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Monday, March 28, 2011

A Letter To The Editor


Have you noticed that after her good showing in the primary election, Ms. Mitchell has been “adopted” by SAPOA – her signs have suddenly appeared at many of the rental homes. It’s almost as if they were “leering” at the public, no pun intended.


  1. She is a SAPOA plant remember where she lives and her SAPOA donations to her campaign, we will not be louweaseled again

  2. Dryden and Boda will bring us more of the Mike Dunn, Gary Comegys, Barrie Tilghman "leadership" that has brought our city to the brink of financial ruin, not to mention turning a blind to crime as it festered and grew.

  3. 11:11 Do you even know Orville Dryen? OBVIOUSLY NOT or you wouldn't make un-factual comments like the one you just made. Gain a little knowledge before you speak!

  4. Birds of a feather, flock together, nuff said.

  5. Orville's tightly wired into the Good Old Boy network in Somerset County-- no reason to believe he wouldn't play ball up the road, too.
    He's a nice fellow, but bears watching.

  6. Does anybody know Orville Drydent? Yes, he's been in the Lion's Club for 40 years, but lots of people have. Any other community service? He's never been seen at a council meeting or any other city government function except for the last 3 months.
    He's on the ticket as a spoiler. From what he says he's not all that interested in being on the council at all.
    Makes one wonder how much SAPOA offered him to embarrass himself over and over again in the public eye with his lack of knowledge about anything having to do with government or the city's problems.

  7. Dontcha just love the number of Boda and Dryden signs in front of vacant houses and scabby properties? And the one on Church Street stuck in the door of the low end pawn shop is a real winner.

  8. Mitchell is trying to stay neutral and reasonable. Comments castigating her because neutrality and rationality don't appeal to the Camden Crowd are misplaced.

  9. I would have voted for her, but not now. I might vote for Ford instead, along with Spies & Cohen for sure.

  10. I have met and talked with Laura Mitchell. I don't see her as linked to anybody. (So maybe I'm naive). I particularly was impressed with her recent appearance at the Camden Ass'n forum when she said that she was not aligned with anyone. She is all for civility, which we so sorely need on the Council. I believe that she will work well with Spies and Cohen or with any others who are elected. I will be voting for her on April 5, along with Spies and Cohen. They and Debbie Campbell will make a fine coalition. I'm not sure where Shanie Shields will fit in all of this; I guess we'll have to see.

  11. Orville is a retired federal employee. All they know is how to waste taxpayer money.

  12. Orville Dryden was put up by John Cannon and Phil Tilghman to protect the landlords. Laura Mitchell is not in any way affiliated or associated with SAPOA. Bruce Ford on the other hand, is running for the seat that Jeff Dean will control from the background. Ford said many times before the primary that he didn't really care if he won or lost. Does this sound like a person with the best interest of the city at heart?

  13. Boda came to my door not long ago accompanied by Phil Insley. Dryden hails from the same Good ole boy network in Somerset County that spawned Rick Pollitt. LouWeasel promised the same promises that fooled ALL of us that Laura Mitchell now spouts. What are the consequences of voting for Spies and COhen and writing in someone?

  14. 2:48:

    Suggest just voting for Mr. Spies & Ms. Cohen, because a write in vote is just a symbolic gesture in this election.

  15. Ms. Mitchell: Tear down that sign!

  16. If Boda came to my door with Phil Insley I know darned good and well I wouldn't vote for him - that's like saying I'm here with one of the slum lords, won't you please vote for me. No Thanks!

  17. Joe:

    Please ask her why she is doing this or allowing it to happen. We thought she was on the side of city residents. WRONG!

  18. To the 1:08 Camden Hater, if you knew anything at all, you would know that Mitchell has a number of signs up in Camden, including with those "Camden Crowd" people, Cohen and Spies.

    There is NO "Camden Crowd." It's a great neighborhood with lots of intelligent people, many of whom are my friends (I live on the East side.)

    Cohen and Spies have lots of support all over town, not just in Camden. People who constantly insult that neighborhood are probably just jealous because they ARE a neighborhood of people who look out for neighbors instead of just slamming the door when they come home and firing up the a big screen.

    Bet you hate them because they volunteer in soup kitchens and read to their children, too.

  19. 3:19 Well he absolutely came to my door with Insley and gave us a pamphlet. That is more than enough reason to vote against him.

  20. Good Lord. Base you vote on the merits of the candidate, not on the baseless hearsay of this crowd of jackels. By the way, if a candidate can be bought for a small campaign donation, one's soul is being sold at a very cheap price.

  21. It seems like Mitchell's whole platform is "I'll Be Civil."
    Well fine, but what are your POSITIONS on the issues?
    Will you be civil while you pull a LouWeasel?

  22. Yep, I agree with 5:07 about Mitchell. Not much of real answers, just "it will depend on..", "I would need to see ...", etc. watch Camden Forum tomorrow on PAC 14 and judge for yourself.

  23. 3:47-

    Did you not take your meds today -- that comment is in favor of Spies and Cohen!

  24. That candidates' forum is on PAC 14 tomorrow, at 4PM.

  25. Another sapoa bashing thread. Sapoa doesn't control our city, it's controlled by a liberal mayor and council...and look what you've got. Housing has nothing to do with crime. People commit crimes...has there ever been a house arrested for murder? This misguided focus on landlords is why crime is so high. Salisbury is a slum bc it's a low income city that attracts the bottom of the barrel. Every person who graduates from su leaves, why is that? Ever try and open a business in Salisbury? Not easy. Why did our local brewery go to delmar? Why does every restaurant downtown eventually fail? Why does law enforcement focus their time on traffic stops? These problems have nothing to do with housing. Low income housing is a symptom of low income jobs. Want nicer neighborhoods? Attract better people by attracting better job opportunities. It's called the hood because the people living there aren't neighborly...hence the word hood with no neighbor in front of it. Put those same people in Nithsdale and see how it looks in couple years...hood

  26. Laura = Louweasel

  27. 5:42...there were TWO comments at 1:08 p.m. That's why 3:47 specified the Camden Hater of the two.

    Almost got by me, too.

    Funny! Got to refer to everyone here by a timestamp instead of a name!

  28. A lot of traffic stops lead to violation of probation, outstanding warrants and or drug possession.

  29. Good Grief. I am beginning to thing certain people are making it their career to get on here daily to spread hate. Funny thing is, every time one of you posts a nasty comment, you really reveal that you are not interested in taking this city to a new cooperative level. You want to continue to revel in old wounds. Well, the city has had ten years of hate perpetuated by individuals with a divisive political agenda, and we are tired of it. The rest of the city is sick of hearing the same old crap about council members being bought. It is a nice bit of slander, but it's unfounded. And, FYI, just because SAPOA or any other organization supports a candidate, doesn't mean they own a candidate. Souls just are not sold that cheaply. Why don't you folks try civility. Or here's a notion, seek first to understand a world other than your own before you are so willing to throw a council candidate or a group of people literally under the bus. Perhaps if you really did try to see another perspective, you'd realize we all have a lot more in common than we have to fight about.

  30. You should know, Mikey.


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