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Friday, March 04, 2011

A Letter To The Editor


The annual cost to the taxpayer for the salary and benefits of the public information officer – probably $75,000 or so – is but a drop in the County’s waste bucket, but it’s not chump-change either. He may perform well as Mr. Pollitt’s mouthpiece and "fixer" – and now the producer of Rick’s TV program. But do we really need those services?

Do we need to have someone to speaking to the media for Mr. Pollitt about matters such as the "issue" involving the proposed new Bennett Middle School? And if Rick wants to have a TV show, shouldn’t it be D-I-Y.

Should this PIO position on the County Executive’s staff be eliminated or at least made a part time position to reduce its cost? What do you think?


  1. And Joe don't forget about Ted Shea. This is the person who should have been without a job when the County Executive was elected. But we still pay him over $100,000 a year I'm sure to do everything the County Executive is paid to do. What a waste of money!!!!

  2. There should be one PIO for Wicomico County and all information should go through that office. The problem is the one that Rick has chosen. We could do much, much better. I just don't understand why Rick would be so supportive of a has been.

  3. Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia are cutting useless PUBLIC (Tax payer) funded jobs, it is time Wicomico County does it.

  4. I'm with you on this! I have never been able to figure out why Rick Pollitt needs a Public Information Officer nor how the position can even be justified. Pollitt's job isn't that huge that he needs to have a mouthpiece. Why can't he be his own spokesman? The salary and benefits are WAY too high for the position and are an insult to the county employees who work harder for much less. Part-time maybe, but certainly not full-time. I don't understand the position of "county administrator" either.

  5. No! its not needed and most importantly neither is Pollitts position nor his staff! I say we force the Council to bring to the table, I'm not waiting 4 more years to see how much he can deceive us

  6. Someone please tell me as a tax paying citizen why the State, County and City employees have to take furlough days, but the WCBOE employees don't have to. It is not even being discussed at any level. The Wicomico County Council should demand the WCBOE take furlough days to make up for last year and this year. One thing they can do is figure out the formula they used and decrease that amount from their budget.

    Speak up people now!

  7. A secretary can do this job, a max part time. If Ricky needs someone to hold his hand and talk for him, Ricky needs to go along with the PIO. NO!! We do not need this position. BUT, will big Rick let him go? No he won't. He just doesn't care about listening to the public.

  8. I think the position is specifically specified in the charter is it not?

  9. Not only do we not need the PIO position, we don't need Rick either. Do away with both of them.

  10. The county voted for the revenue cap, voted for the executive form of goverment. Now admit we made a mistake and ask the council to on put on the ballot in 2012 to recall the position of executive and go back to the council only.

  11. Oh the picture painted early on was we would do away with the likes of Cramer and Shea when we hired a County Executive. But look back at those days and see just how much Government has been added the this county does not need. Right straight out of the shoot he added ED Baker and Shea not to mention all of the other staff he added. Just what exactly does he do himself? Seems someone is always having to hold his hand. But that's the way it is when you have never worked a real job in your life. He's made it this far by sucking up to people in their presence but then doing an about face on them behind their back. Someday all of this will come back and haunt Pollitt it's a shame the people of Wicomico County couldn't see that when they voted for an executive form of Government. The council has taken a first step in an important journey and said no to funding at the present time the only way to curb this out of control spending is to do just that. Lets see how long they'll stick to their guns and stop Pollitt in his tracks. County employee's think they work hard but look at what would be expected of them in the private sector if they had to really perform. We need to get rid of this form of government and go back where we were for some accountability.

  12. honest question- and, I'm not a BOE employee- but, if they furlough teachers, don't they have to pay subs to fill the class room? I'm not sure I'm seeing a savings there- or not the one that we need. I believe the BOE is middle mgmt heavy heavy with directors for the supervisors directors- but, teachers- don't see how paying a sub will help- I'm sure someone can enlighten me

  13. 2:48...it was very well known to the voters that the Executive form of government would add a minimum of $500,000 to the cost of government. Some of us knew it would be even more than that and had the good sense to vote against the measure.

    Any form of government works if you have the right people.We didn't need the change...we needed better people and still do.

  14. 1:37
    No the PIO position is not required in the Charter. There is no mention of a PIO in the Charter. It's online to read for yourself on the county's web page.

  15. 4:08 pm, fair question!

    The school teachers get paid year round so it is obviously a cut in pay.

    And by the way, school teachers are only a small number of the employees and a substitute is cost less anyway.

  16. School teachers do not get paid year round unless they elect to have their pay divided into 12 months instead of 10. And furlough days are being considered in the upcoming budget.

  17. Could the County Council force staff reductions by DE-FUNDING the PIO and Ted Shea's positions?

  18. Next budget should not be passed until alot of positions are eliminated for savings purposes. Start with Fineran, Shea, and Creamer, then move over to the BOE and start eliminating.

  19. What about furloughing the school principles? Seriously, couldn't they just cover for one another for a day or so?

  20. why does ric pollitts secretary need a take home automobile? same as matt creamer! here all we working stiffs are facing $3.50 a gallon gasoline and they are sporting around on the taxpayers dime.these are just a couple more drops in the county waste bucket.

  21. I'd like to apply for the PIO position, could you tell me where its posted, I am sure for half the money I could do the job, the only qualification I don't have is being able to lie and smile at the same time.

  22. Ricky was elected to do this position. He knew he'd make choices some wouldn't like. Isn't he man enough to face his public? I say get rid of the PIO the sooner the better.

  23. Matt Creamer already collects retirement pension and benefits funded by the taxpayer, and now is double dipping. DISGRACEFUL.

  24. The biggest problem in Wecomico County is the people --- the voters. The people voted for a change in Government and voted twice for Rick Pollitt. Stop blaming Rick, and put the blame where it is deserved ---- the voters.

  25. You can "furlough" teachers by simply taking the cost of x number of furlough days and dividing that by the number of payperiods. Then deduct that amount from their checks. There is no actual day taken off. They get off all summer. If they demand to take days off, fine, give them the first week of July.

  26. here you go joe does the wicomico county detention center need 2 majors a colonel that wicomico county paid a hefty bill furnishing his office and a assistant warden that does nothing get rid of these clowns hire more officers they are drafting like crazy there look into this joe if u could

  27. 2:48 - "County employee's think they work hard but look at what would be expected of them in the private sector if they had to really perform."

    I am a county employee, I came from the private sector and I can tell you that I do work hard...mainly because of the stupid hoops that I need to jump thru that the county imposes just to get anything done. Red tape is rampant..stupid rules on everything and no one high up wants to make a decision for fear of doing something people aren't going to like...its been an eye opening experience...its no wonder our national gov't is in such trouble...I can only imagine what their employees go thru to just do their job!


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