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Monday, March 28, 2011

Maryland's Transvestite Protection Act


Maryland Delegate Mike McDermott (a true public servant if ever there was one) reported in his Field Notes Post on Sunday that the Maryland House passed what is euphemistically called a 'Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Anti-discrimination' bill during Saturday's session.

Mike's comment:

"..One of the more disturbing bills passed on Saturday was HB-235. This is the “transgender, cross-dresser” bill which now requires for employer accommodations of these confused individuals. The bill will allow for our public school teachers to call themselves “Bob” one week and “Bonnie” the next week.

"It will be a real problem for small business and big business alike and is sure to be just one more reason not to move a family or a business into Maryland. Myself and Delegate Otto did not vote for this  bill for reasons too numerous to name..."

[The bill info for HB235, including a link to the actual text of the bill can be found here.]

One might wonder about the fact that the voting took place on Saturday, though that may have just been where it popped up in the logjam, but this bill sure seems to have been moved under the radar.

The Gay Marriage issue had been pretty much front-and-center for a good while, and that may have diverted attention from HB235. But there has been little mention of it in the 'press' in the days coming up to the vote-- a fact that makes it look even more like the Stealth bill it apparently is.

One of the main points of the legislation seems to be that if some guy is 'feeling pretty' today and wants to put on full makeup and a lovely print dress for work, not much can be said.  An employer will be required to make accommodation.

Somebody will say "It's about time. This is America. You can be whatever you want to be."

But what happens when he has to 'tinkle' and he heads for the ladies room?

Are you liberal ladies going to be OK with that?  How about your husbands?

And, as Delegate McDermott indicated, this could even show up in our schools.  What a wonderful thought.

Delegate Rudolph Cane said the bill is about "ending discrimination."

That's a pretty selective application of that concept.

So if a male teacher comes to work wearing a dress, that's fine-- his 'right'-- but if he were to come to work carrying a Bible, what then?

Imagine when Podunk Tractor Supply's parts-counter guy decides to start coming to work as 'Jane' instead of Joe, and their parts business falls off to nothing.  They're stewed.  Can't discriminate, you know.

And how about Betty (who'd rather be called 'Bill')-- one day when she goes to the beach, she decides to just put on some swim trunks like the other 'guys' and skip the top.

"They don't have to wear one, so why should I?"

You have to wonder what's going through the heads of the many 'delegates' who sponsored and voted for this bill. The only thing I can think of is 'upcoming election' and votes (though the word 'pandering' also comes to mind.)

But I think they've really stepped in something this time. This is radical, even for the People's Republic of Maryland.

The bill now moves to the Senate's Judicial Proceeding Committee for amendments and according to the Maryland House's clerk office, should receive a vote on the Senate floor before the end of this year's legislative session on April 11.

I'll be amazed if we hear anything about it before that vote takes place.
Monty Vernon


  1. wow, Maryland is liberal state isnt it. No wonder their are so many flakes there....

    Too, funny, this might be because Maryland has got rid of the nut houses and they are all working as politicians now.

  2. I guess new bathroom option will be


    Maryland, too funny...

  3. 1% of population making rules for the other 99%

    Liberals at their best.

  4. I don't consider it discrimination when it is self-inflicted. They do this for attention and cry when they get it.

  5. Del. Rudolph Cane (D-Dorchester and Wicomico) said the bill is about ending discrimination.

    "We're telling you to do that [which] is fair and honest with people and protect [people's] rights," he said, "I'm voting green on this bill, because I don't want the word bully to be labeled to me. I want people to live good."

    From his own mouth.

  6. We are truly nearing the end times.

  7. 10:21, that's good. Or maybe HIS, HERS, UNDECIDED. My, what a changing world we're in!

  8. 11:08, the comment or the post? LOL! Don't you think we have enough real problems to worry about?

  9. Hence why we are looking into Homeschooling.


    How about His, Hers, and every queer combination of both you might ever imagine?

