make trouble for anybody associated with this blog.
By remaining anonymous, I am able to say what needs saying while protecting myself and my family from these obsessive-compulsive jerks, as well as those within the local and state governments who don't like light being shined on their activities-- and I know that some of them would 'play hardball', given the chance.
Having a cloak of anonymity is a safety mechanism. It's unfortunate that one is needed, but from what I've seen of this while being involved in it, it just isn't worth the hassles that would come from signing one's name.
In the end, the job is to inform and enlighten the readers. One must do what one must do to reach the goal.
You and Joe know the mentality of some of the folks who come here. You should already know the answer to your question.
It's one thing to be forced to read some of these peoples rants but quite another to volunteer infomation that they could use to track anyone down. And I am quite sure some would.
If you make waves, you open yourself to becoming a target to other people. I for one enjoy a good, logical, reasonable debate. The issue is, not all contributors follow those rules, and the debate becomes ad hominem.
Plus, as a 'semi-public' person, It is not in my best interest to make waves. That upsets my employer. It really is a shame that I have to, but that is how the world is.
Mr. A - I'm not JA nor TM, whomever that person may be. Where ever I go in this county/state, all I hear is what an idiot you are expressing and promting your negative views and personal attacks that cripples any type of progress in this city. That's all I have 2 say...TY for letting me vent..
I enjoy having a place I can express myself without fear that my landlord will evict me. You never know who's sleeping with who in this little burg. I've read your stories about that landlord group and they are pretty scary.
IMHO, If you look at the history of this BLOG, people sooner or later get attacked by Joe, just look for yourself; so people learned real quick too not use their names. I have watched your writings GA, and even though I do not agree, at least you have class. Problem is whom you have chosen to associate with, after years of attacks, now turning the other cheek is a little too late.
Explain something. If you really believe all of that foolishness, why are you a reader AND a commenter?
Anon 2224 -
I don't know what comment you are referring to. I've been moderating 90%+ of the comments this weekend, so chances are it either disappeared into the Blogger ether or I deleted it. However, you pretty much have to be dropping the F bomb or laying a personal attack on someone other than Albero or myself for me to bump you.
You have a perfect right to your opinion. I'm not going to bump comments just because they are anonymous either.
I've seen the overall tone of this blog improve greatly over the last 5 - 6 years. Even Joe will admit (a few days after he's done it) that he still crosses the line on occasion. However, attacks from our side are pretty few and far between.
I'll give you a great example: Another blogger has this huge man crush on Albero. He tries to copy everything he does. Difference is that he uses other sites to be mean and then tries to claim that he's only doing "positive stuff". Anyway, this hefty fool set up a site that claims to tell the stories of Albero's "victims".
I went through this site. Turns out that a couple of folk MAY, keyword being MAY, have a legitimate gripe. What about the others? They're not "victims". They're people who disagree with Albero.
Hell, I've even been the target. My "crime"? I wrote a very factual piece about a local landlord who harmed a neighbor's property and didn't get the required permits / contractors for a particular job. NO ONE has disputed the facts. Instead, I was subject to a flood of profanity. But somehow, the member of the landlord's family (who was spewing the bile) is a "victim"? The claim was that I "stalked" the individual. Give me a break.
If the guy who put that crap up wasn't on the dole, I would sue for libel. Given that I'm not a public figure (for the purposes of NYT v Sullivan), Albero keeps me either chained to my desk or covering public meetings, and I can prove every thing I wrote, it would be the shortest civil trial in history. I don't care how good a lawyer T. J. Maloney is, he couldn't get his "little" blogger out of that scrape.
I diagree with some of the atricles posted by Joe & GA but I enjoy reading someone else's opinion. My beliefs are mine and not I realize that not all people fell the need to live their life as I do.What baffles me is that many people think that everyone should think as they think, act as they act,and that anything to the contrary is some sort of blasphemy. If we all liked the same things we would all be wearing the same color shoes. What a dull & boring world.
GA, I, too, have seen the overall tone of this blog improve over the last 5-6 weeks. (I know you incorrectly hit the wrong keys there, saying "years"... I struggle with typing sometimes too.) Maybe that is your influence, maybe it is Joe maturing, I don't know. But this blog can become a beacon for the citizens of Salisbury and beyond if it remains true to itself. Personal attacks, NO MATTER THE PROVOCATION, are never justified. I absolutely agree with the characterization of Thomas Leggs as a monster, and the threats and disgusting comments directed toward him were absolutely warranted. However, the vilification of Sarah's family was not. Calling another blogger "fat" or someone else a "crook" is childish name calling and does not belong on a site that attempts to help local citizens, keep them informed, and tries to rid the city of corruption. Get back to that type of blogging, and the haters will disappear. As for the negative characterizations of SBYNews staff, I don't think it helps that you guys play that game as well. Just because someone is a public figure does not mean they should be subjected to some of the vile things I have read. BUT, there is NEVER an excuse to attack a child so I understand Joe's anger when people disrespect his grandchild. But why stoop to their level?
