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Tuesday, March 01, 2011

County Council Scrubs Bennett Middle School

The Wicomico County Council just voted to drop the proposal to build a brand new Bennett Middle School until next year. My God, I do believe we are seeing some kind of light at the end of the tunnel!

Bob Caldwell and Sharee Sample Hughes voted for the project. BOO!


  1. OMG. I never thought I would live long enough to see it. Thanks goes to those who voted NO.

  2. Way to go Council. You make us proud to finally see a council act responsible for us taxpayers. By the way, my tax bills were in excess of $8000.

  3. Alright. Those chicken fans are much cheaper.

  4. I heard last week that some air conditioning and tinting of the windows could help get through this economic downturn. Thanks council for doing what is responsible for us taxpayers.

  5. This is BS. Now our kids have to suffer in that rat hole even longer. The idiots on the council who don't have kids go there every day need to be voted out.

    It will eventually go through and we as taxpayer will have to pay an addition 5M dollars because of their stupidity.

  6. Caldwell's old lady was teacher at Bennett. Bob's county council job pay him more than his has ever made in his life.

  7. I have said this before and I'll say it again - this is the best County Council that Wicomico has seen in over 40 years. The last County Council to held in similar public esteem was in 1972 - (Lewis Riley, Robert Lawrence, Vic Laws).

    For once - victory to the taxpayers of Wicomico County!

    Great job - Wicomico officials.

  8. Theres gotta be a catch hidden somewhere here.

  9. Great work from the council tonight. I have heard that some have actually visited the school and saw the needs. A huge thank you to the council for voting for the people.

  10. Surely the school teachers and administrators must realize that our County cannot afford such an expensive project under our current economic state.

    And by the look of things around here, there doesn't appear to be any relief in sight.

  11. As a future Bennett Middle Parent, all I have to say is BOO! I can't wait to vote this council out. They need to walk in this school once to see how bad it is.

  12. Has Sample-Hughes ever worked in the private sector? I doubt it. Doesn't she work at Shore-Up now? She only knows how to drink from the trough. Thanks to those who have made a real living.

  13. 7:54 Businesses are closing their doors daily. How do this people think we can continue this tax and spend mentality? Frederickson needs to get real or find a home somewhere else.

  14. I am a teacher in the county and I agree this did not need to happen right now. Times are tough for all. Being a tax payer in the county as well, I would rather see money spent on crime, the roads, and a focus on job growth!

  15. It is a sad day for our youth. Get rid of the revenue cap but keep the tax cap and this county would have paved roads that are not falling apart and schools we would be proud of.

  16. Kudos to the majority...there is hope.

  17. Good! Glad they listened to the taxpayers. Now, we need to get Pollitt to listen too. Cut your payroll & services. Don't add any extras either. This is a start.

  18. Way to go council! Such a relief to see fiscal responsibility. Something should be done to upgrade the school, but blowing $75million on another taj mahal is out of the question. Bennet High has over 60 plasma screen tv's to display the cafeteria menu and it is that sort of waste of tax payer money that put us in this situation. You cant expect someone like Sample-Hughes to understand that. Her spend today and worry about tomorrow liberal mentality is what is killing the country. It is so obvious she has never worked in the private sector.

  19. I am tried of hearing how the rich Bennett children do not have air conditioning. The little children at West Salisbury Elementary do not have it either and you didn't hear them crying like this. Who's worrying about them???? Some window units would help without it costing 5M. I know for a fact some of the classrooms at West Salisbury reached temperatures in the high 90's and yes, sometimes over 100 degrees. NO, all of them did! The big kids need to suck it up and quit crying.

  20. Northwestern is only getting a/c now after 43 years because Grasmik spoke at the school in June and saw how hot it was. Only after the school raised 12,000 would the project start. So I don't think Bennett Middle is the only school that needs improvements. Now isnt the time though.

  21. I survived 16 yrs in Maryland classrooms without AC. I do not remember it being all that bad. Its good teachers and books that count.

  22. All those who voted no should visit the school on August 29th, when new students arrive. They can see the lockers that don't work, a completely insecure campus where anyone can walk in and walk out, failing structures, holes in walls, mold, dilapidated grounds.

    Further, they can enjoy paying for bussing the HS students off to fields somewhere else, because BMS sits on the HS's athletic fields.

    If anything was an ARRA project, this would most definitely be it.

