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Monday, March 28, 2011

Former States Attorney Davis Ruark Resigns

Former Wicomico County States Attorney and special prosecutor Davis Ruark has put in his resignation. It will become official immediately following tomorrow's hearing in Elkton following the Thomas Leggs case.

While I will still respect Law Enforcement and States Attorney Matt Maciarello's request by not stating details in what will take place tomorrow, this clearly shows, (in my opinion) this case is over.

Again, Salisbury News will provide ALL of the details about tomorrow several hours before the rest of the MSM. Be here at 10:00 AM for those details.


  1. Yes, this proves a deal was made. Lets save some money and let him out now. I'm sure he'd request police protection instead of facing the public with his head held high.

  2. Now he can get an early start on his book he is writing about this whole case.

  3. I am just so worried about all of this.

  4. Joe...you know it, I know it, and everyone in the world knows that Leggs killed and tortured poor Sarah. How could this happen?

  5. Mike Lewis should follow suit. It was he team that collected evidence and in turn presented it to the SA. There are lots of people at fault here, and we all no which way the stuff rolls.

  6. The family may have not wanted to go through a trial. Life without parole is actually better than the Death Penalty. Maryland rarely executes anyone. Leggs would sit on death row in isolation for years.

    Life without parole means he could end up in general population where sex offenders and child killers get their due from other prisoners.

    This is not a bad thing.

  7. Wait, Davis said he wouldn't ask for anything less than the death penalty. I mean if you can't prosecute this "slam dunk" case then why should I hire you to be my lawyer in court?...........unless I'm looking for a plea deal. Davis what happened to your drive and ambition?

  8. I agree 6:40. If prison were so wonderful how come all the prisoners can't wait to get out?
    And I know of someone who retired from the Hagerstown state prison. He said it's horrible, The place is cold in the winter hot in the summer and it stinks constantly and is filthy. The soup has about 3 beans per bowl and the medical care is substandard at best.

  9. Here's the most interesting part. WILL MACIARELLO or someone in the Sheriff's Office LEAK the information to WBOC before tomorrow morning?

    I can assure you, NO ONE knows what's going to happen within the Media, except me. I have been aware for several days and even though the reason for the media blackout is long past, I may consider releasing the information tonight.

  10. It's over but why or who put an end to it is the question. What are the details? There are so many wrongs from everybody involved in this case. From how this animal got near Sarah, to what happen during the search and after. Hope all the details are heard. Sarah is still the only victim in this case.

  11. anonymous 7:03, trust me, Salisbury News will release EVERYTHING. You will NOT get the details from anyone else. Be patient as this will take a couple of days, it's that long.

  12. You might as well just tell us Joe. I want to get over the shock as soon as possible and move on. Last Christmas all I could think about was Christmas 09.

  13. Do it Joe tell everyone

  14. Well it looks like the Redemption of Davis Ruark is on hold. I really do hope that Davis made a call to his sponser to get through the next couple weeks.

  15. Maybe Ruark resigned because he wanted to go after the death penalty and no one else did.

  16. please just tell me albero who pushed for the deal ruark or matt. to me that says alot .

  17. I have no qualms about pulling the lever on the electric chair for Leggs. What has happened to this world - where is an 'eye for an eye'?

    This guy murdered an innocent child! Is there no justice in Maryland's Court system? If ever the death penalty were warranted - this is such a case.

  18. I'm consulting with my people to make that decision. They're NOT happy about my releasing it early but they also know the blackout worries are well past.

    Jonathan, your comments go right into spam but you will soon see, I knew EVERYTHING and you know NOTHING.

    You have become Maciarello's anonymous mouth piece but when everything is expose3d by SBYNews over the next 48 hours it will challenge everyone.

    To answer one question, Ma ciarello will take the fall for the final decision. While he will possibly pass it off on the FAMILY, he makes the ultimate and final decision.

  19. Real nice bluenews. Learn some manners. I was only repeating what I have heard.

  20. Since Marciareelo is the boss....I have to wonder if he made Ruark put in the plea deal. Davis stayed around for this case but I think Matt blew this one.

  21. I dont follow ruark, but has anyone considered that he resigned because he wanted to go for the death penalty and no one else did? I don't know the whole story or ruark, but is that a possibility?

