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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today’s Survey Question – 07/19/2011

Should Casey Anthony Write a Book, Would You Buy It?


  1. Of course she should. The title should be "The Book Of Lies".

  2. Sick question. Not suprised that this blog would ask such a question about exploiting a childs violent death for profit.

  3. "How I committed suicide" would be a great title for her jackkcharl@aol.com

  4. No. ...and HELL NO!!!!!

  5. Yes & yes! I think she is HOT!

  6. No, no, no!!! If she writes it, it will end up at Dollor Tree for a dollar!! With 90% of the people polled that thinks she is guilty, they sure aren't going to buy her book of lies!

  7. She's never going to write a book. What would it be about? Her "account" of what happened was already brought out in the trial. Anything else no one is interested in.

  8. She can write a book for her and OJ, still looking for the killers!

  9. I am still not convinced she killed her daughter. I do not believe her smart enough to have done this and not left fingerprints, DNA, or some other traceable evidence behind. With that said I don't believe she is smart enough to write a book with more than single syllables.

  10. Of course not. I don't want one cent of any royalty going to her.

  11. I dont think she knows how to spell lol I still wouldnt buy it.

  12. Ever hear of ghost writers or co-authors??????????????????

  13. I would like to buy one and beat her to death with it and leave her in a field to rot. Real justice.

  14. I have to admit that I would purchase and read a book by her or one of the other key players in this case. I missed much of the hoopla and the proceedings so I am curious. I, like 3:55, do not feel that this young kid, at 22 years of age had the brainpower to think any of this process through. I somehow feel that there is more to this story.


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