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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Salisbury City Council Election Results Are In.......

The winners from the Salisbury City Council Primary Election are as follows----

Terry Cohen with 18.11% with 532 votes,

Tim Spies with 18.38% 540 votes,

Muir Boda with 13.92% with 409 votes,

Laura Mitchell with 15.35% with 451 votes,

Bruce Ford with 9.43% with 277 votes,

Orville Dryden with 10.35% with 304 votes.


  1. Now we can go to bed...thanks.

  2. Congratulations to all the primary winners!!!!!!

  3. Laura Mitchell got more votes than Manure Boata? What in the world!

  4. Did you eliminate Gordy's little buddy on purpose?

  5. 10:16, I assume by "Gordy's little buddy" you're referring to Joel Dixon. According to the Daily Times, he received just two votes fewer than #6, Bruce Ford. Since this is an unofficial count and since absentees have yet to be counted, Dixon might very well nudge out Ford to take the sixth spot. It does appear, though, the Cohen, Spies, and Mitchell will probably be the three who will take the general election. If so, then the split will be 4-1 (Shanie Shields being all by herself). The mayor will finally have the majority on his side.

  6. Glad to see that Spies, Cohen, and Mitchell all made the cut! Unlike another commenter I am not surprised to see that Laura Mitchell got a large percentage of the vote. She has the background and experience I would like to see on the Council. Ready for April 5th!

  7. Muir Boda — 409
    Terry Cohen — 532
    Joel Dixon — 275
    Orville Dryden — 304
    Bruce Ford — 277
    Laura Mitchell — 451
    Tim Spies — 540
    Michael Taylor — 150

    The absentees could change Ford and Dixon's positions. Could change Spies and Cohen, but only with each other. Unlikely to do anything else.

  8. What a shocker, Congratulation to the Winners!

  9. MissFortune said...

    Glad to see that Spies, Cohen, and Mitchell all made the cut! Unlike another commenter I am not surprised to see that Laura Mitchell got a large percentage of the vote. She has the background and experience I would like to see on the Council. Ready for April 5th!

    11:26 PM

    She has the experience and background?? WTH!! She is unemployed and and unemployable!

  10. I do not see this having a good impact on Salisbury. As predicted the camden association will be ruling the remainder of the city. We will be reverting back to the days when "favors, backscratching, and closed door meetings" dictated the way we do business.

  11. Hey 10:58- Remember the election 4 years ago? Louise Smith fooled alot of people, including some who were running for a seat. Personally, I don't know enough about Mitchell to vote pro or con, but you better believe I'm guarded. Cohen and Spies are tried and true...

  12. This is why voting must be extended to the county again...no one is voting. Winning council seats with less than 600 votes is kinda bad right? Seems really low.

  13. This is why Salisbury is becoming a crap hole...it's citizens don't care enough to even vote. Seems like small group of people voting for themselves. This isnt a good sign for Salisbury. Congrats to the winners but I've seen prom king and queens get more votes.

  14. Lousie was interviewed on WBOC and said she wasn't running to have more time for family. Hmmmm after all it's only a part time job right?

  15. 7:51 don't worry, SAPOA will make sure that alot of folks get to the polls to vote for their candidates ala ACORN style. Will they threaten tenants again or bribe them?

  16. The only threat to tenants is the the city of Salisbury. Some of our employees make 10hr and live in rooms/apts that cost 60 week. Without an affordable place to live she would be homeless.The city not only wants to get rid of affordable/cheap housing but they also want to start fining tenants (fines to landlords for tenant behavior are passed on to tenants) for calling the police....As an employer I explain this to my employees because I'm worried for them and ourselves. If our employees aren't able to secure housing then we will suffer. Landlords have the same concerns and they are passing the information along to their tenants.....in an attempt to get them to vote....and looking at the turnout numbers tenants aren't voting very frequently. I sold our last remaining rentals 3yrs ago and if things don't change....we will be relocating our businesses/investments as well. I've heard the Carolinas are nice.

  17. So the experience from Laura Mitchell that your looking foward to is...what? The fact that she lives in subsidized housing in Salisbury? Wow thats just who I want making decisions for the rest of us residents who actually pay for our homes and bills! This city is pathetic!

  18. 10:05,

    I'm pretty sure you have the wrong Laura Mitchell. The Laura Mithcell running for office has an MBA. I'd say that is a pretty good qualification.

  19. Hey 7:06, buy a house on Camden and you will rule with us !

  20. 9:06 have you ever seen a room for $60 a week? IF so, would YOU love to live in it?


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