  22. Ruark was a joke as the SA and he is a joke now. He used this case as a reelection tool, but maybe his supporters now know how corrupt this man really is.

  23. I heard he was resigning before the plea. He is disgusted that the plea is only to kidnapping.

  24. Don't be so quick to blame Mike Lewis and all of the LEO's involved. Remember, Ruark said he has been on the scene since the call came in to GUIDE the police to be sure this case was solid. Anything the police did during the search and collection of evidence was done under the guidance of Davis Ruark.

  25. This thing has been engineered by Ruark to get his job back come next election

  26. this whole thing makes you really wish sam vincent never died.At least he had some backbone and something ole matt will never and that is experience.

  27. What irony: because Sam Vincent was killed, M M is elected and Leggs will live.

  28. Actually I was speaking to the first 6:57 because they were being so nasty before the truth has even been reported. Personally, I think Ruark will do the right thing and that he is a man of integrity, despite what he may basically be forced to do in this case.

  29. I want my vote back! How did this happen to our DAs office?

  30. You all need to quit blaming Ruark here, he's not the boss, Matt is - you know the one w/o a backbone.

  31. 7:10, and 7:47, I agree. I think Davis will/has resigned because he wanted the death penalty, and it's now pleaded out. I have met often with Ruark on other issues, and he is a stand up guy. This is totally in character for him. Kudos, Davis Ruark. Kudos.

  32. Sam, we miss you and I know you can not be happy with what has happened to the office.

  33. I'm sorry bluenews, I didn't see the other comment. I agree with you concerning Davis Ruark.

  34. May God help us all.

  35. If Davis and Sam were prosecuting this case together, then we would be assured of getting the Death Penalty for Thomas Leggs.

  36. This plea totally makes me sick of the DA's office. Ruark was pushing for the death penalty and that is what the people of this county want. Death to the low life murderer, rapist, who burned her body. Is the new DA afraid the people of Wicomico will like Dallas Ruark too much for doing what the people want? Simply Death to the scumbag Leggs.

  37. Davis Ruark resigned BECAUSE he was only hired on for this case. His contract was to run out in June when it was thought the case would be over if they had gone to trial. Due to the plea agreement, the case is over. Ruark's job is finished, it's time for him to move on with his life. When everyone settles down and thinks this through, as I and many others have had to do, you will find this is the best case scenario. Death Penalty would take years to put him to death. Once Leggs pisses in someones cherrios and he will piss in someones cherrios, he will be handed the death penalty in prison. A much more violent death than an injection.

  38. Davis Ruark was sworn in temporarily to try this case. When he resigns that means it's over.

  39. the details of her murder need to be made public. this case cries for the death penalty.

  40. Ruark resigns, Good, Hope we never here from him again!

  41. Good riddence! Go back under the rock you came out from under Ruark!
    Whether Ruark made the plea or not doesnt matter, but I do find it fitting that he is associated with a plea deal to end his career with the D.A. office. He was notorious for stet dockets and deals and will now be forever remembered for this final case. Just research Thomas Leggs jr on case search and read all about Ruarks deals right up to the last one. This guy should have been put away by Ruark 11 years ago and none of this would have happened. We'd still have Sarah. I hope he leaves the area as I won't be able to stand the sight of him and his arrogant ways.

  42. I hope Matt enjoys this term because no matter what he does, when election rolls around again he is gone. I was all for him, voted for him and happy he won.............now I want my vote back and he will never get it again.

  43. I would never vote for Matt again.

  44. I am so amazed at the cattle-mentality revolving around this crime/case this was an ugly defining moment that put Salisbury on the map as an ugly place Frankly I am not so sure how I feel about ugly nature of the commentary here or the point of view being driven.

    but Joe you've provided a venue and an opportunity for the hurt to vent there is value in the job you've done

  45. The State's Attorneys in the case, Davis and Abby, won ALL of the Motions on behalf of the State, including the DNA and Cell Tower stuff. They did an absolutely great job, and if the case had gone to trial would have certainly obtained the Death Penalty for Leggs.

  46. I do believe during the hearing the defense stated, the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment. Ruarks response, NO Sarah Foxwell's death was cruel and unusual punishment!! NUFF SAID!! Kudos Davis!! I hope you keep a presence within Wicomico County.


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