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Monday, December 13, 2010

Sari-Clad Indian Ambassador To US 'Humiliated' By TSA Gropers

Indian officials are lodging a complaint  following an "unacceptable" TSA public pat-down of India's sari-clad ambassador—despite the fact that she presented diplomatic papers and was escorted to the airport by police. 

Witnesses say Meera Shankar was told she was picked out of a group of passengers in a security line at Mississippi's Jackson-Evers International Airport because of the way she was dressed. 

The ambassador, who had been visiting Mississippi State University, was then thoroughly searched in clear view of everyone, even though she asked for a private check.

She has vowed never to return to the state because of her treatment. "She is a very strong woman, but you could see in her face that she was humiliated," an MSU professor who witnessed the search tells the Clarion-Ledger. 

"The Indian culture is very modest." Mississippi's lieutenant-governor, who met with Shankar during her visit to the state, says he regrets the "outrageous way" she was treated by federal employees.


[This is certainly what we need to be doing-- humiliating the ambassador of one of our few allies in the region. Another clear demonstration of the 'competence' of Janet Napolitano and the TSA.   --Editor] 


  1. Where's the "story" here?? The ambassador was searched. Just like everyone else. Being an ambassador or a diplomat, a Senator or movie star, or what have you is NOT a reason to get special treatment. Live with it, just like all Americans have to....and don't think that these sexual assaults by government agents (and ironically, YOU get arrested for failing to submit) aren't detested by Americans. Its just that no one gives a crap.

  2. dont like illegal searches myself. dont like illegal random checks along the roadside either. But if I as an American have to put up with this illegal activity by LEOs, those who are not Americans should have to go through it too.


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