  11. well, i hope this means the kids can wear what ever they want and have whatever haircut they want because when i was in school, you couldnt wear anything "distracting". i think if a teacher showed up dressed as the opposite sex , that could be construed as "distracting" so what then? all these laws to "protect" us are ruining this country. being politically correct does not over rule common sense, or does it? it seems like more and more often, we are ignoring common sense in favor of supposed "rights"

  12. Another example of idiotic rambling.
    "Imagine when Podunk Tractor Supply's parts-counter guy decides to start coming to work as 'Jane' instead of Joe, and their parts business falls off to nothing."
    Why would their business fall off? Because of the person at the counter?
    Wow! I cannot believe how dumb you people can be.

  13. Alex if there was another Tractor Supply across the street I would give my business to them especially if I had one of my kids with me.

  14. It's all about the liberal fruits getting as close as possible to children. We can still run these people out of our community once they're identified.

  15. c'mon, Alex, of course you can believe it. You see them here everyday! Is it their parts that will fall off, or their business? And if their parts fall off, will this bill apply to them? Gee, Mabel, some liberal loonie is gonna ruin my tractor supply business! Thanks for the comic relief of the day.

  16. Is it "Alex" or Alexa" Maybe this bill is for you!

    Craig Theobald

  17. well to each their own
    if ya wanna change your gender your race or your species fine
    find an appropriate venue or planet for your transition or what ever you want to call it
    but give children some peace
    things are confusing enough for them with little promise of any thing stable where their futures are concerned


  19. This Bill creeped into the back door. This is totally sick and cant imagine the many sick and twisted Delegates who pushed, passed and voted on this bill. I want to hurry up and retire and leave this liberal state. Del. McDermott is so true in his statements. Those who voted for this are totally SICK!!! Rudy Cane's comment (well I didnt expect much from that idiot) What a poor excuse to vote for the bill Rudy...Cant wait to retire and leave this liberal state..

    Posting my name to this one:
    Van Muir from Snow Hill, Md

  20. Joe. Please post the names of our local officials who voted for this Bill. I'd be willing to bet they are all Democrats. What happened to common sense? Perhaps they should be drug tested. I wonder what is Rudy Canes bra size.

  21. The way I see it is I may not be able to fire bill for being a fag or crossdresser but I can fire him for not showing up. See, I did not hire "Princess" and when she comes to fill in for Bill I will send her home because I do not allow family members or friends to fill in for Bill. I hired Bill and that better be who shows up. I will close the doors long before I allow a crossdresser, transgender, dike, fag or whatever is the politcally correct name for it today, to represent me in my business. I have a business to run and don't have time for this BS. One more reason to leave the Great Republic of MD

  22. Lmao. How do these people get elected. If people can cross dress to work how will employers have any say over dress code? 10:22 nailed it. Stop changing the nation to accomadate the 1% of wierdos

  23. So how does sexual discrimination work on this now. So if you wont hire a white mail, then maybe you'll hire a white female/male...

    Hey wait, a whole new race which means you can get work anywhere. Think about it, best of all worlds. They will have to hire so many people to prove they are not discriminating against you. Colleges will have to take you in for free, and Government services will have to hire you for their quota that does not exist.

    Wow, African Americans, Indians, Asians, Hispanics... Look out, her comes It's

    Great stuff, only in Maryland

  24. Craig and Van,
    Why does this upset you so much after all both of you participate in Sheriff's Dept. 'Drag Show' EVERY YEAR!
    Sounds like this bill may be hitting a little close to home?
    You know they say that the people who hate things that are different from what they are, are usually repressing their own inner desires.

  25. 09:28--U just want to stir up the pot. Maybe U dont have the guts to stand up for what is right and what is sick. Seems to me you need to be a real man and not hide behind your little words..or are you a He She??

  26. So if I'm a male who owns a business and I decide to become a female tomorrow... then I can claim "minority owned business" preference and get a lot more gov't contracts and work. Thanks liberal idiots - Affirmative action finally reaches white males!!!!


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