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Monday, March 28, 2011


... against the sex offender charged in the child's murder. The brief statement, signed by Sarah Haley Foxwell's parents, Jennifer Foxwell and Thomas Foxwell III, and her aunt, Amy ...

Family members of an 11-year-old Salisbury girl sexually assaulted and brutally killed released a written statement Friday requesting that the current Wicomico County State's attorney prosecute the death penalty case against the sex offender charged in the child's murder.
Editors Notes: The information above came from the Daily Times. Before we expose the TRUTH about the Sarah Foxwell case, you need to be reminded of the Foxwell Family's desire for the death penalty right from the very beginning.


  1. Joe, You have been absolutely right since Weds. 23rd about this case.What went so wrong?

  2. Read the case file, what went wrong is all right there for all to see.

  3. The psychiatric evaluation, police, victims and parents of the victims asked that the person responsible for molestation and rape of two children be imprisoned but the judge felt differently so it didn't happen. Start holding the judicial system accountable and maybe things will change, til then the bastards will continue to receive plea deals and early releases.

  4. there are a lot of problems in the world.. this is just one of many issues

    let's move on

  5. No let's not move on 8:58. This may be the case of one child, kidnapped, raped and murdered but it is important for ALL of the children that are currently alive and residing in Maryland. This case has changed laws. This case will set the bar for future cases. so no let's not move on.

  6. To 9:31 - I absolutely agree. The time is ripe to try and 'set the record straight'. Leggs should be given the Death Penalty. Life is to precious for this sick and dimented bastard.

    Maryland's Judiciary has overstepped its bounds. Sarah Foxwell's spirit will never be forgotton. And neither will the judge that makes the decree.


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