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Friday, March 04, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Do you believe the County Council made the right decision on Bennett Middle School?


  1. NO, it was all about the moment and not the future. Very shortsighted. Penny wise, pound foolish.

  2. Yes. I think many of us all agree there needs to be a new school but not at the cost they wanted to spend for it.

  3. As much as I dislike the Council, it was the right decision to not put this forward. The economy is not right for this to take place and put this burden on the tax payer. Yes Bennett Middle needs a lot of improvement, but come on, you're telling me you couldn't find a cheaper cost to build the school? Let's get real people the money is flowing like it used to, and everyone is skeptical now-in-days on how you spend money.

  4. Yes!!! The BOE needs to come back with a scaled down project so that the county could consider selling bonds to build a school without all the bells and whistles.

  5. ABSOLUTELY! where does all the money come from that people want to spend? You stop spending when you run out of money, not checks.

  6. No. I currently have a child in BMS and others that have already passed through so I know the condition of the school. However, my children will not benefit from a new school either way.

    I think the County Council was shortsighted by voting to remove the proposal from the CIP. Leaving it in the CIP does not guarantee that the building would commence next year, but taking if off the table this early in the year doesn't make sense, especially when we don't know the outcome of the bond sale until later in the year.

    I also find it irresponsible for the rumors to be spread that the maintenance crew was told not to fix anything. It was unsubstantiated and most likely not true, especially when these problems have been going on for years. They are not things that "broke" this year. My oldest son went through BMS 10 years ago and the school was in the same disrepair then.

  7. Yes...Absolutely.

  8. Yes!!!
    Education is taught , it is a mind thing , not a building.

    I'm a little radical and believe that the children should have to walk to school if within a mile. All bus stops should be at least a mile apart.

    Back to the basics , this nation is spoiled rotten!!

  9. Yes, given the clear message that the majority of taxpayers were sending the Council. They responded, as they should, to what most of those who must foot the bill were telling them. If the economy was much stronger and the stream of revenue coming into the county coffers could justify the projected cost of the project as submitted by the BOE, then by all means build it. Right now, however, the county simply does not have the money and will not for the forseeable future. Figure out ways to significantly reduce the cost without undermining the educational process too greatly and then re-submit the plan.

  10. Without question. There is neither the money nor the need. Governments need to get away from spending money because it might be nice to curtailing services and facilities that are necessary. Since the 1600's there has been no air conditioning in schools; why is it "necessary" 400 years later.

  11. absolutely!!!!! Anyone with common sense would know that! OOps forgot Big Ricky lacks in that field!

  12. Absolutely! We need to upgrade the school one wing at a time at a lower cost, when the county is in better shape. Sorry to the kids and Teachers who go there.

  13. YES...Now lets see what else they can do. We have a thinking council..working people looking out for working people. Go to work on the Board of Education and cut away fat. Work on the PIO officer.

    Keep up the good work that you were voted for...
    Thank you

  14. They absolutely made the right decision - get over it BOE and Rick Pollitt.

  15. As a taxpayer of Wicomico County (also City of Salisbury) I commend the County Council for their decision. Thank you County Council for those of you who voted as they did. (No new school right now)

  16. No I Dont think they made the right decision.. My child goes to the school and I know 1st hand how awful the school is. It has nothing to do with the no a/c issue. That's the leaast of the worries. The school is falling apart and has 913 kids in school that is not built for that many kids. People just dont realize how bad of shape the school is in. Just go visit one day or better yet be there when classes change and you cant move in the hallways. They have to schedule times for the kids to use thier lockers becasue they all cant be in the hall at the same time becasue there isnt enough room.

  17. WOW what a bunch of hilbillies! and you guys call me country!
    1) good school bring jobs!
    2) more education = less crime
    3) good schools bring tax base by having people move to that area for that public school they will invest in housing and in business and improve the overall quality of life

  18. Hey Country,

    What a load of crap.

    Lower taxes bring more jobs.

    A better education brings our government 20+ years of payments with interest.

    You couldn't move in this economy if your life depended on it, let alone a better education.

    Get a grip on life! Or shall I say, reality.

  19. Yes : It seems the council is finally listening to what the majority of the county residents want! We need a new school but at the present time cannot afford on so make do with what we have. Agreed improvements need to be made to Bennett Middle but when the board flat out refuses to maintain it what makes you people think they will maintain a new school either? I have a son in that school and have been there several time myself and see no reason why it couldn't be renovated to last 10 more years. The only reason it looks as bad as it does is because board employee's have been told not to fix anything unless it's a threat to life. Yes our kids deserve a good education which they are getting provided they are willing to learn. Its high time the board bow to the county as it should instead of they county bowing to them.

  20. Yes - Had the needed repairs and upkeep not been ignored we would not need to replace.

  21. IQ check on aisle 5 please?

    who said this?

    1) good school bring jobs!
    2) more education = less crime
    3) good schools bring tax base by having people move to that area for that public school they will invest in housing and in business and improve the overall quality of life

    so all of the businesses that LEFT Maryland or the United States for that matter LEFT because they DID NOT have the above?

    Liberal arts major or employed by a public institution?

    In the libtard planet you live on Bayliner moved to North Carolina because the crime and schools in Salsibury were bad. Perdure layed off 100 people and moved part of a department to Delaware because our ZOO wasn't good enough.

    Is everyone in this town on pcp?!?!?!??!?!


  22. had kids go through, know people who work there every day too. still doesn't justify this expense. dismiss kids in waves for their class schedule to keep the numbers down in the hallways. Be creative and innovative to make things work. look for solutions with what you have to work with. No new school though. when you can't afford a new house, you fix up the one you live in. let the BOE do the same thing.

