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Friday, June 24, 2011

Landfill Permit Applications Running Late in Wicomico

An SbyNEWS reader emailed us yesterday asking why they hadn’t received their application for a new landfill permit. Their current permit expires in 5 days.

A call to the landfill office yielded the following explanation:

The landfill office has been running late in getting the applications out. They will be going out to current permit holders next week.

Because of the delay, all current permits will be EXTENDED to July 31, 2011. This should allow everyone enough time to get their applications and receive new permits.


  1. It took the council longer than expected to vote on the rates, hence the delay in the applications getting mailed.

  2. Thanks for the information, Mmmm local government late , imagine that!

  3. I was told you also would not be able to get them in the goverment office building downtown.

  4. Get ready for local government to be even later, but after all, this is what the voters want for low taxes.....slow service. Can't have it both ways.

  5. 4:52 PM

    why not? They are paid to do a job. If they can't do it, get somebody who can.

    What do tax rates have to do with some pencil neck pushing papers?


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