Oh, and one other thing.... in another post you commented that people don't like the whole "copy/paste" aspect of this blog, but that if you read any newspaper, the articles are mostly copy/paste from the AP. That's true. But the newspaper states that it is from the AP Wire Service. I THINK that is what folks want from here. Not all original stuff, just give credit where it's due. Just my 8 cents. (Inflation)
No, it was not a typo. I've been following SBYnews since the beginning and the overall tone has shown an immense improvement. This isn't just over the last 5 - 6 weeks.
It is true that Joe gets a little harsh on occasion, but those incidents are fewer and farther between than in the past. I look at that as a sign of improvement rather than something terrible.
As for the "cut and paste" comment. You will note that either we post these things in one of two ways - either we post a portion of the article and then link to the original source (thereby giving them credit) or if it is a short piece I always list the source with a link to the source.
It is a fact that so called social media is used to determine employment.It can be is used by employers to fire there employees if the content is about them or the work place. You have no protection or rights if you find yourself in a situation.The only right you have is to remain silent. I use the blog to reveal the naked truth. If I were to use my name I would be so fired.
easy. . .don't want people getting all butthurt about things i say. . .i'd rather say nothing at all. Most days I do. . .and am quite content to say nothing other than chit chat, trivial stuff. In person I don't like the hassle of hurt feelings. . .especially if I see them every day. . .like having to work with them. . .politics. . .religion. . .etc. . . .I think you'll find most people don't go blabbering about that stuff in person much. . .those that do tend to be avoided. Considering this is a local blog it would be like saying that stuff in front of people you know. . .which is best avoided most times if you want to keep things civil. Within my family we debate issues on TV a lot. . .the closer you are to people the less it matters. Most people probably don't want difficulties at work/in their business. . .if I was retired like you or Joe I wouldn't care as much. . .when you have a team of people you need to work with its better to keep things light. I don't feel that anonymity takes away from the content that is posted. Hope that answers the question.
ReplyDeleteI would suspect, like myself, that many who comment are local government employees.
For me, it's because I don't want anything I say to be associated with my employer.
ReplyDeleteBecause it is obvious that the only correct opinion is Joes. Comments that differ with his agenda are still going unposted. Also, depending on where the person works, comments may have an effect on their employment.
ReplyDeleteanonymous 11:49, not true at all.
ReplyDeleteHonestly - it's just easier to hit annonymous. I found the sign in process more lengthy than it was worth to leave a comment. I would bet most don't respond out of laziness when you have to sign in.
ReplyDeleteretaliation against innocent family members or co-workers
ReplyDelete12:12 is right about being attacked by the anti's. Many of us have somewhat less than pure pasts. Although not perverted and nothing to do with the subject matter on which they comment, some of the past issues are embarrassing, such as divorce, bankruptcy, criminal or traffic charges, etc. This prevents people from standing up and being counted.
ReplyDeleteBecause even though we are entitled to "free speech", this doesn't mean that it is upheld. If a commenter posts their true opinion, and their employer does not agree with it, then retaliation occurs. And even though it is illegal, the commenter is left trying to defend their rights which costs them not only their job but attorney fees and court costs on top of it. Or the commenter just accepts it and gets a new job. Thus, it isn't really "free speech" because it could cost a lot!
ReplyDeleteThe option of posting anonymous allows a citizen to feel they have "free speech" and yet are able to keep free of retaliation by their employer.
I really would not want friends or co-workers to know how I feel about certain topics so this way I can express my feelings without stepping on anyone's toes.
ReplyDeletePeople speak honestly when anonymous. Historically the left has gone after people and their jobs and family if someone says something they disagree with.
ReplyDeleteAre you really asking this question, and the way you target some people, esspecially the ones you don't like??? You most certainly have your right to your view of numerous issues,however, alot of people that visit this site are government employees and don't want to be walking around with bulls-eyes painted on their backs, let alone the general public.
ReplyDeleteFunny how a select few are actually on here complaining about their comment being rejected. I call that an obsession. If you don't like it here, do tell every one why you keep returning several times a day.
ReplyDeleteYou should also tell every one why your comments seem to always get rejected. It's because you curse, you flat out lie, you use capital letters or you personally attack someone using an anonymous name.
You know what Folks. JT and TM spend their days trying to get racial attack comments published, hoping we'll slip up and then run to our advertisers and tell them we published such information.
I'm not talking about every once in a while. I'm talking all the time.
You better believe I/We censor comments like there's no tomorrow. If you want to go after someone, USE YOUR REAL NAME. Oh, we'll be happy to publish it then, just like we did Mcguire's comment yesterday.
