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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Today's Wildlife Photo

Hi, Joe. 

I found a black squirrel in our yard this week and thought it was so unusual!  I had never seen one and everyone I told had also confirmed they had never seen one, either.  They are common in southern Canada.  This little guy must have hitched a ride on a logging truck.


  1. It is a black squirrel. They are common in the Nassawango area. I assume you probably live near there, they are extending there ranges as far as Wango, Whiton, and I am sure other places. They are also in Washington DC. I see them all the time while hunting for deer. I watch them on my cornpile. The regular squirrels don't like them, and chase them off.

  2. I have seen them in the Church Street area as well.

  3. They are very common in Arlington VA where my in laws live. Also my friends just off of Rt 12 in Snow Hill see them frequently.

  4. Its actually a grey squirrel. Grey squirrels have many color variations and black happens to be one of them.

  5. The black squirrel is a sub-group of the gray squirrel.

  6. There goes the neighborhood...hahaha


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