  23. To the idiot who said the "rich kids at Bennett" can stop crying and suck it up.. do you even have a clue what neighborhoods make up the Bennett school district? I think the Princeton Ave and Camden Ave areas are far from what anyone would consider rich. Sounds like you want to play the race card where it has no business being played. This is about a middle school that is SEVERELY over crowded, falling apart and yes, it is without air conditioning. There is one entrance/exit into the school which can take up to 30 mins to get in and out of in the morning when you drop off your child because of the area being so conjested. There are many things that the council can sacrifice in order to save money, but our children's education is not one!

  24. Anonymous said...

    All those who voted no should visit the school on August 29th, when new students arrive. They can see the lockers that don't work, a completely insecure campus where anyone can walk in and walk out, failing structures, holes in walls, mold, dilapidated grounds.

    Further, they can enjoy paying for bussing the HS students off to fields somewhere else, because BMS sits on the HS's athletic fields.

    If anything was an ARRA project, this would most definitely be it.

    9:34 PM

    Wah Wah Wah!!

    Why don't the lockers work? Poor maintenance and Juvenile Delinquent thugs destroying property that's not theirs?

    Why is the campus insecure? Because someone is not locking the doors!

    Failing stuctures? Have no idea WTF you are talking about!

    Holes in the walls? Patch the damn things! If you get a hole in the wall of your home don't you fix it!

    Mold? Prove it!

    Dilapidated grounds? Again, WTF are you talking about.

    All of these problems you might be referring to could have and should have been addressed and taken care of and this would never have been a problem. BOO HOO you liberal butt holes who think you are entitled to my tax dollars!!

  25. Anonymous said...

    To the idiot who said the "rich kids at Bennett" can stop crying and suck it up.. do you even have a clue what neighborhoods make up the Bennett school district? I think the Princeton Ave and Camden Ave areas are far from what anyone would consider rich. Sounds like you want to play the race card where it has no business being played. This is about a middle school that is SEVERELY over crowded, falling apart and yes, it is without air conditioning. There is one entrance/exit into the school which can take up to 30 mins to get in and out of in the morning when you drop off your child because of the area being so conjested. There are many things that the council can sacrifice in order to save money, but our children's education is not one!

    10:08 PM

    Boo Hoo...it's all about our children again. OMG how did we ever survive in the one room school houses.

    Your lame mantra about the "children" is getting old.

    30 minutes to get into one entrance? You liberal morons need to quit exaggerating.

  26. The one fly in the ointment is that, by postponing the project, the cost will be going up. I don't see how that is going to help the taxpayers.

  27. Ok enough already.
    The school isn't being done just now.

    It does need to happen however. How Sby, MD can support all these busniesses moving in and not renovate its schools to handle the influx of new families moving in is beyond me.

    While my daughter attends Bennett High School its funny to think that those plasma tvs are simply used just to display school lunch menus that can be downloaded on a pdf at home via the county school web page....there are some teachers that simply do not care to learn the newer technology that they are suddenly being forced to use.
    Why they don't allow private donations to the budget for fiscal relief is beyond me, they could even set up some special thing for alumni to leave money for future school construction from their wills and estates when they pass on if they don't have this already. Let's not complain about this problem, let's find a solution to it instead.

  28. I'm one of the few that is disappoint with this vote. While the local economy is struggling, construction costs are at their lowest level not seen in years. The economy is also taking it's toll on large construction companies forcing many into bankruptcy and going out of business. When the economy does improve construction costs will most certainly increase while providing fewer capable large construction companies to bid on this project.

    I'm also disappointed with comments made by Wicomico County Council members who demand a "realistic" plan to lower construction costs. This "realistic" plan coming from individuals who not one is an civil engineer, architect, has no understanding of public building construction codes and regulation.

    Oh well, when this inevitable project does come for a vote, the construction most certainly cost 20% higher.

  29. good job council!!!! now set your aim at other aspects of govt waste.example,gasoline going out the roof and alot of take home cars that should be left in the lot of the g.o.b. fireboat for sbury should be sunk long time ago. civic center seems to be way overmanaged.same for board of education alot of fat to be trimmed in alot of depts there.

  30. thanks 9:14 you are correct. If you could just drop a new school in there, how long would it be before the juvenile thug kids break the lockers and put holes in the new walls? Just put portables out back like they do at Mardela and when they get all torn up drag them to the county landfill.

  31. How about the 30 teachers at Bennett who have had cancer in the last 10 years? Does that mean postponing the project will place another 3 for a fight for their life? Or is it going to be our students that suffer down the road? I understand the economy is a dump but the project IS feasable and necessary.