  23. Yes, the council made the correct, wise, and prudent decision!

  24. I play volleyball at that school and can honestly say I wouldn't want my children attending. Its
    by far the worst school that
    I have entered, really an embarrassment to Wicomico County.
    I see many people making huge contributions to Salisbury University. Why not public schools?

  25. Because they are mostly poor white & black kids with a bunch of illegals thrown it. Its the truth.

  26. I understand the financial aspect is a serious concern, but the safety of our children (and staff members) must be considered, like it or not. There must be a less expensive way to renovate or build a middle school that is large enough to house the growing number of students. My children attended BMS quite a few years ago, and it was pretty bad even then. It has most definitely been terribly overcrowded for years. I wouldn't be surprised if they're breaking the fire code with the number of students in the building. There has to be a solution soon!

  27. To Country!

    I have got news for you buddy. With all of the money that has been thrown at education - particularly with the Thornton Commission's funding mechanisms - now fully in action - one would think that Maryland's unemployment rate would have substantially dropped.

    Guess What! The unemployment rate has surged - and how do we know this? Because SBYnews compiles and tallies the business closure list for our Tri-County area. There are now more than 60 local businesses that have exodus from our area.

    You bucket has holes and doesn't carry water.

    I say the Wicomico County Council performed a magnificant job - in light of what has transpired.

  28. Someone please tell me as a tax paying citizen why the State, County and City employees have to take furlough days, but the WCBOE employees don't have to. It is not even being discussed at any level. The Wicomico County Council should demand the WCBOE take furlough days to make up for last year and this year. One thing they can do is figure out the formula they used and decrease that amount from their budget.

    Speak up people now!

  29. yes. The cost is too high and the county has to cut spending.

  30. The council made the right decision: bear in mind that O'Malley is trying to push pension obligations $$$$$$$$$$$ on to the counties.

  31. Bravo, county council!

  32. Yes. We need a new school we all agree, but not at that price. They did good to vote no.

  33. Hell no! The gang member who got 15 years in prison will live in much better conditions than the students and teachers at BMS.

  34. ahh...my son went to BMS several years ago and guess what - he is normal, he made good grades, he loved the teachers there, yes it was hot in the summer, but guess what....when I was young, I went to school without airconditioning.
    Good schools dont necessarily bring jobs and look at the crime rate - the highest ever even with the new High school! Think Country might be off base on some of his/her thoughts. Just saying,,,,,,,,,,

  35. Anonymous said...

    I also find it irresponsible for the rumors to be spread that the maintenance crew was told not to fix anything. It was unsubstantiated and most likely not true, especially when these problems have been going on for years. They are not things that "broke" this year. My oldest son went through BMS 10 years ago and the school was in the same disrepair then.

    12:17 PM

    You are full of crap! This has been going on in Wicomico County Schools for years and I know that for a fact. Their belief is to let it deteriorate so that the school can be replaced. Your own admission states the school was in bad shape 10 years ago so that is proof positive the board of education has failed to maintain it's properties. They all should be fired for neglect and destroying public property.

  36. I remember attending an event at Wi Hi approximately 6 or 7 years ago when Dr. Boston was the Superintendent. The BOE had also invited dignitaries and elected officials to the event. How convenient for them to hold the event in the Wi Hi auditorium on one of the hottest days of the year when there wasn't any air conditioning in the building. That event could have been held some where else with air conditioning, but these are the kind of tactics the the BOE uses to "prove a point."

  37. Anonymous said...

    No I Dont think they made the right decision.. My child goes to the school and I know 1st hand how awful the school is. It has nothing to do with the no a/c issue. That's the leaast of the worries. The school is falling apart and has 913 kids in school that is not built for that many kids. People just dont realize how bad of shape the school is in. Just go visit one day or better yet be there when classes change and you cant move in the hallways. They have to schedule times for the kids to use thier lockers becasue they all cant be in the hall at the same time becasue there isnt enough room.

    2:28 PM

    Yep, it's all about your child. Who says there are to many kids in that school? Can you do me a favor and cite your source to prove there are to many kids in that school? My bet is you can't! You are one of those liberal mouth pieces that drink Obama's Kool Aid and deserve his entitlements!

  38. Anonymous said...

    I play volleyball at that school and can honestly say I wouldn't want my children attending. Its
    by far the worst school that
    I have entered, really an embarrassment to Wicomico County.
    I see many people making huge contributions to Salisbury University. Why not public schools?

    3:25 PM

    It is in the shape it is in because of the neglect of the BOE and it's employees. Everyone of them should be fired for neglect.

    I have one question for Anon 3:25 PM and the rest of the narrow minded LIBTARDS! If you owned a home and were embarrassed by it's condition wouldn't you do something about it? The key word here is "OWNED." This city is infested with run down rental properties and the schools are basically the same. The members and employees of the board of education don't own these schools so they refuse to do anything for it's upkeep. It is free tax money and it isn't coming out of their "pockets" so why should they worry about maintaining them. If it tears up we will just replace it. Bad Move!

  39. Anonymous said...

    Because they are mostly poor white & black kids with a bunch of illegals thrown it. Its the truth.

    3:36 PM

    What? Please explain!!

  40. Anonymous said...

    Hell no! The gang member who got 15 years in prison will live in much better conditions than the students and teachers at BMS.

    9:13 PM

    Then why don't you become a gang member!

  41. to the person that said I cant site the source of how many kids go to the school try straight from Rick Briggs mouth the prinicpal! Bennett Middle has more kids than any other school and I actually spend ALOT of time at the school so YES I DO KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!


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