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Thursday, March 17, 2011

President O'Bama? Irish-American Relatives ID'd

WASHINGTON - A family history website says President Barack Obama has 28 living relatives who descended from an Irishman who fled the potato famine -- including a displeased Arizona Republican.

The Democratic president's newly identified relatives are revealed in a study released to The Associated Press by Ancestry.com , whose genealogists traced descendants of the Irish passengers on the ship that brought Falmouth Kearney to the United States in 1850.



  1. The countries first black Irish president???

  2. Do you think we can talk the Irish into taking him back? I would be willing to help pay for the plane ticket.

  3. Here's a hoot-- I heard that his lineage qualifies him for membership in the Sons Of The American Revolution-- he had an ancestor that fought in the revolution.

  4. Still doesn't make him an American citizen, does it??? Northern Ireland or Southern Ireland?? I'll chip in on that plane ticket.


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