Anon 1121 -
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I'm not retired. While I appreciated you're reasons they don't fully explain our current situation.
I am the first to admit that I have seen the quality of comments improve dramatically However, we still have too many people who think that they can attack people and hide behind anonymity.
I really don't care about serious comments, or chit-chat, being done anonymously. I do worry about cowards who think that they can say all sorts of horrible things and hide behind this site.
Anon 1149 -
That's simply not true. I argue with Albero all the time about certain comments that are rejected by him that I wouldn't (and vice versa). To be fair, Joe has good reasons (that I might not wholly agree with), as do I. I can honestly say that he isn't rejecting comments simply because he disagrees with the writer.
Read our comment policy. If he does, simply email me and I'll put your comment up (provided it does not violate our comment guidelines). The problem is that no one has done that to date because they would rather simply whine that Joe trashes every comment that he doesn't agree with.
Anon 1212, Anon 1227 -
Two of the most honest answers so far.
Some of us don't want the hassel of the immature people / neighbors / aquaintance that believes their opinion is the only one that counts. They always want to be confrontational.
ReplyDeleteI will gladly email Joe or GA with my name and other info they might want /need for verification.
I sign in with no name because the last time I left my name people (my haters) went on the attack and its was posted so everyone could see it so I just avoid that situation all together.
ReplyDeleteGA you know the crazy people that hate Joe and this blog went after the Salvation Army! If they can go after such a nice charity, then why would I or anyone want to subject ourselves to phone calls, possible harassment and all of the things you have to deal with? I just don't have time for it. I like this blog and I like commenting on here to add to the discussions, but not at the price of having some nutjob take aim at me or my family. I don't want to be put in that position because I am afraid I would go to jail. I'm not afraid of these people, rather I'm afraid that my defense of family would run me afoul of the law.
ReplyDeleteI comment 'anonymously' for the same reason I offer posts anonymously-- because among the readership of SBYNEWS, there is a cabal of extremely immature, mentally-unstable people who live to make trouble for anybody associated with this blog.
ReplyDeleteBy remaining anonymous, I am able to say what needs saying while protecting myself and my family from these obsessive-compulsive jerks, as well as those within the local and state governments who don't like light being shined on their activities-- and I know that some of them would 'play hardball', given the chance.
Having a cloak of anonymity is a safety mechanism. It's unfortunate that one is needed, but from what I've seen of this while being involved in it, it just isn't worth the hassles that would come from signing one's name.
In the end, the job is to inform and enlighten the readers. One must do what one must do to reach the goal.
You and Joe know the mentality of some of the folks who come here. You should already know the answer to your question.
ReplyDeleteIt's one thing to be forced to read some of these peoples rants but quite another to volunteer infomation that they could use to track anyone down. And I am quite sure some would.
If that's being a coward, oh well.
I have a pretty bad temper , don't need any crap back at my age.
ReplyDeleteI think Joe can explain this one easily.
ReplyDeleteIf you make waves, you open yourself to becoming a target to other people. I for one enjoy a good, logical, reasonable debate. The issue is, not all contributors follow those rules, and the debate becomes ad hominem.
Plus, as a 'semi-public' person, It is not in my best interest to make waves. That upsets my employer. It really is a shame that I have to, but that is how the world is.
ReplyDeleteIt's called RETALIATION!!
Mr. A - I'm not JA nor TM, whomever that person may be. Where ever I go in this county/state, all I hear is what an idiot you are expressing and promting your negative views and personal attacks that cripples any type of progress in this city. That's all I have 2 say...TY for letting me vent..
ReplyDeleteI enjoy having a place I can express myself without fear that my landlord will evict me. You never know who's sleeping with who in this little burg. I've read your stories about that landlord group and they are pretty scary.
ReplyDeleteSome because they are stupid. Others because they may actually jeopardize their employment unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteThis is an American freedom. Preserve it.
I would like to know why my comment concerning George Chevallier's post yesterday was not allowed. It was a harmless post. What was the problem? EL
ReplyDeleteIMHO, If you look at the history of this BLOG, people sooner or later get attacked by Joe, just look for yourself; so people learned real quick too not use their names. I have watched your writings GA, and even though I do not agree, at least you have class. Problem is whom you have chosen to associate with, after years of attacks, now turning the other cheek is a little too late.
ReplyDeleteAnon 2002 -
ReplyDeleteExplain something. If you really believe all of that foolishness, why are you a reader AND a commenter?
Anon 2224 -
I don't know what comment you are referring to. I've been moderating 90%+ of the comments this weekend, so chances are it either disappeared into the Blogger ether or I deleted it. However, you pretty much have to be dropping the F bomb or laying a personal attack on someone other than Albero or myself for me to bump you.
