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Monday, December 13, 2010

Federal Judge To Rule On Obamacare's Constitutionality

A Virginia federal judge is expected to rule Monday on whether the Obama administration's health law violates the Constitution, opening a new stage in the administration's defense of its biggest legislative achievement.

The ruling by District Judge Henry E. Hudson is perhaps the most significant so far among a slew of state-based legal challenges to the law, which also faces attack by newly resurgent Republicans in Congress. More than 20 federal lawsuits have been filed against the health overhaul since President Barack Obama signed it in March.

While the cases differ somewhat, they largely rest on the argument that Congress lacks constitutional authority to require most Americans to carry health insurance or pay a fee. The Obama administration counters that three clauses of the Constitution gave Congress the power to put the requirement, known as the individual mandate, in the law as part of regulating how people pay for health care.

The Virginia challenge is led by that state's attorney general, Republican Ken Cuccinelli. Separately, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in Pensacola, Fla., on Thursday will hear arguments in a challenge brought by officials in 20 states. He could offer the clearest indication yet of how he will rule.                             

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  1. dont accept VA quality health care when the premiums that are mandated are that of which reflect the quality of health care received by congress.Is our country and our communities so broke that they dont even care anymore...FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.get out and let your representatives know that you are not going to stand for it anymore.answer-tort reform.look it up.

  2. Cuccinelli is a total nut case.

  3. The judge will not go against the system.Big joke

  4. 11:20

    Looks like you stuck your foot in your mouth.


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