  32. I agree we need job growth in this area, but this is what future business sees. They see a high crime rate, over-regulation, and most importantly an uneducated workforce with a drug problem. Most people around here are unemployable. They will also see a council and electorate that is hostile toward education. Great teachers are the most important aspect of the child's education, along with the child and the parents. If I'm a good teacher hired to work at Bennett Middle, I'm looking to work somewhere else in a hurry. In order to attract good people, you need good working conditions and pay.

    The environmental requirements of state funding for this building aren't going to change, so the price won't come down at all. Everyone complains about the brick pavers, but rain water soaks through and between the pavers into the ground instead of running off of concrete and into the storm drains. The ignorance of this region just reared its ugly head again.

  33. 5:50 - in what world is $75 million a low price? Do some research on what schools of this size should cost. Even Joe Holloway said he talked to a council member from over the bridge that just completed a $75 million dollar school for twice the student population - And it is over the bridge in that inflated market. For half the students and half the population how can you say that $75M is a good price? Especially if construction companies are so hungry for work.....give us a real price and earn the work instead of fleecing the taxpayers and securing the work based off of whatever backroom deals these people did in the past.

  34. The project IS NOT feasible. How can you not understand this? Local and state governments are bleeding money due to poor management for years. They would not be able to meet the debt service of this loan. ie NOT FEASIBLE - because they cant present a realistic plan. And THIS plan is not necessary. If the BOE cares about making a change they should present a renovation plan. Why hasnt that been done in the last 20 years?

  35. Agree with 6:47. Just about all of these teachers were from the B-Wing. The council should walk through in June and see how condusive it is to learning with no AC and broke windows.

  36. I wish I had as much power as people think teachers have in the county. WCBOE does not listen to their teachers....never have!
    To all of you that say "well 35 years ago or whatever...I didn't have AC and made out fine!" Well, that is right so did I, but way back in the "dark ages" a lot of places and homes didn't have AC. We also didn't require people to wear seat belts while driving, or have kids strapped into car seats, or require kids to wear helmets while riding their bike. Now a days, this is the norm..... why? becaue we learned a thing or two, AC is cheaper than it was back then along with other things that were new back when we were kids. So, yes, they can survive without AC but why... when we live in the times that we do.

    A lot of you say to put window AC units in, but some of these old building's electrical units can't handle the power that is needed.

    We all understand the money thing, but BMS and West Salisbury are falling apart. Something has to be done for these schools.

  37. Everyone who thinks this project can wait should spend some time at the school. What some dont realize is the school has 913 students. The school is only built for about half of that. When classes change you cant move in the hallways.Bennett Middle has more students than any other midde school in wico. Cnty. The school is a dump! The portables are just as bad. The county council's kids must not go the BMS or they would care!

  38. When I went to school, Delmar Jr-Sr High School, there was no ac and we could not wear shorts! We survived and so will these kids. Kids are too spoiled and expect too much now days!

  39. This decision and the delay will add at least $5 million a year to the cost of the project.
    Councillors who think the design is too fancy should learn more about contemporary school design in the real world.
    Dumb, dumb, dumb!

  40. So if everyone complaining about this not going through, would use some of their energy in helping the school "get up to par", donate your time and fundraise, paint, fix lockers etc. This would not be an issue. We could survive during these economic times. Also, with Parkside's CTE program, why not utilize the resourses of the kids to help bring their school back up to par. Most of us survived without air condition. Since when does this need to become a necessity? Some of the kids could use the sweat to work off a few pounds from all the sitting in front of the TVs playing videos. If the kids were not in school in the non air conditioned building they would most likely be home out side in the heat. Remember, if the parents whine, the kids will whine. Toughen them up!

    Great Work Council! You have made us Proud!

  41. I'd like to know how many schools Joe Holloway has built since he seems to know so much about it.

  42. Anonymous 9:42, How many have YOU built?

  43. Everyone keeps saying the kids are spoiled they can live without a/c. Enough! A/c is not the issue. Go to the school and look at the conditions. The school is beyond repair,It overcrowded, and falling apart. You cant out a band aid on it and make it better.

  44. 10:08 PM

    Boo Hoo...it's all about our children again. OMG how did we ever survive in the one room school houses.

    Your lame mantra about the "children" is getting old.

    30 minutes to get into one entrance? You liberal morons need to quit exaggerating.


    Maybe one room school houses worked when there were 20 kids in the entire school back in 1900 you moron.... with over 900 students I seriously doubt a one room school house would work, but maybe we can send your grandkids there and see how they make out.
    Get a grip you old fart.


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