Anon 2245 -
ReplyDeleteYou have a perfect right to your opinion. I'm not going to bump comments just because they are anonymous either.
I've seen the overall tone of this blog improve greatly over the last 5 - 6 years. Even Joe will admit (a few days after he's done it) that he still crosses the line on occasion. However, attacks from our side are pretty few and far between.
I'll give you a great example: Another blogger has this huge man crush on Albero. He tries to copy everything he does. Difference is that he uses other sites to be mean and then tries to claim that he's only doing "positive stuff". Anyway, this hefty fool set up a site that claims to tell the stories of Albero's "victims".
I went through this site. Turns out that a couple of folk MAY, keyword being MAY, have a legitimate gripe. What about the others? They're not "victims". They're people who disagree with Albero.
Hell, I've even been the target. My "crime"? I wrote a very factual piece about a local landlord who harmed a neighbor's property and didn't get the required permits / contractors for a particular job. NO ONE has disputed the facts. Instead, I was subject to a flood of profanity. But somehow, the member of the landlord's family (who was spewing the bile) is a "victim"? The claim was that I "stalked" the individual. Give me a break.
If the guy who put that crap up wasn't on the dole, I would sue for libel. Given that I'm not a public figure (for the purposes of NYT v Sullivan), Albero keeps me either chained to my desk or covering public meetings, and I can prove every thing I wrote, it would be the shortest civil trial in history. I don't care how good a lawyer T. J. Maloney is, he couldn't get his "little" blogger out of that scrape.
its easier
ReplyDeleteMy name is anonymous.
ReplyDeleteI also have been made a target by other blogs for just commenting here, even if it's just a comment about the weather.
ReplyDeleteIn today's society ,we are afraid of repercussion.
ReplyDeleteRetaliation. Simple.
ReplyDeleteWhen you took it away (anonymous comments) you lost viewers. Simple again.
People want to hear the truth about what others think. They gauge their thoughts against what others have to say.
We are NOT free to think and speak in America. There is a danger to speaking the truth.
Joe allows us the resource for speaking anonymously. It is nice.
I diagree with some of the atricles posted by Joe & GA but I enjoy reading someone else's opinion. My beliefs are mine and not I realize that not all people fell the need to live their life as I do.What baffles me is that many people think that everyone should think as they think, act as they act,and that anything to the contrary is some sort of blasphemy.
ReplyDeleteIf we all liked the same things we would all be wearing the same color shoes. What a dull & boring world.
GA, I, too, have seen the overall tone of this blog improve over the last 5-6 weeks. (I know you incorrectly hit the wrong keys there, saying "years"... I struggle with typing sometimes too.) Maybe that is your influence, maybe it is Joe maturing, I don't know. But this blog can become a beacon for the citizens of Salisbury and beyond if it remains true to itself. Personal attacks, NO MATTER THE PROVOCATION, are never justified. I absolutely agree with the characterization of Thomas Leggs as a monster, and the threats and disgusting comments directed toward him were absolutely warranted. However, the vilification of Sarah's family was not. Calling another blogger "fat" or someone else a "crook" is childish name calling and does not belong on a site that attempts to help local citizens, keep them informed, and tries to rid the city of corruption. Get back to that type of blogging, and the haters will disappear.
ReplyDeleteAs for the negative characterizations of SBYNews staff, I don't think it helps that you guys play that game as well. Just because someone is a public figure does not mean they should be subjected to some of the vile things I have read. BUT, there is NEVER an excuse to attack a child so I understand Joe's anger when people disrespect his grandchild. But why stoop to their level?
Oh, and one other thing.... in another post you commented that people don't like the whole "copy/paste" aspect of this blog, but that if you read any newspaper, the articles are mostly copy/paste from the AP. That's true. But the newspaper states that it is from the AP Wire Service. I THINK that is what folks want from here. Not all original stuff, just give credit where it's due.
Just my 8 cents. (Inflation)
Anon 0929 -
ReplyDeleteNo, it was not a typo. I've been following SBYnews since the beginning and the overall tone has shown an immense improvement. This isn't just over the last 5 - 6 weeks.
It is true that Joe gets a little harsh on occasion, but those incidents are fewer and farther between than in the past. I look at that as a sign of improvement rather than something terrible.
As for the "cut and paste" comment. You will note that either we post these things in one of two ways - either we post a portion of the article and then link to the original source (thereby giving them credit) or if it is a short piece I always list the source with a link to the source.
It is a fact that so called social media is used to determine employment.It can be is used by employers to fire there employees if the content is about them or the work place. You have no protection or rights if you find yourself in a situation.The only right you have is to remain silent. I use the blog to reveal the naked truth. If I were to use my name I would be so fired.
ReplyDeleteWhen you took it away (anonymous comments) you lost viewers. Simple again.
ReplyDeleteI don't think he lost viewers. Just comments were less.